
Whenever the passionate poet renews his memories

كلما جدد الشجي ادكاره

1. Whenever the passionate poet renews his memories
It disturbs his heart and sets it aflutter

١. كلما جدَّدَ الشجيُّ ادِّكارَهْ
أزعج الشوق قلبه واستطارَهْ

2. I wonder where the progeny of Allah's Messenger parted
And abandoned his tomb, how they deserted his sanctuary

٢. ليت شعري أَين استقل عن الله
و بنوه وكيف أَخلوا مزاره

3. After the elite had kept their company
And they followed the path of passion wherever it led

٣. بعدما راوحتهمُ صفوةُ العي
شِ وقالوا طوعَ الهوى أَوطاره

4. They wandered freely in pursuit of intimacy
And spent their youth in dissipation

٤. وجروا في مطارد الأنس طلقاً
واجتلوا من زمانهم أَبكارهْ

5. Amidst goblets, gardens, streams
Music, pleasure and amorous adventures

٥. بين كأسٍ وروضةٍ وغدير
وسماعٍ ولذةٍ وغضاره

6. Where have they settled, in meadows and shelters
Or paused by rosebeds and springs?

٦. أَين حلوا فمعشبٌ ومقيلٌ
أَو أَناخوا فوردةٌ وبهاره

7. With a sovereign whom cupbearers attended in his presence
Flutists playing behind the curtains

٧. من مليكٍ زَفَّتْ بحضرته الكأ
سَ قيانٌ يعزِفن خلفَ الستاره

8. A minister who would stealthily indulge in pleasures
A commander girded with a sword

٨. ووزيرٍ قد بات يسترق اللذا
تِ وهنا والليلُ مرخٍ إِزاره

9. A goblet of diluted wine circulated among them
How many a Umayyad youth who at nightfall

٩. وأميرٍ ممنطقٍ بنداما
ه وكأس الطِّلا لديهم مُداره

10. Spurred by passion and its steeds unleashed
Like Yazid and his affair with Abu Qays

١٠. كم فتى من بني أمية أمسى
وخيولُ الهوى به مستطاره

11. And what he exposed of it in 'Ammat Ar
The revels of Ibn Ja'da and Al-Akhtal

١١. كيزيدٍ وشأنه مع أبي قي
سٍ وما قد عراه في عَمّاره

12. When they savored the vintage of the vine untainted
Spending the night with Ibn Ziyad

١٢. ونداماه كابن جعدة والأخ
طل إِذ عاقراه صفواً عقاره

13. Qutayba ibn Muslim and their day
Marwan and his son when the delights of life

١٣. وقضى ليله مع ابن زيادٍ
وقتيب بن مسلمٍ ونهارهْ

14. Seduced them with the trills of response
His drinking companions the sons of Yalya the Brazen

١٤. وكمروان وابنه حين واسى
بلذاذات عيشه سُمّاره

15. Who spent their dawns in the countryside manor
And the likes of Al-Walid the Commander

١٥. نادمته أبناء يالية اللا
ئي قضى في ربوعهم أسحاره

16. Who would miss his mornings and their creation
In his company Al-Ghurayd and Ibn Surayj

١٦. وكمثل الوليد ذي القصف إذ كا
نَ يغب اصطباحه وابتكاره

17. Displaying every accomplished art
Songs more delectable than wine's thrill

١٧. ولديه الغَرِيض وابن سُرَيْجٍ
أُظهرا كل صنعةٍ مختاره

18. And dances more tantalizing when awakened
Sulayman the Virtuoso when

١٨. من غناءٍ أَلذ من نشوة الكأ
س وأشهى من صبوةٍ مستثاره

19. He expressed his passion for the charming singers
And Yazid ibn Khalid and Abul-Zayd

١٩. وسليمان ذي الفنوة إِذ كا
ن لنحو الذلفاء يبدي افترارهْ

20. Two boon companions soothing his affliction
With discourse that would hasten comfort upon comfort

٢٠. ويزيد بن خالدٍ وأبو زي
دٍ نديمان يشفيان أُواره

21. And provoke the wandering stars
As he was serenaded by Sinan's singing

٢١. بحديثٍ يستعجل الراح بالرا
ح ويحتث أنجماً سيَّاره

22. Glorifying and unveiling his anguish
And Ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz when he savored the wine cups

