
Ask the languid eyelids about my burning liver

سلوا فاتر الأجفان عن كبدي الحرا

1. Ask the languid eyelids about my burning liver,
And ask the pearls of my eyelids and my throat necklace.

١. سلوا فاتر الأجفان عن كبدي الحرا
وعن در أجفاني سلوا العقد والنحرا

2. If I am patient when I stop seeing my beloved,
Passion says I will not be able to be patient with it.

٢. حبيب إذا ما رمت عنه تصبرا
يقول الهوى لن تستطيع معي صبرا

3. If he visits and turns away with glances and dark complexion,
Then do not mention afterwards the white and the dark brown.

٣. من السمر بالألحاظ إن صال وانثنى
فلا تذكروا من بعده البيض والسمرا

4. He has become stingy with the connection, he who came asking,
His tears do not flow unless the asker sends him a river.

٤. بخيلا غدا بالوصل ما جاء سائلا
له الدمع الا رد سائله نهرا

5. He has an enchanting glance that consoles Babylon for its sorcery,
As if Harut had deposited sorcery in it.

٥. له مقلة يعزى لبابل سحرها
كأن بها هاروت قد اودع السحرا

6. His forelock reminds me of the era of An-Najashi his uncle,
And his bent eyelashes remind me of Kisra.

٦. يذكرني عهد النجاشي خاله
واجفانه الوسنى تذكرني كسرى

7. He inclines with the wine of grace as if
His cloak is drunk from the wine of his cheek.

٧. تميل به خمر الدلال كأنما
معاطفه من خمر الحاظه سكرى

8. The gentleness of the breeze makes him swing when it blows,
And it sends us from the good of its income some blossoms.

٨. يرنحه لطف النسيم اذا سرى
ويهدي لنا من طي ايراده نشرا

9. And it discloses from his mouth that produces pearls
So I could not tell whether it was a smile or a mouth.

٩. ويفتر عن ثغر تنظم دره
فلم ادر عقدا مذ تبسم ام ثغرا

10. On his cheeks, the basil of beauty is garlanded
As if rubies were engraved on them.

١٠. بخديه رحان العذار مسلسل
كأن بها قد خط ياقوته سطرا

11. And of the strangest things are that his cheeks,
Their redness is fire and yet with it paradise is green.

١١. ومن اعجب الاشياء ان خدوده
لنا نارها الحمرا بها جنة خضرا

12. He appeared and the full moon rose on the horizon,
So I could not tell which of the two was the moon.

١٢. تراءى وبدر التم في الافق طالع
فلم ادر مذ شاهدت ايهما البدرا

13. I see my night has been long in the darkness of his absence,
And since his separation, I still await the dawn.

١٣. ارى سهري قد طال في ليل فرعه
ومن فرقه ما زلت ارتقب الفجرا

14. And he busied me with the cups of his talk all night,
So I died without drinking old or new wine.

١٤. وبات يعاطيني كؤوس حديثه
فمت ولم اشرب عتيقا ولا خمرا

15. When the weapons carrier appears fighting,
So many are killed and captivity is cheap.

١٥. اذا ما بدا شاكي السلاح محاربا
فما اكثر القتلى وما ارخص الاسرا

16. And if he wages war to fight with his glances,
You see the cheek carrying a red flag from him.

١٦. وان قام حرب للقتال بطرفه
ترى الخد منه حاملا راية حمرا

17. He has established his love in my heart, and whenever
He commits a sin of passion, he excuses it for him.

١٧. بقلبي هواه قد اقام وكلما
جنى في الهوى ذنبا اقام له عذرا

18. If I get bored one day of his love honestly,
May neither my tears flow nor my eyelids shed.

١٨. لئن ملت يوما عن هواه لسلوة
فلا دمعتي ترقا ولا مقلتي تكرى

19. His foolishness warns me against him
And for me, the warning of the fool is temptation.

١٩. يحذرني عنه العذول بجهله
وعندي تحذير العذول هو الاغرا

20. So oh killer of God, the blamers, they
Came in love with something objectionable in their blame.

٢٠. فيا قاتل الله العواذل انهم
اتوا في الهوى شيئا بلومهم تكرا

21. They say how long this composure and sadness last,
And after the sweet union, estrangement is pleasant?

٢١. يقولون كم هذا التجلد والاسى
ومن بعد حلو الوصل يستعذب الهجرا

22. So I told them that in connection or alienation
I reside in prosperity in love in good and evil.

٢٢. فقلت لهم اني على الوصل والجفا
مقيم على السراء في الحب والضرا

23. And here is the story of my complaint, perhaps
If it reaches the secret writer, he will be pleased.

٢٣. وها قصة الشكوى رفعت لعلها
اذا هي وافت كاتب السر ان تقرا

24. He is the prominent Mawla who attained the rank
That the highest summits took pride in and gained pride.

٢٤. هو الفاضل المولى الذي حاز رتبة
تسامت به العليا ونالت به فخرا

25. The brother of generosity, Mahmoud the source of bounty and abundant generosity,
When he gives generously he neither fears blame nor poverty.

