
Is this vision I see before me real or a mirage

ظفر ترى ما أراه أم ناب

1. Is this vision I see before me real or a mirage
Or is it one of time's tricks playing out within me

١. ظُفْر تُرى ما أراه أم نابُ
أم تلك للدهر فيَّ أوصابُ

2. The feast day now is not the same feast I once knew
Friends now departed, my circle broken

٢. ما العيد عيدٌ كما عهدت وقد
زال خليط وشطَّ أحبابُ

3. Where, oh where have all our friends gone
Wandering afar over the dunes and hills

٣. أحبابنا أين أين منك ترى
مضاربٌ للهنا وأطناب

4. The ladies dragged their trains in joyful company
Adorned for celebration, their accessories a-jingle

٤. جررت في ظلها الذيول وقد
نيطت بها للسرور أهداب

5. May he who brought us wine in former days be spared by God
To cheer men's hearts and banish their sorrows

٥. فيا سقى الله أعصُراً سلفت
كان بها للقلوب إطراب

6. And blessings on the father of our host in his grave
A man of dignity and high manners

٦. ويا سقي الله من أبيك ثرى
ثوت به حشمة وآداب

7. His drinking parties were plain and pure
Now may God have mercy on his soul

٧. قد كان خلا صفت مشاربه
والآن للّه منه أعقاب

8. Though gone, his face still fills my eyes, that noble youth
Gifted with wisdom and guidance his staff and stay

٨. خلف ملء العيون منك فتىً
صار له العقل والهدى داب

9. Many wise men know well, destruction will always
Be the fate of mortal man, no escape

٩. وقد دَرَى كل خابر زَكن
إِنَّ الرَّدى للأنام نهابُ

10. Take comfort, my friend, in those we mourned before us
Laid to rest under mounds of earth

١٠. تأسَ يا صاحِ بالذين مضت
من قبلنا فوقهنَّ أحقابُ

11. Have patience - truly the most successful of all affairs
Is that girded by steadfast endurance

١١. واصبر فإِنّ الأمور أنجحها
ما خيط فيها للصبر جلبابُ