
My heart is enamored with the memory of al-‘Âmiriyya

فؤاد بذكر العامرية مغرم

1. My heart is enamored with the memory of al-‘Âmiriyya
And poured its passion into the ribs which became its abode

١. فؤاد بذكر العامرية مغرم
وصب هواه في الضلوع مخيم

2. The gleam of dawn shone, and here, in the bosoms of the brilliant dawn
The mouth of the beloved smiled at the dawn from Laylâ

٢. وبرق سرى وهنا بأكناف بارق
ام الثغر من ليلى غدا يتبسم

3. She appeared, so every onlooker looked at her beauty
And leaned, so every admirer in his passion became devoted

٣. تراءت فكلي ناظر لجمالها
ومالت وكلي في هواها متيم

4. If one day she becomes distracted from her passion for another
Then the slanderer’s claims were not truthful in what he alleged

٤. لئن ملت يوما عن هواها لغيرها
فلا صدق الواشي بما كان يزعم

5. I did not forget when she bid me farewell while my tears
Became necklaces lined up on her cheek

٥. ولم انس اذ ودعتها ومدامعي
عقود غدت في جيدها تتنظم

6. She walked away after hinting affectionately towards me with her gaze
And she bid the tips of her fingers farewell

٦. وسارت وقد اومت لنحوي بطرفها
وصارت باطراف البنان تسلم

7. Springtime is the permitted meeting place between us
I said to her: “No, our forbidden tryst is better”

٧. وقالت ربيع بيننا الحل ملتقى
فقلت لها بل ملتقانا المحرم

8. Her family traveled on and she bid them farewell
While grief and regret remained with me

٨. وبانت على عيس لها وترحلت
وعندي المقيمان الاسى والتندم

9. I was overwhelmed with ruins and pouring tears hoping for news
About her family from Ibn Yamlû so I ask about them

٩. وقد عجت بالاطلال والدمع سائل
عسى خبر عن اهلها ابن يمموا

10. Whenever the morning breeze blows, their news
From those who know her, I gently inhale

١٠. اسال عنهم كلما هبت الصبا
واخبارهم من عرفها اتنسم

11. I roam around asking about them while my ribs
Have settled in and pitched their tents within my chest

١١. ومن عجب عنهم اروح مسائلا
وبين ضلوعي قد اقاموا وخيموا

12. They say to me, so seek their embers from afar
I said: And is there any other fire for me to kindle except my heart?

١٢. يقولون لي فاطلب على البعد نارهم
فقلت وهل في غير قلبي نضرم

13. I called out to them when they traveled off as the darkness receded
Is this breeze exhalation or did you smile?

١٣. فناديت اذ ساروا وقد اشرق الدجى
تنفس هذا الصبح ام قد تبسموا

14. I imagined the gazelle shone
As they came into sight, my delusion ceased

١٤. وكنت توهمت الغزالة اشرقت
اذا هم وقد لاحوا فزال التوهم

15. For them, a place to camp on the slope
Where my tears congeal into ruby with them

١٥. عُرَيبٌ لهم في مقلة السفح منزل
ومن دمع عيني بالعقيق تجثموا

16. Through them the face of time has shone and its mouth has smiled
So their days in time are a holiday and a season

١٦. بهم ضاء وجه الدهر وافتر ثغره
فايامهم في الدهر عيد وموسم

17. And how much sequenced talk is between us in our love
My eyelids narrated it to me through tears about them

١٧. وكم في هواهم لي حديث مسلسل
روته جفوني بالمدامع عنهم

18. They are my intention, my question and my longing and if they asked
My burning heart does not question and they are them

١٨. هم في الورى قصدي وسؤلي ولو سلوا
على الجمر قلبي ما سلا وهم هم

19. My torment is tortured with the agony of my love for them
And the sweetest thing in it comes from them

١٩. عذابي عذب في الغرام بحبهم
واعذب شيء فيه ما جاء منهم

20. So people, love is under the protection of loyalty
A slain victim of love’s agony they have blamed

٢٠. فيالرجال الحب في ذمة الوفا
قتيل غرام في الهوى قد تذمموا

21. Our loved ones blocked us, denied us, turned away
They cared generously, treated unjustly, accused falsely and judged dictatorially