٢٢. إِذ بمغنى سنان كان يغالي
ويجلِّي يشدوه أكداره

23. And paired them in the days of command
And Yazid al-Mu'ammar when desire's thrill

٢٣. وابن عبد العزيز إِذ راوح الكأ
س ووالاه في زمان الإِماره

24. Captured him night and day
Subb seduced him until she allowed

٢٤. ويزيد المعمود إِذ خامرته
نشوة الراح ليله ونهاره

25. Her notoriety to be freely indulged
Salama enticed him until

٢٥. وسبت لبه حُبابة واسته
وته حتى أباح فيها اشتهاره

26. Anxiety disturbed his thoughts and awakened them
As Ma'bad's melody lamented passionately

٢٦. واستمالت به سَلامة حتى
أقلق الوجد فكره وأثاره

27. Composing its strings however he wished
And how many tunes he set for it

٢٧. إِذ يناجيه لحن مَعْبَد بالشج
و كما شاء معملاً أوتارهْ

28. To the rhythm of ''Uwwadas'' on his rebeck
Then Hisham was adamant in his preference

٢٨. ولكم أَلَّف الغناء لديه
ضرب عوَّادةٍ على زمَّاره

29. For the Rus and relished their selection
Of a wine whose vessels the constellations'

٢٩. وهشامٍ إِذ استبد اختياراً
بالرساطون واستلذ اختياره

30. Thighs still bear the trace of its essence
Al-Walid the Sovereign when he frequented the drinking sessions and pastimes

