1. The elegance of that gazelle in his movement,
And the pearl in my tear from his prose.
١. طراز ذاك العذار من رقمه
ودر دمعي بفيه من نظمه
2. His mole above the treasure of his smile,
Locked with musk over it from his mark.
٢. وخاله فوق كنز مبسمه
بالمسك قفلا عليه من ختمه
3. Who can help me with that tyrant of eyelids,
Unjustly upon my love and did not pity him?
٣. من لي به ظالم الجفون سطا
ظلما على صبه وما رحمه
4. I swear no condition away from the intimacy of my body,
And innocence in passion is his oath.
٤. اقسم لا حال عن ضنى جسدي
وبر بالهجر في الهوى قسمه
5. My body’s illness is the expert in it,
Not harmed by union even if it tested him.
٥. وداء جسمي هو الخبير به
ما ضره بالوصال لو حسمه
6. That my body became tender upon it from passion,
So my tears in his love harmonized.
٦. ان رق جسمي عليه من شغف
فادمعي في هواه منسجمه
7. A branch, a friend of coyness, his inclination.
Blessed is God, Creator of the breeze.
٧. غصن نديم الدلال ميله
تبارك الله باري النسمه
8. Joyful sympathy that inclines from coldness,
By the branch from its harshness he has wronged it.
٨. نشوان عطف يميل من صلف
بالغصن من قاسه فقد ظلمه
9. The sun from his face resembles it,
And from it the full moon upon it marked him.
٩. فالشمس من وجهه لها شبه
ومنه بدر السما عليه سمه
10. He walked so the wine is good in it, and has
Sipped it gently so his mouth did not offend him.
١٠. ساق ففيه المدام طاب وقد
حلا ارتشافا فما الذ فمه
11. His waist lent me sickness, as
My body lent his eyelids sickness.
١١. اعارني خصره السقام كما
اعار جسمي لجفنه سقمه
12. If it was said to me you will die tomorrow, I would fulfill
The rule of passion and do what it designed.
١٢. لو قيل لي مت غدا قضيت على
حكم الهوى وامتثلت ما رسمه
13. Or his phantom visited me, I would spread
My cheek and kiss the ground of his steps.
١٣. او زارني طيفه فرشت له
خدي وقبلت لاثما قدمه