٢١. أأحبابنا صدوا ورقوا وأعرضوا
وجودوا وجوروا واعذلوا وتحكموا

22. Yet my heart upon what they pledged of loyalty
Remains steadfast and the cord of affection does not break

٢٢. فقلبي على ما تعهدون من الوفا
مقيم وحبل الود لا ينصرم

23. Ask the living what the one who died of love for you endured
And how does an abandoned house answer or speak?

٢٣. سلوا الحي ما لاقاه ميت هواكم
وكيف تجيب الدار او تتكلم

24. Rather ask about the state of the streaming tears of the youth in love
It informs you of what transpired for it knows

٢٤. ولكن سلوا عن حالة الصب دمعه
يخبركم عما جرى فهو يعلم

25. Or ask my heart which I sent
As a messenger with news of passion to you

٢٥. والا سلوا قلبي فاني بعثته
رسولا باخبار الغرام اليكم

26. And I swear that if not for your love in my chest
My bending heart enduring sorrows would not have withstood

٢٦. واقسم لولا حبكم بين اضلعي
لما شاق قلبي المنحني والمخيم

27. Nor the torment of separation, communication from afar, and the slope of anguish
Were it not for the Almighty beloved

٢٧. وما عذبات البان والرند والنقا
وسفح اللوى لولا الجناب المعظم

28. A prophet for Him has great glory and elevation
So say what you wish in praising Him for He is Greater

٢٨. نبي له جاه عظيم ورفعة
فقل ما تشا في وصفه فهو اعظم

29. He is the Opening, the Messenger sent, and the Seal
With whom the treasures of the prophecies are sealed

٢٩. هو الفاتح المبعوث والخاتم الذي
به كنز اسرار النبوة يختم

30. He is the downpour except that his sources are gentler
He is the singular essence that cannot split

٣٠. هو البخر الا ان مورده حلا
هو الجوهر الفرد الذي لا يقسم

31. And if his time comes later than Moses and Jesus
He is still the foremost advancing

٣١. وان يك عن موسى وعيسى زمانه
تأخر فهو السابق المتقدم

32. For Moses and Jesus prophesized his arrival
And he existed before Moses, Jesus and Mary

٣٢. فموسى وعيسى بشرا بقدومه
وكان ولا موسى وعيسى ومريم

33. He came in spring so the universe adorned a robe
Embroidered by the tails of comets made as signs

٣٣. اتى في ربيع فاكتسى الكون حلة
عليها طراز من سنا الوشي معلم

34. And the lights shone from the glow of his light
And the fires of Persia were extinguished

٣٤. واشرقت الأنوار من ضوء نوره
وقد خمدت نار لفارس تضرم

35. He continued to grow between the grapes of his people
Becoming greater in the sight of the Greatest

٣٥. وما زال ينمو بين اتراب قومه
ويكبر في عين العظيم ويعظم

36. Until he came upon polytheism with a sword
And to our faith inviting victory and advancement

٣٦. الى ان اتى بالسيف للشرك باترا
وداعي الهنا بالبشر والنصر يقدم

37. So dawn of the religion and guidance shone bright
As the night of disbelief and misguidance turned dark

٣٧. فاقبل صبح الدين والرشد مشرق
وادبر ليل الكفر والغي مظلم

38. The sun of daybreak returned to the horizon for his sake
And the full moon split itself in half honoring him

٣٨. وشمس الضحى في الافق ردت لاجله
وفي النصف اجلالا له البدر يقسم

39. The beasts of the wild and the deer submitted to him
As his light even reached and split them

٣٩. ووحش الفيافي والغزالة سلمت
عليه ومنه نورها يتقسم

40. And the plants bloomed at his rise
As did the full moon of night, all submitting to him

٤٠. وزهر الربا والنجم عند طلوعه
وبدر الدجى كل عليه يسلم

41. He never sought vengeance for himself
Pardoning the unjust wrongdoer, forbearing and kind

٤١. ولم ينتقم في الدهر يوما لنفسه
ويعفو عن الجاني المسيء ويحلم

42. The like of him ascended the throne riding
With Gabriel serving him through the ascent

٤٢. ومن مثله اسرى إلى العرش راكبا
وكان له جبريل في السير يخدم

43. What more can I say and praise him?
For the words of God about him judge and rule

٤٣. وماذا عسى اني اقول ومدحه
به قد اتى قول من الله يحكم

44. Judging him the verses came and our Lord
Certainly did pray upon him so pray and submit

٤٤. على حكمه الآيات جاءت وربنا
عليه لقد صلى فصلوا وسلمو ا

45. So my joy to lovers who sang his attributes in the Hejaz
And that place for them is good so linger

٤٥. فطربى لعشاق شدوا في حجازه
فطاب لهم ذاك المقام فزمزموا

46. When counting the generosity of the most generous the drop
Of existence from his hands is more plentiful than heavy rain