٣٠. من شرابٍ ظلت أَفاويه العط
ر به ذات نفحةٍ سيَّاره

31. Exerting his utmost effort and capability
The memory of Sulayma stirred his fervor

٣١. والوليد المليك إِذ واصل الكا
سات واللهو جهده واقتداره

32. Which he kept stoking and borrowing its flame
As Malik ibn Abi'l-Samh and 'Amr al-Wadi sang to him

٣٢. واغتدى في تهتكٍ ومجونٍ
كان يجني قطوفه وثماره

33. Causing him to forget his dignity
And how the melodies of Ibn ''Aisha's singing

٣٣. ومناه ذكرى سليمى لوجدٍ
ظل يذكي لهيبه واستعاره

34. Would lighten his spirit and send him soaring
While Ibn Muyassar ibn ''Uqba and Qasim

٣٤. إِذ يغنيه مالكُ بن أبي السم
ح وعمرو الوادي فينفي وقاره

35. Would stir his goblet
A bliss more delectable than the throes of love

٣٥. ولكم خفف ابن عائشة اللح
ن له فاستخفه واستطارهْ

36. And more spectacular than a garden blooming
Buḏayḥ who was appointed over the monkeys

٣٦. وابن ميَّادة بن أبرد والقا
سم كانا يحثحثان عقاره

37. And commanded their rule
And Yazid the Sovereign whose hearing delighted

٣٧. بندامٍ ألذ من زورة الحِ
بِّ وأبهى من روضةٍ في قراره

38. In the tambourines' rhythm at every hour
And the caravans sang from the deserts to the settlements

٣٨. وبُذَيْحٌ أتى بأمر عجاب
إِذ تولى على القرود الإِماره

39. Until civilization overtook them
Like Marwan in his youthful pride

٣٩. ويزيد المليك إِذ كان يهوى
صوت حدو الحداة في كل تاره

40. When he persisted in the joy of his travels
Viewing entertainments and concerts therein

٤٠. وتغنى الركبان مذ كان منشا
ه البوادي حتى اعترته الحضاره

41. And battle the pivot and orbit of his course
And the 'Abbasid family when 'Abd Allah

٤١. وكمروان ذي الفتوة إِذ كا
ن يوالي في غبطة أسفاره

42. Would spend his Tuesday and Saturday nights carousing
And Ibn Safwan among the cup companions

٤٢. فيرى اللهلو والسماع مناه
ويرى الحرب قطبه ومداره

43. Exchanging discourse behind the curtains
And in their company, Abul-Dalama

٤٣. وكآل العباس إِذ كان عبد الل
ه يقضي طوع المنى أَوطارهْ

44. Whom he would single out and recite his poems
And their Mansur would observe from behind the curtains

٤٤. كم غدا ليلة الثلاثاء والسب
ت يوالي الغبوق بالقرقاره

45. At leisure, while the cups made their rounds
Ibn Ja'far would frequent their drinking circles

٤٥. وابن صفوان في الندامى يعاطي
ه كؤوس الحديث خلف الستاره

46. Once he demonstrated his poetic mastery
Appearing among them as an elegant man of letters

٤٦. ولديهم أبو دلامة طوراً
يصطفيه ويجتلي أشعاره

47. An eloquent and clever connoisseur of gestures
Then al-Mahdi would sit with the intimate circles

٤٧. وتحسَّى منصورهم من وراء النس
ك راحاً والى عليها استتاره

48. Straining their wine before serving it
And Fuliḥ al-'Aura would sing for him

٤٨. حل منه ابن جعفرٍ في نداما
ه محلاًّ إِذ كان يبلو اعتشاره

49. Cheering his love songs and gathered works
In his service, mentor of song, Abu Ishaq

٤٩. فيراه فيهم ظريفاً أديباً
لسناً حاذقاً لطيف الإِشاره

50. Who sang masterfully displaying his craft
Then al-Hadi when he turned to drinking

٥٠. ثم كان المهديُّ يجلس للأن
س فيصفي لشربه أوطاره

51. And Ibn Jami', his chosen one, sang
The role of boon companion was taken over by 'Isa ibn Da'b

٥١. وفُلَيْح العوراء يشدو لديه
فيسنِّي حنينه وادكارهْ

52. Circulating cups of discourse
And Ibn Muṣ'ab would eloquently pour forth

٥٢. ولديه ترب الغناء أبو إِس
حق يشدو بصنعةٍ ومهاره

53. As he selected the finest of his works
Al-Rashid would revel in the Dayr Murran convent

٥٣. ثم كان الهادي إِذا حاول الشر
ب وغنى ابن جامعٍ مختاره

54. At every mound and shelter
With a wassail mingled by the convent's nuns

٥٤. يتولّى النِّدام عيسى بن دأبٍ
بكؤوسٍ من الحديث مُداره

55. On an auspicious morn
As Barsuma accompanied him on the rebeck

٥٥. ويفيض ابن مُصْعَبٍ في نثير ال
قول من حيث ينتقي أبكاره

56. Perpetuating its melody
Then al-Amin would indulge in the pleasures

٥٦. وتحسَّى الرشيد في دير مُرَّا
ن على كل تلعةٍ وقراره

57. Secluded in an impregnable hold
As desire for Kuthayyir engrossed him

٥٧. من مدامٍ حكتْ رهابنةُ الدي
ر بها في بهارةٍ جُلّناره

58. Until love penetrated his heart and gained dominion
Mukharis the singer was in his company

٥٨. وعلى ضرب زَلْزَلٍ كان برصو
ما لديه مواصلاّ مزماره

59. And elder Babakira renowned
