1. Praise be to Allah, you have delighted the nations,
And glory has rewarded you since you were rewarded, and generosity
١. الحمد لله قد سرت بك الأمم
والمجد عوفى مذ عوفيت والكرم
2. You are our joy, and we congratulate ourselves in you
When you are safe, all people are safe
٢. لك الهنا ونهني فيك انفسنا
اذا سلمت فكل الناس قد سلموا
3. And you have brought security in prosperity and well-being
And illness has gone from you to your enemies
٣. وعدت بالامن في خير وعافيه
وزال عنك الى اعدائك السقم
4. And you came like rain, so you wet its wings
And it was filled with the most generous rivers of grace and blessings
٤. وجئت كالغيث فابتلت جوانحها
وعمها الاجودان الفضل والنعم
5. And your return was a servant and getting used to being here
Its morning from it the smile of glad tidings
٥. وكان عودك عبدا واعتياد هنا
صباحه عنه ثغر البشر يبتسم
6. And you have taken residence in the orbit of the eminent
With happiness that no Arab or foreigner attained
٦. وحزت في فلك العلياء منزلة
بالسعد ما نالها عرب ولا عجم
7. And you stood in the position of its banners raised
Glory for you are the singular scholar
٧. وقمت في منصب اعلامه رفعت
مجدا لانك فيه المفرد العلم
8. And you held fast to Allah in your joy
And whoever clings to Allah's rope will not fail
٨. وكنت بالله في مسراك معتصما
ولم يخب من بحبل الله يعتصم
9. And you attacked with the pounce of an alert lion
With ambition before which ambitions are made small
٩. وصلت صولة ليث ما جد يقظ
بهمة عندها تستصغر الهمم
10. And Allah has privileged you with sound judgment and
The past and the future—the sword and the pen—obey you
١٠. وخصك الله بالرأي السديد وقد
اطاعك الماضيان السيف والقلم
11. I swear you are peerless among the eminent
And by God's truth that oath suffices
١١. اقسمت انك في العلياء واحدها
وقد كفاك وحق الله ذا القسم
12. And your generosity is an unearned generosity
To which manners and qualities have born witness
١٢. وان جودك جود غير مكتسب
عليه قد دلت الاخلاق والشيم
13. Thanks to your hands from hands that have tied
The bestowal of gifts from which generosity flows
١٣. شكرا لايديك من ايدا لفت بها
بذل النوال ومنها ينبع الكرم
14. Forever, whenever its clouds have intended generosity
The weight of its abundant generosity is invaluable
١٤. ابد اذا ما همت جودا سحائبها
ثقل عند عطايا جودها الديم
15. My master, O sanctuary where we resort
Seeking shelter we hustle and crowd to his house
١٥. مولاي يا حرما تأوي اليه ومن
نأتي الى بيته سعيا ونزدحم
16. And from his gifts about which none can take
Anything—God forbid—without request or peace
١٦. ومن عطاياه عنها ليس يأخذه
حاشاه كل ولا من ولا سلم
17. Take it to yourself as an unmatched poem
Marvelous in description, the word is its adornment
١٧. خذها اليك قصيدا لا نظير لها
بديعة الوصف حلى درها الكلم
18. Unique in meanings of beauty, comprehensive,
Its prosody well-arranged and the diction harmonious
١٨. فريدة لمعاني الحسن جامعة
موشعاً نظمها واللفظ منسجم
19. I crafted it for you, a pearl in its praises
And pearls are not but by crowns given order
١٩. نظمتها بك درا في مدائحها
والدر ليس بغير التاج ينتظم
20. An orphan, and in it poverty, so perhaps if
Your generosity asks after it, the poverty will be defeated
٢٠. يتيمة وبها فقر لعل اذا
ما صال جودك عنها الفقر ينهزم
21. So receive it, a praise that has fulfilled gladness
And the beginning and end of it are pleasant
٢١. فاستجلها مدحة وافى السرور بها
وطاب مفتتح منها ومختتم
22. May your good fortune continue, progressing
Each day made anew, not ceasing
٢٢. لا زال سعدك بالاقبال متصلا
مجدداً كل يوم ليس ينصرم
23. And may you remain in security, protected and comfortable
And time is your servant, its days are your servants
٢٣. ودمت بالامن في حفظ وفي دعة
والدهر عبد لكم ايامه خدم