
O partner of perfection with the auspicious owl

يا حليف الكمال بالطائر الميمون

1. O partner of perfection with the auspicious owl
Your newborn has begun his protection

١. يا حليفَ الكمالِ بالطائر الميمو
نِ مَوْلودُكَ استهلَّ مصانه

2. So you see him a father, grandfather, and blithe
Like joy unleashed toward you is its reign

٢. فتراهُ أبا وجَدّاً وهنَّا
كَ سُروراً مُلْقىً إِليكَ عِنانُه

3. For in it has come a date of my affection
A birth with happiness, may its pairing remain

٣. فلقد جاءَ فيه تأريخ ودّي
مَولدٌ بالسعود دام اقترانُه