Al-Husayn the Profligate scattered a pearl necklace

٥٩. ثم كان الأمين يمرح من لذا
ته في أَعِنَّةٍ مَوّارهْ

60. Among boon companions restoring vigor
And Ibn Hani brought cups of mirth

٦٠. إِذ ترامى بحب كوثر حتى
سكن الحب قلبه واستخاره

61. Borrowing them for quips and jokes
Al-Maʾmūn made the rounds with cups of wine

٦١. ولديه مُخارقٌ في المغني
ن وبَذْل الكبيرة المهتاره

62. Whose light illuminated the palace and gave it radiance
'Alawiyya the singer and Ishaq

٦٢. والحسين الخليع ينثر عقداً
من ندامٍ يشف تحت العباره

63. Pouring moons upon the darkness
With Yahya ibn Aktham assuming command

٦٣. ويزف ابن هانيءٍ للفكاها
ت كؤوساً من الهوى مستعاره

64. And Ibn Tahir compiling their dice games
And 'Urayb among the singers enchanted him

٦٤. وأدار المأمون أكواب راحٍ
شعشع القصر نورُها واستناره

65. With a voice that carefully selected its poems
Ibn Harun set the love lyrics of Ibrahim to music

٦٥. حيث علوية المغني واسح
ق يزفان في الدجى أَقماره

66. Relishing and savoring their secret allusions
Al-Wathiq accustomed the precedence of verse

٦٦. حيث يحيى بن أَكثمٍ يتولى
بسطه وابن طاهرٍ أسمارهْ

67. To the wine cup enacting its lessons
As his steward Muhj al-Khadim when morn arrived

٦٧. وعُرَيْبٌ مع القيان تغني
ه بصوتٍ تخيرتْ أشعاره

68. Managed his intoxication
And Ahmad the boon companion openly indulged

٦٨. وابن هرون كان يألف إِبرا
هيم شوقاً ويستلذ اعتشاره

69. In the gambles of love spreading its news
Al-Fath turned aside to cull from the accounts of passion

٦٩. واغتدى الواثق المقدَّم في الشع
ر على الكأس معملاً أدواره

70. Its enjoyments and treasures
He was tempted by Farida and enslaved by love

٧٠. إِذ تولى بأمره مهج الخا
دم عند اصطباحه إِسكاره

71. To the point that love dethroned his reason
Abu'l Fadl would set out at dawn to drink wine

٧١. واغتدى أحمد النديم على شر
ط بني اللهو ناشراً أخباره

72. Banishing worries and troubles
Where Kashkhi selected the best of verse

٧٢. وانثنى الفتح ينتحي من أحادي
ث الهوى ممتعاته وقصاره

73. However he wished and preferred
Zanam played the strings while

٧٣. فتنته فريدةٌ وعلى قد
ر الهوى يخلع المحب وقارهْ

74. Banan plucked the lute strings
'Amr ibn Bana and Tabl sang

٧٤. وأبو الفضل كان يغدو على الرا
ح مبيدا لُجَيْنه ونُضَاره

75. With Salman displaying his mastery
Abu Ja'far pursued pleasure

٧٥. حيث كان الكشحيّ يأخذ عرض ال
قول فيما أحبه واختاره

76. Alongside Yazid al-Muhalabi discreetly
Al-Musta'in caroused and consumed

٧٦. وزُنامٌ بالزمر يعزف طوراً
وبنانٌ بالعود تضرب تاره

77. Flasks of wine and their sparks
Then al-Mu'tazz became impassioned with Ibn Buga

٧٧. ويغني عمرو بن بانة والطب
ل عليه سلمان يبدي اقتداره

78. When he saw his face and tender cheeks
And Ibn al-Qassar sang for awhile

٧٨. وأبو جعفرٍ أزاح اغتناماً
معْ يزيد المهلبي استتاره

79. A dexterous tune upon the tambourine
Addressing him with passion and likewise receiving his attention

٧٩. وغدا المستعين يحرق للند
مان بالمن نده وصُواره

80. And provoking the fire in his breast
Al-Muhtadi upheld the knowledge of customs and generosity

٨٠. ثم هام المعتز بابن بُغاءٍ
عندما شام وجهه وعذارهْ

81. As his hallmark and emblem
Ibn Ja'far alighted in the orbit of music and rhythm

٨١. وانثنى ابن القصَّار طوراً يغني
ه يحذقٍ مرقصاً طنباره

82. Dispelling his sorrows in song
Every time the passion awakened it

٨٢. فيناجيه بالهوى ويناغي
ه ويذكي بين الأضالع ناره

83. And stirred the song of the stranger
Abu'l 'Abbas and his retainers enjoyed

٨٣. وبدا المهتدي فكان اصطناع ال
عرف والجود سمته وشعاره

84. The fruits once their vines bloomed
His drinking companion the sons of Hamdan, and Badr

٨٤. وأناخ ابن جعفرٍ في مدار ال
قصف والعزف نافياً أكداره

85. Captivated him when he demonstrated his talents
And musical Rashad carefully selected

٨٥. ومناه في الشدو شدو غريب
كلما اعتاده الهوى واستثاره

86. What songs to perform and how to excel
Al-Muqtadi caroused and drank from morning

٨٦. واحتسى دَرَّة الكروم أبو العبا
س والدَّجْنُ يستدر قُطاره

87. As Sullay accompanied him chanting his poems
And Abu'l Fadl enjoyed the prime of his youth

٨٧. نادمته أبناء حمدون واسته
واه بدرٌ حين اجتلى إِبداره

88. In Jeddah and its blossoms
Imbibing mature, fermented and pressed wine

٨٨. ورَذاذٌ موقِّعٌ بغناءٍ
ينتحيه بصنعةٍ مختاره

