1. And concealed, how much below it of gray hair
And how much did I taste of blames upon it and horrors
١. ومحتجب كم دونه من أسنة
وكم ذقت من طعن عليه وأهوال
2. I sipped the taste of patience without quenching my thirst
And nothing of it reached me except the softness of the state
٢. تجرعت طعم الصاب من دون رشفه
وما نالني منه سوى رقة الحال
3. So who do I have when I washed its pot and he
Reached out to me, every brown honey bee
٣. فمن لي اذا غسلت مرشفه وقد
تطاول نحوي كل اسمر عسال
4. A fetus that has a mother, but an ornament
She carried in barren times and eras
٤. جنين له ام ولكن حلية
به حملت في العصر والزمن الخالي
5. Delicate edges, perfect silhouette, he came
With so much adorned with earrings and anklets
٥. رقيق الحواشي كامل الطرف قد اتى
به كم تحلت ذات قرط وخلخال
6. With his misspelling the kohl of my eyes was applied
And that is because he is far in miles
٦. بتصحيفه اجفان عيني تكحلت
وذلك لما ان بعدت باميال
7. For his gentleness, he belongs to the dripping of vegetation
For what came in it from types and parables
٧. لرقته قطر النباتي ينتمي
لما جاء فيه من ضروب وامثال
8. And from passion Al-Halawi said I wish
I forgot my relative in his love and flirtation
٨. ومن شغف قال الحلاوي ليتني
نسيت نسيبي في هواه واغزال
9. And if he loved in you now sent
I would have been needless for any rest and saddle
٩. وان هووا في منك في الحال مرسلا
غنيت به عن كل راح وجريال
10. So O claimant of riddles below you is its solution
From it for you is the complication appears now
١٠. فيا مدعي الالغاز دونك حله
فمنه لك التعقيد يظهر في الحال
11. For you still clarify the symbols of riddles
And its ambiguous you show without problems
١١. فلا زلت للالغاز توضح رمزها
وغامضها تبديه من غير اشكال
12. And you still rise to the sky of glory and sublimity
And you live honorable in prosperity and ascent
١٢. ولا زلت ترقى في سما المجد والعلا
وتحيى عزيزا في سعود واقبال