
The lightning reminds me of his smile

اذكرني البرق في تبسمه

1. The lightning reminds me of his smile
And the pearls on his lips when he recites poetry

١. اذكرني البرق في تبسمه
والدر بالثغر في تنظمه

2. When he roams around his tent
He greets me with wine in his mouth

٢. ساق اذا طاف في مخيمه
كلمني والمدام في فمه

3. He intoxicates me with his alluring smile
I'd sacrifice myself for him like the full moon in the dark night

٣. اسكرني من حباب مبسمه
افديه كالبدر في اصايله

4. Swaying coquettishly in his gown
Surpassing the gazelle in his charm

٤. جذلان يختال في غلايله
فاق على الظبي في شمايله

5. Swaying like a branch in the breeze
Intoxicated, losing his composure

٥. وراح كالغصن في تمايله
سكران يشتط في تحكمه

6. Oh messenger, how can I conceal my love for him?
With tears running down my cheeks reddening them

٦. هواه يا صاح كيف استره
والدمع بالخد سال احمره

7. And my heart aflame, burning for him
Please, o lightning, tell him

٧. والقلب قد هاج بي تسعره
بالله يا برق هل تخبره

8. About the fire in my heart and its flames
Is it acceptable for me to talk about meeting him?

٨. عن نار قلبي وعن تضرمه
وهل حديث اللقا يسوغه

9. Shall I reveal to him what I harbor inside?
Will he understand my hints?

٩. وهل اليه ما بي افرغه
وهل يفيه في اعرضه

10. Will the passing breeze convey to him
A message from my mouth to his mouth?

١٠. وهل نسيم سرى يبلغه
رسالة من فمي الى فمه

11. I love him like the full moon loves the horizon
With sincerity, though he has wronged me

١١. اهواه بدرا على البدور سما
بوصله باخلا ولي ظلما

12. It wouldn't hurt him to be generous with me
I'm surprised by his stinginess towards me, despite

١٢. ما ضره لو يجود لي كرما
عجبت من بخله عليّ وما

13. People speaking of his generosity
The ignorant blame me

١٣. يذكره الناس من تكرمه
عواذلي بالسلو تأمرني

14. And prevent me when I mention him
So he turns away, denying he knows me

١٤. جهلا وتنهاه حين بذكرني
فينثني معرضا وينكرني

15. Did they tell him, making him shun me?
Lord, grant me justice against his teacher

١٥. هل علموه فصار يهجرني
رب خذ الحق من معلمه