
The gazelles have halted beside the water

علقت اهيف لدن القوام

1. The gazelles have halted beside the water
No lover hears blame in it

١. علقت اهيف لدن القوام
لا يسمع العاشق فيه ملام

2. A dark-skinned one with a mole on his cheek
Sings of it in place of the beauty of the tattooed

٢. اسمر ذو خال على خده
يغنى به عن حسن ذات الوشام

3. As if he was molded from ambergris
And the ambergris was mixed with sealing musk

٣. كأنما قد صيغ من عنبر
وخالط العنبر مسك الختام

4. From the family of Ham whenever he was named
Elevation and perfection in love was his trait and mark

٤. من آل حام كلما سمته
وصلا علا في الحب قدرا وسام

5. He has shaken an ashen-dark one from his stature
And extracted from his glance for me a sword

٥. قد هزّ لي من قده اسمرا
وسل من لحظه لي حسام

6. I have no arrows in love from his connection
But from his lashes I have arrows

٦. لا سهم لي في الحب من وصله
لكن من اجفانه لي سهام

7. In his rosy cheek and in his cup
There is lawful splendor and forbidden wine

٧. في ثغره الحالي وفي كأسه
ربق حلال ومدام حرام

8. You love him from an excess of the wine of youth
Intoxicated by cups of wine

٨. تحبه من فرط خمر الصبا
نشوان هزته كؤوس المدام

9. He shows you the scattering of pearls from his utterance
And his mouth is beautiful in composition

٩. يريك نثر الدر من لفظه
وثغره يحسن فيه النظام

10. By God, unless you admire his beauty
And say, O my soul, this is the youth

١٠. باللّه الا همت في حسنه
وقلت يا بشرايَ هذا الغلام