1. I write the line of connection, dictate to me the dots
May my Master in love make the line steadfast
١. أكاتب خط الوصل حرر لي الضبطا
عسى مالكي في الحب أن يثبت الخطا
2. So the copy of my cheek today was met with illness
Did you not see in it the tears made clear the erasure
٢. فنسخة خدي اليوم بالسقم قوبلت
ألم تر فيها الدمع قد أوضح الكشطا
3. On the soul I made a condition in love, my innermost being
So it did not refuse in the law of passion that condition
٣. على الروح قد شارطت في الحب مهجتي
فلم تأب في شرع الهوى ذلك الشرطا
4. So my slumber and sleep when my loved ones appeared
So this one came near me and that one had departed
٤. فسهدي ونومي حين بانوا احبتي
فهذا دنا مني وهذاك قد شطا
5. So if that was their pleasure in passion, their approval
Then I see my pride without them as displeasure
٥. فان كان ذلي في الغرام رضاهم
فاني ارى عزي بغيرهم سخطا
6. For wherever they settled, my bonds are upon them
And I was not able to release or bind near them
٦. فهم أينما حلوا عليهم تربطي
ولم أستطع حلّا لديهم ولا ربطا
7. I scattered my tears upon the slope of the rocks
Carnelians, and from them I stringed for them a necklace
٧. نثرت على سفح المحاجر ادمعي
عقيقا ومنها قد نظمت لهم سمطا
8. I forgot in them the tranquility of the shy, fleet gazelles
And the sand dunes of Nu'man and its middle parts
٨. نسيت بهم آرام غزلان رامة
وكثبان نعمان وبانتها الوسطى
9. And if the falling of passion were not a dwelling for them
I would not have longed for Hay al-Amariyyah and its plains
٩. ولو لم يكن سقط اللوى منزلا لهم
لما اشتقت حي العامرية والسقطا
10. In remembering them I wander confused
As if I were drunk and never tasted Ispand
١٠. عريب بذكراهم اهيم صبابة
كأني نشوان وما ذقت إسفنطا
11. With them the necklace of unity was strung orderly and I did not
Find in the Messenger of God a day for them to be abandoned
١١. بهم صار عقد الشمل منتظما ولم
نجد برسول الله يوما لهم فرطا
12. He is the ending, the Eraser, erasing unbelief is His sword
Thus the pen of idolatry revolted and by it was severed
١٢. هو العاقب الماحي محا الكفر سيفه
كذا قلم الشرك انبرى وبه انقطا
13. Thus the letters of the script spoke to him
And he did not know satire or poetry
١٣. كذاك حروف الخط قد نطقت له
وقد كان لا يدري الهجاء ولا الخطا
14. And from his two fingers the water overflowed and flowed
To the right, so he watered the army and the smooth plain
١٤. ومن اصبعيه الماء فاض وقد جرى
ممينا فروّى الجيش واليلد القطحا
15. To the right, by it his right hand was not known to withhold
So I ransom the appearance of generosity and open-handedness
١٥. يمينا به لم تدر قبضا يمينه
فديت بدا شهوى السماحة والبطسا
16. Whoever compares the favor of attaining his generosity
Then he has exceeded the limit in analogy and was mistaken
١٦. فمن قاس بالانواء نائل جوده
فقد زاد حدا في القياس وقد خطا
17. He is the most judicious of creation and their most generous hand
And greatest in asceticism and most abundant in giving
١٧. اجل الورى قدرا واكرمهم يدا
واعظمهم زهدا واكثرهم إعطا
18. And his companions are the honorable group, foremost in piety
So honor the companionship through them and honor the group through them
١٨. واصحابه الرهط الكرام أولو التقى
فاكرم بهم صحبا واكرم بهم رهطا
19. Dark complexioned you see in them every day a battalion
White in form and brown in skin
١٩. اسودٌ ترى في كل يوم كتيبة
لبيضهم شكلا وسمرهم نهقطا
20. For them glory was erected and nobility in the high places
And the flowers were trampled gently by their sandals
٢٠. لهم شاد في العلياء مجدا ورفعة
ووطأ لهم بالانيق الزهر ما وطا
21. And in the cradle I suckled praise of him with my hands
And intended before depositing the cotton wool
٢١. وفي المهد قد ارضعت يدي مديحه
وهمت به من قبل ان اودع القمطا
22. And I have not ceased with my heart busy in his praise
Hoping to see for me through his intercession a portion
٢٢. وما زلت مشغول الفؤاد بمدحه
لعلي ارىا لي من شفاعته قسطا
23. My longing openly declares in remembering him
Perhaps the hand of apology will comb it with a comb
٢٣. تصرح شوقا بنت فكري بذكره
لعل يد الاعذار تمشطها مشطا
24. And write in the market of slaves as a delicate slave girl
And dress it in the garment of acceptance a gown
٢٤. وتكتب في سوق الرقيق رقيقة
وتلبس من وشي القبول لها مرطا
25. And live your passion after it twisted
And no longer count a bracelet mentioned or earrings
٢٥. وعيش هواكم لا تغزلت بعدها
ولا عدت خلخالا ذكرت ولا قرطا
26. So O master of the two worlds, you are my means
When the course is too narrow, then expand it for me as a portion
٢٦. فيا سيد الكونين انت وسيلتي
اذا ضاق بي ذرعا واوسعني قمطا
27. For my life is lost and the days of youth are ended
And I was not admonished in my ignorance by my defects
٢٧. فقد ضاع عمري وانقضى زمن الصبا
ولم اتعظ جهلا بلمتي الشمطا
28. But in you I hope for grace and generosity
When the deeds of the people of corruption are corrected
٢٨. ولكن بك الغفران ارجو تكرما
اذا ضبطت اعمال اهل الشقا ضبطا
29. Upon you is the peace of God as long as dusk scattered
From the clouds and its downpours poured forth
٢٩. عليك سلام الله ما سح وابل
من المزن وانهلّت سحائبه سقطا