
Our pleasure in reading was enhanced by the arrival

سعدت مطالعنا بأكرم وافد

1. Our pleasure in reading was enhanced by the arrival
Of the most honorable guest and prominent visitor

١. سعدت مطالعنا بأكرم وافد
وأعز مجتاز وأشرف ماجد

2. My Lord, the judge of Egypt, for whom Damascus
Was honored from the start with every virtue

٢. مولاي قاضي مصر من شدت له
بدءاً دمشق بكل فضل تالد

3. His nature overflows with generosity
His deeds are good and sights beautiful

٣. شهم تدفق طبعه بمكارم
طابت مآثرها وحسن مشاهد

4. And to you comes deserved praise and eloquence
Flowing freshly from the springs of my poems

٤. وإليك وافدة الثناء عَرُوبة
بكراً تهادى من عيون قصائدي

5. Seeking with eagerness to serve
Like a bride gliding among blankets

٥. تسعى على قدم الضراعة خدمة
كخريدة تختال بين ولائد

6. Congratulations on a blossoming season
Returning celebration with joy

٦. بكرت مهنئة بفصْلٍ زاهر
يندي وعيدٍ بالمسرة عائد

7. The caravan of Saad sails the canals
Witnessing the palace of glory and pride

٧. وركاب سعد في الفلا متنقل
لمقرّ عزّ بالمفاخر شاهد

8. My Lord, thanks for the path where I see for it
Morning's praise from every praiser

٨. مولاي شكراً للسرى فأرى له
عند الصباح يكون حمد الحامد

9. And after self-purification follows
Glorification of God with pious acts

٩. للنفس تخلية ويعقب بعدها
للّه تحلية بأنفس عائد

10. And for you is my sacrifice for what you have perfected
For God fulfills it with abundant benefits

١٠. ولك الفداء بما فنيت وإِنما
يقضي الإِله بها لجم فوائد

11. And in Joseph we have an example, by ways
That were his in Egypt, of sublime aims

١١. ولنا بيوسف أسوةٌ بوسائل
كانت له في مصر جل مقاصد