1. O Lord, forgive me, for I am afraid and anxious,
And I have no good deeds to hope for, no work,
١. يا رب عفواً فإني خائف وجل
وليس لي صالح يرجى لا عمل
2. And I have come to Your door, my Master, destitute,
Needing Your riches, and my means have been exhausted.
٢. وجئت بابك يا مولاي مفتقرا
إلى غناك وقد ضاقت بي الحيل
3. And I found no way to defend myself,
And ways and means have been cut off from me.
٣. ولم أجد لي سبيلا في مدافعة
وبي تقطعت الاسباب والسبل
4. And I did not entrust my affairs in the world to anyone,
Except You, the servant depends on You alone.
٤. ولم أكل في الورى امري الى احد
وليس الا عليك العبد يتكل
5. So accept, my God, my excuses and be generous,
For your rope of generosity is connected to goodness.
٥. فاقبل الهي معاذيري وجد كرما
فحبل جودك بالخيرات متصل
6. And hear my call, for I have never ceased,
In all circumstances, beseeching You.
٦. واسمع نداي فاني لم ازل ابدا
اليك في سائر الحالات ابتهل
7. And forgive my sins and terrible mistakes,
Which became great and burdened me beyond endurance.
٧. واغفر ذنوبي وزلاتي التي عظمت
وحمّلتني ما لا كنت احتمل
8. For Your generosity erases them, however many,
Even if the plains and mountains narrow because of them.
٨. فان جودك يمحوها وان كثرت
لو أنّ عنها يضيق السهل والجبل
9. And I made intercession through the Chosen One from Mudar,
For he is the healing by which maladies are cured.
٩. وقد تشفعت بالمختار من مضر
فهو الشفاء الذي تشفى به العلل
10. The Opener, the Sealer, the Eraser, whose coming
Truly sealed the news and the messengers with his mission.
١٠. الفاتح الخاتم الماحي الذي ختمت
حقا ببعثته الانباء والرسل
11. He who, to the Blessed Farthest Mosque, certainly
Journeyed by night, and the darkness was enveloping.
١١. ومن الى المسجد الاقصى المبارك قد
اسري به وظلام الليل منسدل
12. And Gabriel the Trustworthy ascended with him
To heaven upon heaven, moving between them.
١٢. وصار يعرج جبريل الامين به
إلى سماءٍ سماء ثم ينتقل
13. And drew near, two bow-lengths, to the Lord of Heaven,
And attained what none other attains.
١٣. وقاب قوسين من رب السماء دنا
ونال ما لا اليه غيره يصل
14. Without him, there would be no sun, no moon,
No sky, no earth, and no mountain.
١٤. لولاه ما كان لا شمس ولا قمرٌ
ولا سماءٌ ولا ارضٌ ولا جبل
15. No seas, no angel, and no angel,
No fish, no whale, and no star.
١٥. ولا بحارٌ ولا ملكٌ ولا ملكٌ
ولا سماكٌ ولا حوتٌ ولا حمل
16. He who never ceased calling to God, striving,
And neither injustice nor weariness overtook him.
١٦. من لم يزل داعيا للّه مجتهدا
وليس يأخذه حيف ولا ملل
17. And for the upright, gentle faith he established,
Until through it there was neither deviance nor leaning.
١٧. وللحنيفية السمحا اقام إلى
ان اصبحت لا بها زيغ ولا ميل
18. And his people, the people of Badr, how many nights
Suffering darkness and the fires of war blazing!
١٨. وقومه اهل بدر كم بليل وغى
جلوا ظلاما ونار الحرب تشتعل
19. Each like a full moon in the dark night,
Clothed in lightning, girt with stars,
١٩. من كل ابلج وضاح السنا قمرٌ
بالبرق متشح بالنجم معتقل
20. When he marched forth, resolute, on a day of battle,
You saw death itself loom from him, and destiny.
٢٠. اذا امتضى صارما في يوم معركة
ابصرت منه يلوح الموت والاجل
21. Their swords - whenever they were unsheathed - bowed down,
And when they struck, the enemies submitted.
٢١. سيوفهم كلما صلت لها سجدت
هام العدا ولما أمضته تمتثل
22. The white and the dark-skinned, when mentioned,
Meant only the swords and the shriveled bowstrings.
٢٢. ما البيض عندهم والسمران ذكرت
الا الصوارمُ والعسالة الذبل
23. A people who, when greeting, were likeclouds of drizzle,
Or, when fighting, a dark storm with lightning raging.
