
A hundred of those I loved turned away from me and kept distant,

صد من أهواه عني وسلا

1. A hundred of those I loved turned away from me and kept distant,
And reproached me with estrangement, and said "No!"

١. صد من أهواه عني وسلا
وشواني بالتجني وقلا

2. Among the Turks is a miserly man of wealth,
Who knows nothing but the word "No!"

٢. من بني الترك بخيل بنعم
فهو لا يدري سوى لفظة لا

3. Drowsy-eyed, he taught me
That after being active he inclines to laziness.

٣. ناعس الأجفان قد علمني
طرفه بعد النشاط الكسلا

4. Gentle of manner, hard of heart,
Do not hope for union from one who has acted thus.

٤. ليّن الأعطاف قاس قلبه
لا تسل بالهجر ما بي فعلا

5. There is none like me in love,
Neither he who said "No!" nor he who did so.

٥. ليس مثلي في هواه عاشق
لا ولا القى الذي القى ولا

6. With his sword he decided to kill me in an instant,
And with his spear's point he imprisoned me.

٦. قد قضى بالسيف قتلي لحظه
وبرمح القد لي فاعتقلا

7. He brandished a spear and rose up against me striking-
I was perplexed, not knowing how I might kill him.

٧. هز رمحا وانتضى لي ضاربا
حرت لا ادري بماذا اقتلا

8. O my people! of a lover free
Who was ever engaged in betraying me.

٨. يالقومي من حبيب فارغ
بخلالي لم يزل مشتغلا

9. The full moon appears, moving into view,
And the full moon sees nothing but the crescent.

٩. بدر تم ما تبدى مقبلا
ورآه البدر الا افلا

10. He drew a line above his cheek, a mole on his temple,
The beauty spot dotted it - what a shape!

١٠. خط فوق الخد سطرا صدغه
نقط الخال به ما شكلا

11. God created him a fair plant
And nurtured him with care and provision.

١١. صاغه الله نباتا حسنا
ورعاه من نبات وكلا

12. From his sides and his glances
My poetry was woven and my love songs composed.

١٢. من ثناياه ومن الحاظه
حكت نظمي ونسجت الغزلا

13. And in my sickness, when he turned into a poet,
I went, through love, broadcasting my shame.

١٣. وبسقمي حين اضحى شاعرا
رحت معنى في الهوى مبتذلا

14. He is proud in beauty, an example - and so
I have become among the deserts like an example.

١٤. عز في الحسن مثالا فلذا
صرت ما بين البرايا مثلا

15. He passed the wine cup around to his lovers
And gave them a cup of firmness and fulfillment.

١٥. طاف بالكأس على عشاقه
وسقاهم كأس صد وملا

16. Every wine is forbidden except
His saliva - it is to me a permitted drink.

١٦. كل خمر فحرام ما عدا
ريقه فهو مدام لي حلا

17. The critic has transmitted about me a consolation -
The critic lied in what he transmitted.

١٧. نقل العاذل عني سلوة
كذب العاذل فيما نقلا

18. If he says I am a lover, no indeed!
Or anything but this, if he speaks, no!

١٨. ان يقل اني محب فاجل
او سوى هذا اذا قال فلا

19. O critic, do not blame him,
I do not listen to one who finds fault.

١٩. ايها العاذل فيه لا تلم
انا لا اصغي الى من عذلا