
My heart was unjustly oppressed, and she did not make amends

جارت على مهجتي ظلما وما عدلت

1. My heart was unjustly oppressed, and she did not make amends
I wish I knew who she intended with her love

١. جارت على مهجتي ظلما وما عدلت
فليت شعري إلى من في الهوى عدلت

2. Haifa, how many livers have you killed with abandonment
And how many hearts did you shoot the day you bent your bow

٢. هيفاء كم قتلت بالهجر من كبد
وكم قلوب شوت يوم النوى وقلت

3. By Allah, I won't ask about her love
Even if my heart melted from passion when I questioned

٣. وللّه لست بسال عن محبتها
ولو اذا بت فؤادي بالجوى وسلت

4. With her abandonment, I cheapened my murder and her cheek
Its fire blazed in my heart and was stoked

٤. بهجرها ارخصت قتلي ووجنتها
تسعرت نارها في مهجتي وغلت

5. The softness of her charm, her coquetry leaned towards her
As if her charms were drunk with sweetness

٥. ريانة العطف قد مال الدلال بها
كأن اعطافها بالسكر قد ثملت

6. You see her as a full moon when she leans on a branch
So sculpt for her a posture, she carried the full moon of Duja

٦. تريك بدرا اذا ماست على غصن
فاجعب لها قامة بدر الدجا حملت

7. The branches conveyed to the waist the tale of her inclination
Honestly telling what she related

٧. عنها الغصون حديث الميل ترفعه
إلى القوام وعنه صح ما نقلت

8. What of the gazelle if she bolted, what of the branch if it stirred
What of dawn if it departed, what of night if it draped

٨. ما الظبي ان نفرت ما الغصن ان خطرت
ما الصبح ان سفرت ما الليل ان سدلت

9. If the full moon appeared, it would not shine from shyness
And the sun, when spied in the morning, darkened

٩. للبدر لو ظهرت لم يبد من خجل
والشمس ان ابصرتها في الضحى افلت

10. The blossoming narcissus averted its gaze from her
Ashamed, while the rose's cheeks blushed

١٠. والنرجس الغض عنها غض ناظره
من الحيا وخدود الورد قد خجلت

11. She went ahead of my peers empty-handed
And busied my heart with her contrary love

١١. تصدرت لخلاقي وهي فارغة
وبالخلاف لقلبي في الهوى شغلت

12. I wore what I picked of her glances
And with what swayed of her charm I was fettered

١٢. تقلدت ما انتضته من لواحظها
ولي بما اهتز من اعطافها اعتقلت

13. And she left me dying of love for her
And I don't know why with love she killed me

١٣. وغادرتني قتيلا في محبتها
ولست ادري بماذا في الهوى قتلت

14. A queen with treasures of beauty tempting
But with that coin of her cheek she was stingy

١٤. مليكة بكنوز الحسن مثرية
لكن بدينار ذاك الخد قد بخلت

15. Sorceress of the eyelid, wantonly playing with glances
As if her eyes were lined with magic

١٥. سحارة الجفن بالالباب عابثة
كأن بالسحر عينيها قد اكتحلت

16. No - may God take those eyes for what
their swords have done to us and what they did

١٦. لا واخذ الله هاتيك العيون بما
اسيافها صنعت فينا وما فعلت

17. I wonder how she claims to be like Layla* to her admirers
When she has killed in her glances

١٧. عجبت كيف غدت تدعى لواحظها
كليلة وهي في اجفانها قتلت

18. She tailored with my body the clothes of sickness, twining them
Don't you see how her lashes spun them?

١٨. حاكت بجسمي ثياب السقم مقلتها
اما ترى كيف لي اجفانها غزلت