٢٣. قوم اذا سالموا كانوا غمام ندا
او حاربوا فاسودٌ غابها الاسل
24. They pledged themselves to God against the misguided;
Never did they stint with their souls, not on a single day.
٢٤. قد بايعوا الله في اهل الضلال وما
شحوا بانفسهم يوما وما يخلوا
25. And their fortress was Taha the Herald; when
The steeds fled, and the valiant stallion bolted,
٢٥. وكان حصنا لهم طه البشير اذا
فرّ الجياد وكلّ الفرس البطل
26. He is the intercessor whose intercession is hoped for,
And the hopes of one seeking his generosity are not unmet.
٢٦. فهو الشفيع الذي ترجى شفاعته
ولا يخيب لراجي جوده امل
27. And he is the one who came to the worlds as a mercy,
Announcing good news, and the messengers gave tidings of him.
٢٧. وهو الذي رحمة للعالمين اتى
مبشرا وبه قد بشر الرسل
28. And he is the one who came with the Quran, and so
By the authority of its verses, creeds and kingdoms were abrogated.
٢٨. وهو الذي جاء بالقرآن فانتسخت
بحكم آياته الاديان والملل
29. And he is the Compassionate to us, righteous and kind,
Possessor of the Glorious Majesty by which examples are given.
٢٩. وهو الرؤوف بنا البر الرحيم وذو الس
مجد الذي بعلاه يضرب المثل
30. And he is the one who will reckon with us on Judgment Day,
And if I listed his virtues, a camel could not carry them all.
٣٠. وهو المعد لنا يوم الحساب وان
عدت مناقبه لم يحصها جمل
31. Were it not for him, no Arab would have faulted me in Su'alim,
Nor would I have seen you, nor Baan, nor Athl.
٣١. لولاه ما شاقني عرب بذى سلم
ولا اراك ولا بان ولا اثل
32. No, nor would poetry have been pleasing to me, nor
Sweet kinsmen, nor praise, nor love poems.
٣٢. كلا ولا راق لي نظم القريض ولا
حلا نسيب ولا مدح ولا غزل
33. And I would not have been passionate about any meaning
Unless you, by my life, were the goal and the hope.
٣٣. وما اشبب في معنى اهيم به
الا وانت لعمري القصد والامل
34. O Master of Messengers, ill fortune has delayed me,
And incapacity and laziness have prevented me.
٣٤. يا سيد الرسل سوء الحظ اخرني
وعاقني المقعدان العجز والكسل
35. I wonder, will there be leave for me in this life
To visit, before destiny takes me, or not?
٣٥. فليت شعري هل في العمر يؤذن لي
بزورة قبل ان يغتالني الاجل
36. For before, my family kept me busy,
And today I have become without family or occupation.
٣٦. فقبلها كان بالاهلين لي شغل
واليوم اصبحت لا اهل ولا شغل
37. And my abode is not in a land with companions,
And I have no she-camel in it, nor camel.
٣٧. وما مقامي بارض لا انيس بها
وليس لي ناقة فيها ولا جمل
38. But I hope for kindness from you, generosity,
For the servant has no alternative to his masters.
٣٨. لكنني منك ارجو العطف لي كرما
وليس للعبد عن ساداته بدل
39. Take it as a greeting from one longing for you,
And whose hair old age's jewelry and finery have adorned.
٣٩. خذها تحية مشتاق اليك اتت
ومن سناها عليك الحلي والحلل
40. It seeks the settlements - perhaps if you recite it one day
And incline your hearing to it, the minds and intellects will listen.
٤٠. تبغي القرى فعسى تقرى اذا تليت
يوماً وتصغى لها الاسماع والمقل
41. And whoever takes refuge with you in both abodes
Will have no fear or anxiety for him, not at all.
٤١. ومن تكن انت في الدارين ملجأه
فليس خوف عليه لا ولا وجل
42. May the God of the Throne bless you whenever
A quill creaked sweetly on wood in your praise, reciting poetry.
٤٢. صلى عليك اله العرش ما صدحت
في الايك ورقٌ على عود لها زجل
43. And on your Family and Companions, whenever
Swayed by ardour, the camel-litters rode to the perfumed land.
٤٣. والآل والصحب ما ركب شدا طربا
وما لطيبة شوق حنت الإبل