89. Delighting without thrift
And al-Radi persisted in giving away

٨٩. واغتدى المكتفيُّ يمرح والصُّو
ليُّ يروي بربعه أشعارهْ

90. At all times whatever was between his cup companions
A goblet whose canopy was made of glass

٩٠. وأبو الفضل كان يرتع من رو
ق صباه في جدَّةٍ ونضاره

91. And circulated in the marble room
And Na'im, my God, in the citron room

٩١. حرق الند والكبا الرطب والعن
بر مستمتعاً وعاف ادخاره

92. The water steaming in its vapors
I wonder where the Barmakids settled

٩٢. وأقام الراضي يفرق ما بي
ن الندامى في كل وقت نثاره

93. After overseeing the ministry
When their days were the acme of living

٩٣. رب كأسٍ له بقبة شاذِكْلا
وفي حجرة الرخام أداره

94. And their palms overflowing
The minister al-Muhallabi and how he excelled

٩٤. ونعيمٍ والاه في حجرة الأُتْ
رُجِّ والماء قد أثار بخاره

95. Ibn al-'Amid ascended in rank
And likewise the Sahib ibn 'Abbad embraced

٩٥. ليت شعري أين استقل بنو بر
مك من بعد ما تولوا الوزاره

96. And embraced the system he enacted
But where are the master poets from the Hamdanid household

٩٦. حين كانت أيامهم غرر العي
ش وكانت أَكفهم مدراره

97. And the authority they wielded
Where are the people of Iraq and Persia they knew

٩٧. والوزير المهلبي وما نُوِّ
ل وابن العميد ترب الصداره

98. Who perfected their life and ventured to rebuild
Where is he who stayed upraising the children of God

٩٨. وكذا الصاحب بن عبَّاد حيَّا
ه وحيا نظامه ونثاره

99. Crowned with greetings of prosperity
Where is he who set out while singers

٩٩. بل وأين السراة من آل حمدا
ن وما قد تخولوا في الإَمارهْ

100. Swarmed him with ogling eyes
His neck was ringed with the fetter

١٠٠. أين أهل العراق والفرس ممن
رفهوا عيشهم وخاضوا عَماره

101. Thus it became the hallmark of nobility
As maidens turned away coyly

١٠١. أين من بات رافعاً لبني الله
و الملمين بالتحايا عماره

102. Once he set out fastening his belt
They crowned his head with wreath of myrtle

١٠٢. أين من راح والمجاسد تزدا
ن عليه بأعين النظَّاره

103. And tied to his neck a band of pearls
At his ear a sprig of basil

١٠٣. طوقته المخانق البرميا
ت فكانت بين الظراف شعاره

104. As if hinting toward his mystery
Where is he whose aspect luck shined

١٠٤. وتردتْ منه العواتق بالمندي
ل مذ راح عاقداً زناره

105. And whose life the eye would envy
Gathering the fine virtues openly

١٠٥. توجوا رأسه بإِكليل آسٍ
وأناطوا بجيده تِقْصاره

106. Expressing his temptation and allure
You would see in his presence embroidered kerchiefs

١٠٦. وعلى الأذن منه ريحانة من
أَذْرُيونٍ كمن يروم سراره

107. And silk curtains billowing on the walls
And clouds of incense sprinkling

١٠٧. أين من كان جانبُ الزهو مينا
ساً لديه والعيش يندى غضاره

108. The essence of flowers as the breeze carried their trains
Where is he who roamed the expanse

١٠٨. ينتحي مُنْتَحَى المروءات طلقاً
في لذاذاته ويبدي افتراره

109. Of al-Ghuta with his feet revealing their sights
Where is he who comfortably spent the night in Miganis

١٠٩. وترى عنده مزمَّلة الما
ء وخيش النسيم يعلو جداره

110. Shi'b Bawan inhaling its blossoms
Where is he who cast sights on Sughd Samarqand

١١٠. وسحاب البخور يهطل منه
ماء ورد يزجي النسيمُ قطاره

111. And beheld its lights
Where is he who lodged in al-'Ubulla

١١١. أين من كان في فضاء من ال
غوطة قدماً يجلي بها أبصاره

112. Roaming its meadows with his thoughts
Where is he who stayed overnight in Samawa

١١٢. أين من بات ناعماً في مغاني
شِعب بَوّان ناشقاً أزهاره

113. In the keep of a garden guarding its mysteries
In a soft gentle breeze from the bosom

١١٣. أين من أطلق النواظر في صُغْ
د سمرقند واجتلى أنواره

114. Of light undoing its buttons
Where dewdrop smiles of flowers burgeoned

١١٤. أين من حلَّ بالابُلَّة قدما
وجلا في رياضها أفكاره

115. And met the breaths of its visitors
The covenant of days gone by vanished

١١٥. أين من بات بالسَّماوة في مئ
ناف روضٍ ينشه أسراره

116. With tears wiping the cheeks
And their vestiges have poured forth

١١٦. بنسيمٍ يحل في غلس الأس
حار عن جيب نوره أزراره

117. No morning breeze has stirred a fragrant garden bed
Without stirring its birds

١١٧. حيث تندى مباسم الزهر فيه
وتَلَقَّى أنفاسه زُوَّاره

١١٨. فسقتْ عهد من مضى أَدمع المز
ن وجادتْ بصوبها آثاره

١١٩. ما سرتْ نسمة الصباح بروضٍ
عبقريٍّ فهيَّجتْ أطياره