
O you whom God has blessed with a happy evening and bestowed favor,

يا أسعد الله المساء وأنعما

1. O you whom God has blessed with a happy evening and bestowed favor,
And granted you a life of ease and comfort encompassing,

١. يا أسعدَ اللّهُ المساءَ وأنعَما
وحباكَ بالعَيشِ الرغيدِ مُخيّما

2. This while your friend has responded to your call, a precious one,
The most honorable and noble has come seeking you.

٢. هذا وقد لبّت نِداكَ خريدةٌ
قد يممتْ منك الأعزَّ الأكرما

3. With your kindness you have honored her before, so she recognized you
By the look of acceptance, graciously and generously.

٣. شَرُفَتْ بلطفِكَ قبلها فأعرتَها
لحظَ القبول تفضّلاً وتكرُّما

4. Thus for her the Gemini when she traveled became
A rising dune and the star of the horizon scattered lights.

٤. فَغَدتْ لها الجوزاءُ عند مسيرها
تلواً ونجمُ الأفقِ أصبحَ مِرْزَما

5. To you a copy of what her mansions concealed,
Graciously, and I went praising her chanting.

٥. فإِليكَ نسخة ما سترتَ قصورها
فَضْلاً ورحت بمدحها مترنّما

6. You remain for literature a blooming meadow,
More glamorous than a garden of jasmine well-arranged.

٦. لا زلتَ للآدابِ رَوْضاً يانعاً
يفترُّ عن مثلِ الجُمانِ منظّما

7. Neither has the moon of the garden warbled
Nor the secret of passion been interpreted.

٧. ما صاحَ قُمريُّ الرياضِ مُغرِّدا
أوْ راحَ عن سرِّ الغرامِ مُتَرْجِما