٢٥. اخو الجود محمود الندى وافر العطا
اذا جاد لا لوما يخاف ولا فقرا

26. And there is no flaw in him except that with his money
He gives generously and does not leave white or yellow.

٢٦. ولا عيب فيه غير ان بماله
يجود ولا بيضاء يبقي ولا صفرا

27. And you will meet in the market of praise and poetry
What he has in his hands buying praise and gratitude.

٢٧. وتلقاه في سوق المحامد والثنا
بما في يديه يشتري الحمد والشكرا

28. However you were, if you came asking,
You will see his face delighted by the good news.

٢٨. على أي حال كان ان جئت سائلا
ترى الوجه منه قد تهلل بالبشرى

29. A generous one climbing on the meteors is his status,
And no other generous one competes him over dust.

٢٩. جواد على الشهبا تسامى محله
وليس يجاريه جوادا على الغبرا

30. They say to me on earth there are seven seas,
So why do I see them from his fingers ten?

٣٠. يقولون لي في الارض سبعة ابحر
فمالي اراها من انامله عشرا

31. To his path, so make it and if you seek to attain,
Leave behind you Zayd among people and leave Umar.

٣١. الى نحوه فاعطف اذا رمت نائلا
ودع عنك زيد في الانام ودع عمرا

32. And if you seek abundant generosity and bounty,
There is beyond you this sea, O Seeker of Egypt!

٣٢. وان رمت وردا وافر الجود وافيا
فدونك هذا البحر يا قاصدا مصرا

33. With his appearance, days have shone and suns have risen
That have concealed the light and radiance of the full moon.

٣٣. بطلعته الايام نارت وأطلعت
شموسا فاخفى نور بهجتها البدرا

34. The presentation of the platform of praise suits him, so how not
With my poetry and rhyme, compose the best prose and poetry?

٣٤. حلا لي طباق المدح فيه فكيف لا
بشعري وسجعي ابدع النظم والنثرا

35. And even if I expand my poems in his praise,
I praise the two routes, rhyme and poetry .

٣٥. واني وان وسعت نظمي بمدحه
حمدت الطريقين القوافي والشعرا

36. He has a pen, if it gave one day,
It will string them into a necklace and scatter them as pearls.

٣٦. له قلم ان جاد يوم ترسل
فينظمها عقدا وينثرها درا

37. And will create a happy beginning, smooth is its rhyme
And it reminds us of Egypt and the prominent man of his era

٣٧. وينشيء منشينا سلافة سجعه
وفي الدهر ينسينا المعتقة البكرا

38. May God guard that plain, the people and the time!
O Moon! Good fortune has risen for him

٣٨. ويذكرنا مصرا وفاضل عصرها
رعى الله ذاك السفح والناس والعصرا

39. And the world has shone with his rising radiance.
To you, so take it from my tongue, a garden

٣٩. فيا قمرا اضحى له السعد طالعا
واشرقت الدنيا بطلعته الغرا

40. With high quality vocabulary, place of flower blossoms.
A prisoner of thought, if it uncovered its veil

٤٠. اليك فخذها من لساني حديقة
موشعة الالفاظ مطلعة زهرا

41. It would dispense with every singing damsel as an excuse.
If it repeated its pronunciation in the plants’ hearing

٤١. عقيلة فكر ان اماطت قناعها
فتغنى بها عن كل غانية عذرا

42. It would not forget it one day when its sender drops rain.
And from it, if the son of Hijja, paused,

٤٢. بسمع النباتي لو تكرر لفظها
لانساه يوما سكب مرسلها القطرا

43. He would come hurrying and circumambulate it in gratitude.
It came to you as a bride that reveals from her hiding

٤٣. ومنها فلو رام ابن حجة وقفة
لجاء بها يسعى وطاف بها شكرا

44. So cover her with the garment of acceptance.
And meet scattering pearls the composition of its necklaces,

٤٤. اتتك عروسا تجتلى من خبائها
فألق عليها من حلي الرضا سترا

45. Hoping you will receive compensation in the meeting.
It reminds you of the generosity which you deserve,

٤٥. وقابل ينثر الدر نظم عقودها
عسى منك تلقى في المقابلة الجبرا

46. Perhaps in the distance of the period, remembrance will be useful
It did not aim for others and has not been disappointed in life

٤٦. تذكرك الجود الذي انت اهله
لعل على بعد المدى تنفع الذكرى

47. For your flowing generosity and he who sought the sea.
So bestow generous giving and extend munificence

٤٧. لغيرك لم تقصد وما خاب في الورى
لجدواك من وافى ومن قصد البحرا

48. To the right willingly, which did not lack ease.
For me the gift from your help and attainer is enough

٤٨. فجد ببذل الجود وامدد تكرما
اليّ يمينا لا عدمت لها يسرا

49. And it is enough for you to receive reward and compensation.
So I have not ceased being praised in every saying

٤٩. فحسبي عطاء من نداك ونائل
وحسبك ان تلقى المثوبة والاجرا

50. And ascended the high sky and wielded the poetic pen.
And with this king you remained a sharpened sword

٥٠. فلا زلت ممدوحا بكل مقالة
وترقى سما العليا وتستخدم الشعرى

51. Wearing it proudly and defending with it the borders.
And did not stop reciting your praises those

٥١. ودمت لهذا الملك سيفا مهندا
تقلده جيدا وتحمي به ثغرا

52. Whose eulogies are some of its greatest verses.
And every peer fell short of your loftiness

٥٢. ولا برحت تتلى محامدك التي
مدائحها من بعض آياتها الكبرى

53. And may lengthen the life of the Lord of the Universe for you.

٥٣. وقصر عن علياك كل مماثل
وطول رب العالمين لك العمرا