
Arise, my lord, show honor without delay

قم سيدي شرف بلا مهلة

1. Arise, my lord, show honor without delay
A man cannot do without his friend

١. قُمْ سيدي شَرّفْ بِلا مهلة
فلا غنىً للمرءِ عن خلِّه

2. There is a friend in the depths of barren land
Closer to man than his own shadow

٢. وربَّ ودٍّ في صميم الحشا
ألزم للإِنسان من ظلِّه

3. And we are among those whose love is like this
And the proverb does not stray from its likeness

٣. ونحن ممن هكذا ودّهم
والمثل لا يعدل عن مثِله