
My heart is hung upon eglantine of your cheek

قلبي بريحان العذار معلق

1. My heart is hung upon eglantine of your cheek
And captivated by the rose of your face, blooming and radiant

١. قلبي بريحان العذار معلق
وبورد خدك هام وهو محقق

2. O you whose glance has pierced my heart and left it suspended by a thread
Have mercy, for your slender form outshines the bough

٢. يا راشقا قلبي بنيل لحاظه
عطفا فان قوام قدك ارشق

3. By your face I swear it is the rising sun
And by the light of your forehead, it is the moon when full

٣. قسما بوجهك انه شمس الضحى
وبنور فرقك وهو بدر مشرق

4. Had I not drowned in the sea of your abandonment in love
My eyes would not have flowed with tears for you

٤. لو لم اغص في مز هجرك في الهوى
ما بت فيك بدمع عيني اشرق

5. No, never would the gazelle put her beauties to shame
You are more radiant than any gazelle

٥. كلا ولا فقت الغزال محاسنا
الا وانت من الغزالة اشرق

6. My soul is yours, though blames me for my love
What harm is there in union, if you would be so kind?

٦. روحي الفداء له غني ملاحة
ما ضره بالوصل لو يتصدق

7. Still I ask of you this union though my tears
Have ceaselessly down my cheeks been flowing

٧. اني لأساله الوصال ولم يزل
دمعي له في وجنتي يترقرق

8. And to the pretty turtle dove I say
Gently, gently, for my heart flutters like you

٨. واقول للقرط المليح مكانه
رفقا فلي قلب شبيهك يخفق

9. Chastise me not, for to you I turn
I know no love but yours, I shall not change

٩. امعنفي عني اليك فانني
خلفي بغير الحب لا اتخلف

10. How can there be joy when the loved one departs?
The path to you is narrow, blocked and harsh

١٠. كيف السلو وقد رنت الحاظه
ان الطريق بها اليه ضيق

11. Reproach not the one who reproaches me, for death
In passion is the blue-eyed foe, ever harsh

١١. عذل العذول عليه موت احمر
ان العذول هو العدو الازرق

12. Who shall aid me against him whose glances are arrows
That from the bow of his eyebrows are loosed and fly?

١٢. من لي به شاكي السلاح جفونه
عن نبلها قوس الحواجب ترشق

13. He is fresh as the water of youth, graced with the bloom
Of charm and beauty in full flower

١٣. ريان من ماء الشباب عليه من
خفر الملاحة والمحاسن رونق

14. A gazelle, and yet a crescent moon adorns his brow
A full moon, and yet the slender crescent decks his head

١٤. ظبي ولكن بالجمال مقرطق
بدر ولكن بالهلال ممنطق

15. God, how lovely when he passes by me
Turning like a shy gazelle, radiant and fair

١٥. لله ما احلاه حين يمر بي
متلفتا مثل الغزالة يشرق

16. My heart and tears for his love are as one
This fettered, and those flowing free

١٦. قلبي ودمعي في هواه تطابقا
فمقيد هذا وهذا مطلق

17. For him I spent my love, my life entire
And souls spend freely on what is most rare

١٧. وعليه عمري في الهوى انفقته
وكذا النفوس على النفائس تنفق

18. His tresses curling, his brow shone bright
So night and dawn competed, vying in radiance

١٨. مالت ذوائبه ولاح جبينه
فتعارضا ليل وصبح مشرق

19. When he smiles, his teeth say, none compare to you
As lightning flashes, and the sun beams burst forth

١٩. واذا تبسم قال دونك والحمى
هذا العذيب بدا وهذا الابرق

20. His form sways as if a branch, weighed down
By clustering fruits, sways low with bounty laden

٢٠. رشأ كأنّ قوامه وقد انثنى
تحت الغلائل غصن بان مورق

21. His cheeks and the down upon them seem to have been touched
By musk, arranged in fine calligraphy

٢١. وكأن وجنته ونبت عذاره
طرس به بالمسك سطر ملحق

22. His features speak of him, as do the words
That sing the praises of my sun of faith

٢٢. وتكاد تنطق عنه احرفه كما
بمديح شمس الدين كلي ينطق

23. A lord of highest rank, who has attained glory
And a station of honor, matchless and sublime

٢٣. مولى من العلياء حاز مكانة
وحوى مقاما شأوه لا يلحق

24. When steeds compete to ascend on high
He is the most generous, outpacing all

٢٤. واذا تسابقت الجياد إلى العلا
فهو الذي للجود منهم اسبق

25. On his open hand as on clouds rain falls
As though none but the dew trace forms upon his palm

٢٥. طبعت على تلك الهبات يمينه
فكأنها لسوى الندى لا تخلق

26. When the clouds of his generosity pour down rain
Beware the floods, lest you be drowned

٢٦. غيث اذا استمطرت سحب نواله
اياك من طوفانها لا تغرق

27. A sea of endless generosity, except that
Its tide of liberality flows and ebbs

٢٧. بحر سريع البذل الا أنه
بالمد وافر جوده يتدفق

28. All souls yearn for his virtues, besotted, obsessed
For virtues are as lovers, compassion their quest

٢٨. تهوى مكارمه الورى وتهيم من
شغف بها ان المكارم تعشق

29. Such that when he speaks a word, it never fails
That action outpaces speech, and virtues prevail

٢٩. وهو الذي ان قال قولا لم يزل
للقول حسن الفعل منه يسبق

30. Gentler than gentle is he with guests on days
Of plenty, and with wealth, though freely gives it away

٣٠. وتراه ارفق ما يكون بوفده
يوم الندى وبماله لا يرفق

31. O you in whom all bounty is made manifest
Though distributed, your gifts are never possessed

٣١. يا ذا الذي فيه السخاء مجمع
واكفه منها العطياء مفرق

32. Take this ode, and accept it, hopefully
You will approve it, and it will rewarded be

٣٢. خذها اليك قصيدة وافت عسى
حسن القبول تنال منك وترزق

33. I have praised you well, may praises find
Favor with one so high, and open hands and mind

٣٣. قد حسنت فيك المديح لعسها
ان المدائح عند مثلك تنفق

34. Though proud the phrases, they are perfumeless
To praise you rightly is beyond express

٣٤. مسكية الاوصاف الا انها
يسوى مديحك نشرها لا يعبق

35. No jewel has Firdawsi's odes, like this my ode
In every verse a Firdawsi have I showed

٣٥. ما للفرزدق حسن معنى نظمها
ولكل بيت فهي فيه فرزدق

36. Excuse its faults, unveil its purposes true
Open your generous hand, none are so kind as you

٣٦. وافتك تبسط عذرها فافتح لها
باب العطاء فباب غيرك مغلق

37. May your star forever fortunate arise
To you each gazer turns, and hopes, and looks, and sighs

٣٧. لا زال نجمك بالسعادة طالعا
واليك ناظره يشير ويرمق

38. Time is your slave, obedient to your will
And happiness knocks expectant at your door still

٣٨. والدهر عبدك طوع امرك خادما
والسعد بالبشرى لبابك يطرق

39. You remain, though time about you chains has wound
The songbird in the gardens sings, confined, yet crowned

٣٩. وبقيت للنعم التي لي طوقت
ما بات يسجع في الرياض مطوّق