٤٦. اذا عدّ جود الاكرمين فقطرة
وجود اياديه من الغيث اسجم

47. And if the earth and then its equivalent filled
His generosity would still erase it with bounty and grace

٤٧. ولو أن ملّ الأرض ملءٌ ومثله
لافناه حقا جوده والتكرم

48. And his noble companions are like stars
That shine at the peak of glory and greatness

٤٨. واصحابه القوم الكرام كأنهم
وقد اشرقوا في ذروة المجد انجم

49. With innocent faces they shine, sing praise
As the gloom of night for frowning faces darkens

٤٩. بدور سموا بيض الوجوه تهللوا
وللنقع وجه من دجى الليل اظلم

50. The backs of the corrupt darkened in their absence
And the administrator of justice straightened them

٥٠. اسود ظهور الاعوجية غابها
وآجامها ذاك الوشيج المقوم

51. Whenever they fought enemies and contended
Against them they ruled the day of battle with dominance

٥١. اذا جالدوا الاعداء يوما وجادلوا
عليهم قضوا يوم الوغى وتحكموا

52. Their innocence has a hue so whenever they wrote
The darkness of their high minds drafts and knots

٥٢. لبيضهم شكل اذا ما تكتبوا
وسمر عواليهم تخط وتعجم

53. And how often they brought the ocean onto every swimmer
Never drawing back except the ocean of passion bled

٥٣. وكم وردوا بحرا على كل سابح
وما صدروا الا وبحر الوى دم

54. They obtained no fear nor did fear obtain them
As God gave them reward and spoils in both abodes

٥٤. وما نالهم في ذاك روع ونالهم
من الله في الدارين اجر ومغنم

55. With the merits of the Messenger of God they are exalted
Leading over those who came before them

٥٥. بعليا رسول الله شادوا مناقبا
وسادوا على من قبلهم وتقدموا

56. My master of honorable messengers and whoever
Raises the banner of praise of victory emblazons it

٥٦. فيا سيد الرسل الكرام ومن غدا
عليه لواء الحمد بالنصر يرقم

57. When will the son of a king from you heal
Displacing misery from him to comfort?

٥٧. متى ابن مليك منك يشفى بزورة
يزول بها عنه الشقاء وينعم

58. Reward me, reward me for I have come to you hopeful
He who harbors hope in you shall not despair

٥٨. أجرني أجرني قد اتيتك راجيا
وما خاب من فيك الرجا يتوسم

59. Far be it that the generous chieftain denies
A hopeful beseeching has come striving yet deprived

٥٩. وحاشا كريم القوم يمنع سائلا
إلى بابه قد جاء يسعى ويحرم

60. For it is the custom of masters that their guests
Are protected and cared for under their haven and grace

٦٠. ومن عادة السادات ان نزيلهم
يصان ويرعى في حماهم ويكرم

61. Perhaps from the flames of Hell I take refuge in your glory tomorrow
And gather among a repentant submitting nation

٦١. عسى من لظى انجو يجاهك في غد
واحشر في قوم انابوا واسلموا

62. Do you see the features of goodness
And the fragrance of youth in its aroma gently inhaled?

٦٢. ترى هل ترى عيني معالم طيبة
وعرف الصبا من طيبها يتنسم

63. I shall begin prayers of blessing upon him and through greeting peace
I seal this ode of praise composed

٦٣. واشرع في باب الصلاة مصليا
عليه ومن باب السلام اسلم

64. May the prayers and peace of God be upon you
Then upon your family and the companions whose narrations

٦٤. والصق بالاعتاب خدي وارضها
اقبل اجلالا ثراها والثم

65. Begin and end every beautiful mention

٦٥. عليك صلاة الله ثم سلامه
سلام به عقد المديح ينظم

٦٦. وآلك والصحب الذين حديثهم
به يبدأ الذكر الجميل ويختم