
Time has shown its joy and good tidings for you

بك الدهر قد أبدى التهلل والبشرا

1. Time has shown its joy and good tidings for you
And from what it has reaped, it shows us an excuse

١. بك الدهر قد أبدى التهلل والبشرا
ومما جنى قد جاء يبدي لنا العذرا

2. And if the supreme court, its flame has been absent
You in it are the rise of shining stars

٢. وإن كانت العلياء غاب شهابها
فانك فيها مطلع انجما زهرا

3. And if that sea has withdrawn into the ground
Through you it has shown us tens of seas

٣. وان كان ذاك البحر قد غاض في الثرى
فيمناك قد ابدت لنا ابحرا عشرا

4. And who in life whose protector you are has not died
And a day has not passed for whoever you have remembered

٤. وما مات من في الدهر انت وليه
ولم يطو يوما من نشرت له ذكرا

5. So patience, people of religion, patience for what has passed
And gratitude for what you have been given after it, gratitude

٥. فصبرا اولي الدين صبرا لما مضى
وشكرا لما اوتيت من بعدها شكرا

6. And good tidings to you for taking on the noblest position
And with patience you have attained reward and compensation

٦. وبشراك قد وليت اشرف منصب
وبالصبر قد نلت المثوبة والاجرا

7. And Damascus Levant has increased in beauty and become
For it the highest honor, surpassing you, Egypt

٧. وزادت دمشق الشام حسنا واصبحت
لها الشرف الاعلى وفاقت بكم مصرا

8. And the blond has won with its battlefield the height
And prevailed over the brunette with its wonderful forehead

٨. وقد حازت الشقرا بميدانها العلا
وسادت على الشهبا بجبهتها الغرا

9. And the slender brunette leaned over the pillars
Wearing dresses of green silk

٩. ومالت بها السمر الرشاق على الربا
وقد لبست من سندس حللا خضرا

10. And from the pearl teeth, a mouth that smiles
A name appears through which a mouth blossoms

١٠. وعن لؤلؤ الانداء ثغر اقاحبا
بدا باسماً يزهو فاكرم به ثغرا

11. And its mosque has escorted you as a bride
And its pulpit shows happiness and good tidings

١١. وجامعها زفت عليك عروسه
ومنبره ابدى المسرة والبشرا

12. And those dwellings have become a paradise in the morning
Whoever settles in it will not hunger or strip

١٢. وقد اصبحت تلك المساكن جنة
فمن حل فيها لا يجوع ولا يعرى

13. Dwellings for the moons they have inhabited
If a full moon is absent, after it another full moon emerges

١٣. منازل للأقمار امست منازلا
اذا غاب بدرٌ اطلعت بعده بدرا

14. Oh son of hopes, ignite for his fire
And if you present a flower, then you have the sea

١٤. الا يا بني الآمال فاعثوا لناره
وان رستم وردا فدونكم البحرا

15. This is the one who gives the vigour its talents
And no fatigue he fears, nor poverty

١٥. فهذا الذي يفتي النضار مواهبا
ولا نصبا حاشاه يخشى ولا فقرا

16. And whoever comes complaining to him of the difficulties of time
With the difficulties he gained, he gives ease

١٦. ومن جاءه يشكو من الدهر عسرة
فان مع العسر الذي ناله يسرا

17. The Imam of guidance, the judge of judges and who named
The world with his delight and showed good tidings

١٧. امام الهدى قاضي القضاة ومن سمت
ببهجته الدنيا واظهرت البشرى

18. An expert, insightful in matters, brother of intelligence
He has wit that ignites the embers

١٨. خبير بصير بالامور اخو ذكا
له فطنة يذكي نوقدها الجمرا

19. And the spaces have been fragrant with the scent of his praise
And his bloom has revived what was implied and scattered

١٩. وقد عبق الارجاء طيب ثنائه
واحيا شذاه ما انطوى وذكا نشرا

20. And he has gained in the supreme court glory and felicity
And attained a sublime position and high rank

٢٠. وقد حاز في العلياء مجداً وسؤددا
ونال محلا ساميا وعلا قدرا

21. And that is none other than inheritance from his father
No wonder for the sea that it begot a pearl

٢١. وما ذاك الا من ابيه وراثة
ولا عجب للبحر ان ولد الدرا

22. So say to whoever tries to tell of his fortune
You have cast something you will not comprehend news of

٢٢. فقل للذي قد رام يحكي نواله
لقد رمت شيئا لن تحيط به خبرا

23. And what can I say and his praise
If I say poetry, it adorns prose and verse

٢٣. وما ذا عسى اني اقول ومدحه
اذا قلت شعرا زين النظم والنثرا

24. And if I recite with praise the signs of a poet
Praising other than him, it is the greatest of its signs

٢٤. وان تليت بالحمد آيات شاعر
بمدح سواه فهو آيتها الكبرى

25. O one God of the world and from whose light He has spread
Removed the darkness from us and shown us dawn

٢٥. فيا واحد الدنيا ومن نور فرقه
ازال الدجا عنا وابدى لنا الفجرا

26. Towards you my inclinations have become because I
By your right do not intend nonsense or life

٢٦. لنحوك قد اضحى التفاتي لأنني
وحقك لا زبدا اروم ولا عمرا

27. And were it not for your wonderful meanings I would not say
A poem or compose rhymes and poetry

٢٧. ولولا معانيك البديعة لم اقل
قريضاً ولا صغتُ القوافي والشعرا

28. So take it as a bride with wonderful meanings
Perfect in description, singing with an excuse

٢٨. فخذها عروسا بالمعاني بديعة
مكملة الاوصاف غانية عذرا

29. Confusing away from her remove the veil
So drape over her the garment of contentment

٢٩. مخدرة عنها اميط قناعها
فأسبل عليها من حلي الرضا سترا

30. And sprinkle pearls at her wedding
On her and increase in the dowry and pay her the dower

٣٠. وألق نثار الدر عند زفافها
عليها وزد في النقد وابذل لها المهرا

31. The star of fortune does not stop looking towards you
And your auspicious ascendant rises above Sirius

٣١. فلا زال نجم السعد نحوك ناظرا
وطالعك الميمون يسمو على الشعرى

32. And every peer falls short of your supreme court
And may God lengthen your life

٣٢. وقصر عن علياك كل مماثل
وطول رب العالمين لك العمرا