1. With your gaze, you have acted like someone with experience
You have worn white, no, you have worn brown
١. بناظريك بقد عامل نظر
أزريت بالبيض بل أزريت بالسمر
2. And you did not think, O flexible branch
Except that the bending of the twig has become dangerous
٢. وما تخطرت يا غصن النقا هيفا
إلا وسمر القنا أمست على خطر
3. If only the just brown saw you one day
Bending it, it would drown in looking
٣. لو قدك العادل السمر الطيال رأت
يوما تثنيه لاستغرقن بالنظر
4. Why did I not meet his cheek and twist
One morning shining in the darkness of night from poetry
٤. لم الق قبل محياه وطرته
صبحا اضا في دجا ليل من الشعر
5. No sooner said his mirror and stance
Individually gathering from branch and from moon
٥. كلأ ولا قيل مرآه وقامته
فردا تجمع من غصن ومن قمر
6. Beauties poured into a mold of beauty
Rather, a seduction created by the Merciful for humans
٦. محاسن افرغت في قالب حسن
بل فتنة صاغها الرحمن للبشر
7. Great is He who from the uniqueness of beauty composed it
Meaning and its image in the best of forms
٧. جل الذي من بديع الحسن ركبه
معنى وصوره في احسن الصور
8. From it dresses that have softened, and how amazing
For my heart until it became of stone
٨. منه المعاطف قد لانت فواعجبا
لفؤاد كيف حتى صار من حجر
9. You almost string from the softness of his dresses
Supple and his cheeks my soul from looking
٩. تكاد تعقد من لطف معاطفه
لينا ووجنته ندمي من النظر
10. Do not think that a mole above his cheek
Is amber dispersed, its fragrance spread
١٠. لا تحسبوا ان خالا فوق وجنته
من عنبر ضاع ريا نشره العطر
11. Rather, the eye in the mirror of his cheek
Saw, so it witnessed the blackness of sight
١١. وانما الطرف في مرآة وجنته
رأى فشاهد فيها اسود البصر
12. I did not forget when he said to me, what have you composed and what
Have you left of you, eyes of maidens, for maidens
١٢. لم انس اذ قال لي ماذا ألفت وما
سبته منك عيون الحور بالحور
13. And have you stayed up late in the darkness after me, so I said to him
Ask your brother the full moon about my staying up
١٣. وهل سهرت لدجا بعدي فقلت له
سل في الظلام اخاك البدر عن سهري
14. So be fair, pull me closer, make me lean, prevent me
And cut off, reconnect, consent, get angry, forbid me, and order me
١٤. فاعدل وجر واعطفن واقس امنعن وأنل
واقطع وصل وارض واغضب وانهين ومر