
Is it a crescent moon that appeared

هلال لاح أم شبل تبدي

1. Is it a crescent moon that appeared
Or glory that reached its zenith?

١. هِلال لاحَ أم شِبْلٌ تبدّي
أم النَّجْلُ الذي وافى مجدا

2. A generous man, benefiting from the generous
Excelling over the world in pride and glory

٢. كريمُ مُسْتفادٌ من كريمٍ
يفوق على الورى فخراً ومجْدا

3. My Lord has endowed him with goodness
And granted him success and leadership

٣. لقد ملاّكَهُ ربّي بخيرٍ
وقَلّدهُ من التوفيق عِقْدَا

4. His date came in a line of poetry
Enlightening my thoughts and intentions

٤. أتى تأريخه في بيت شعرٍ
أنار نسيجه فكري وأسْدا

5. Through your excellence this newborn came highly esteemed
And I hope to see him become a father and grandfather

٥. بجدِّكَ جاءك المولود جَدّاً
وأرجو أن تراه أباً وجَدّا