
What has become of Barmak in the land of Baghdad

ما آل برمك في ذرى بغداد

1. What has become of Barmak in the land of Baghdad
The day of glory, not the sons of Abbad

١. ما آل بَرْمَك في ذرى بغداد
يومَ الفخار ولا بنو عَبّاد

2. One day it made proud achievements in souls
From what you have of happiness and integrity

٢. يوماً بأوقع في النفوس مفاخراً
مما لكم من سؤددٍ وسَداد

3. And refinement combined with the scent of musk
And eloquence connected with long descent

٣. وحصافة قرنت بطيب مكاسرٍ
وفصاحة وُصِلَت بطول نجاد

4. You adorned the neck of time with a state
That took the place of the soul in bodies

٤. حليتمُ جيد الزمان بدوْلةٍ
حلّتْ محلَ الروح في الأجساد

5. The Almighty, see how much good He has made for this land
Including beautiful morals and hands

٥. جلَّ المُهيْمنُ كم أتاخ لذا الورى
منها جميل عوارف وأيادي

6. Alas! In your lifetime, oh time, so delight me
Forever with spreading the glories of achievements

٦. إِيهٍ بعيشك يا زمان فلاتِني
أبَداً بنشْر محاسنِ الأمجاد

7. For through them, they are generous and good manners
Like a garden when dawn's brightness touches it

٧. فبهم هم كَرَماً وحسن خلائق
كالروض إِذ تلقاه غب عِهاد

8. Among them are full moons of knowledge and signs
And suns of the horizon of guidance and integrity

٨. منهم بُدُورٌ للعلا وأهلَّةٌ
وشموسُ أفقِ هدايةٍ ورشاد

9. They opened with swords the forts of highlands
Before the princes and armies

٩. فتحوا بقندية معاقلَ أُرْتجبْ
قُدْماً على الأمراء والأجناد

10. And the generous paid it his protection
The scholar of invaders and Muhammad the breaker

١٠. وافى لها الصدر الرفيع جنابه
علم الغزاة ومحمد الحُسّاد

11. With tents that were in the midst of its glory
The abundance of spears and resting places of lions

١١. بمضارب كانت لدى افنائها
غيل القَنا ومرابض الآساد

12. He had from his determination and firmness
Multiples of what supplies he was given

١٢. شهم له من عزمه وثباته
أضعاف ما أُوتيهِ من إِمداد

13. And for the religion of truth he has the ferocity of an advisor
The invaders were crushed by it on the battlefields

١٣. وله بدين الحق صولةُ ناصح
دَكَّ الغزاةُ بها ذَرَى الأطواد

14. The days convey to him the good glories
And achievements that triumphed over all foes

١٤. تروي له الأيام طيبَ مفاخر
ومآثر عزت على الأنداد

15. And virtues filling the eyes with beauties
That were limited to its summit by exclusivity

١٥. وفضائل ملء العيون محاسِناً
قصرت على علياه باستبداد

16. I raised the rhetoric of Abdul Hamid
And linked his rhetoric with the bow of Iyad

١٦. أربى على عبد الحميد بلاغة
وزرت بلاغته بقس إياد

17. You are the pillar of its orbit, O sons of glory
The day of pride and the destination of lions

١٧. أنتم بني العلياء قطب مدارها
يوم الفخار وموئل القصاد

18. None among you but an ally against afflictions
Of pure traits, counted among individuals

١٨. ما منكم إِلاّ حليف مكاره
زاكي الخِلال يُعَدّ في الأفراد

19. You made honorable struggle with the highest intention
Most wondrous and effort for the best consequence

١٩. أَشفعتم شرف الجهاد بمقْصِدٍ
أسْنَى ومسعاة لخير مفاد

20. And you wore the splendor of Damascus so its days
Became delightful during festivals

٢٠. وحللتم مغنى دمشق فأصبحت
أيامها تزهي على الأعياد

21. A land in which are the tombs of prophets
And in it is the protection of saints and pegs

٢١. بلد بها للأنبياء مراقدٌ
وبها حمى الأبْدَال والأوتْاد

22. It increased in honor beyond honor so you still
Make happy during days in prosperity

٢٢. زادت بكم شَرَفاً على شَرَفٍ فلا
زلتم مدى الأيام في إِسعاد

23. And you remained the shadow of the country and its people
As long as lightning flashes or a lover croons

٢٣. وبقيتم ظِلَّ البلاد وأهلها
ما لاحَ بَرْقٌ أَو ترنّم شاد