1. Letters of love from me to you and from you to me
Are hoped for, but what hope do they have
١. كُتبُ الهوى مني إِليكَ ومنكَ لي
تُرْجى ولكن ما لهنّ قِلاصُ
2. So think well of me as I have thought well
Of you, though some suspect otherwise
٢. فاحْسِنْ بيَ الظَّنَّ الذي أحسنتُهُ
بِكَ مانأتْ عن بعضِها الأشخاصُ
3. For we are still we, though long parted
And love remains where loyalty is intertwined
٣. فلنحنُ نحنُ وإِنْ تطاوَلَ عهدُنا
والحب حيث تشابكَ الإِخلاصُ