
Joy has arrived and time smiles,

تهللت الأفراح وابتسم الدهر

1. Joy has arrived and time smiles,
Our days are white and our times are delightful,

١. تهللت الأفراح وابتسم الدهر
فأيامنا بيض وأوقاتنا غرّ

2. Damascus has gained beauty and gladness,
Makes Egypt envy its heights,

٢. وحازت دمشق الشام حسنا وبهجة
واضحت على علياك تحسدها مصر

3. In fighting the Romans you have shown signs,
Followed on the morn of victory by your sword and triumph,

٣. وكم في قتال الروم اظهرت آية
تلاها غداة الفتح سيفك والنصر

4. You have scattered those crowds in captivity,
Surrounded by your might, killing and capture,

٤. وفرقت هاتيك الجموع باسرهم
وحاط بهم من بأسك القتل والاسر

5. You have made them prey for sharp swords,
No wonder the whites and blacks submit to you,

٥. وصيرتهم نهب الصوارم والقنا
فلا غرو ان دانت لك البيض والسمر

6. With the sword above the ground you have spread them,
Unaware of your ways of prose and verse,

٦. وبالسيف من فوق الثرى قد نشرتهم
وما شعروا من شأنك النظم والنثر

7. Above the horses' backs they died and became,
In every saddle atop them, for them a grave,

٧. وفوق ظهور الخيل ماتوا فاصبحوا
وفي كل سرج فوقها لهم قبر

8. Neither their great numbers nor armor helped them,
Neither Ziyad al-Amiri nor Amr could protect them,

٨. ولم تغن عنهم من سطال جموعهم
ولم يحمهم زيد العمري ولا عمرو

9. Their bodies left to birds and beasts,
Watched by vultures and eagles,

٩. واجسامهم للطير والوحش خلفوا
يسامرها العوا ويرقبها النسر

10. You have taken the Syrian swords' share from them,
Not knowing the whites would get half,

١٠. وقد اخذت سمر القنا الحق منهم
ولم تدر ان البيض منهم لها الشطر

11. Since battle, their patience was strengthened,
You have made them drink a bitter cup that builds patience,

١١. وفي الحرب مذ ابصرت قد عز صبرهم
فجرعتهم كأسا دهاقا بها الصبر

12. You have fought them one by one, an ocean of warriors,
They turned and said the free army has come,

١٢. وقاتلتهم فردا بحر قنا الوغي
فولوا وقالوا قد اتى العسكر الحر

13. Their souls flowed by the sword tips,
From each throat, a sea gushed forth,

١٣. وسالت على حد السيوف نفوسهم
ومن كل نحر قد جرى منهم بحر

14. O knight of Islam in every battle,
O treasure for the day of turmoil, none like you a treasure,

١٤. فيا فارس الاسلام في كل معرك
ويا ذخر يوم الروع من لا له ذخر

15. With God's praise you have been victorious in every place,
To God belongs the secret of what you have attained,

١٥. نصرت بحمد الله في كل موطن
ولله في هذا الذي نلته سر

16. May God's victory and the conquest afterward gladden you,
For in that we have good tidings, and in that is happiness.

١٦. ليهنك نصر الله والفتح بعده
ففي ذا لنا البشرى وفي ذلك البشر