
My tears flowed from my eyelids

سفحت عقيق الدمع من سفح مقلتي

1. My tears flowed from my eyelids
And I cried bitterly before thebeloved

١. سفحت عقيق الدمع من سفح مقلتي
وبت لدى الجرعاء أجرع عبرتي

2. My soul melted with sorrow and broke apart
My sighs brought forth tears

٢. وروحي ذابت بالاسى وتفطرت
وسالت دموعا من تصعد زفرتي

3. Since my heart longed for the caravan of love
It threw my heart into embers, one after another

٣. ومذ بصفا قلبي سعى طائف الهوى
رمى بفؤادي جمرة بعد جمرة

4. Between my eyelids and sleep are barriers
As between my body in sickness and my companions

٤. وبين جفوني والرقاد خنافر
كما بين جسمي في السقام وصحبتي

5. So my will and patience are separated from you
While my sickness is united with you, and my passion

٥. فمفترق وجدي وصبري عنكم
ومتفق سقمي لديكم ولوعتي

6. My first longing was my last tear
And my last tear was my last outpouring

٦. فاول شوقي كان آخر ادمعي
وآخر دمعي كان آخر صبوتي

7. Oh gentle folk bent from my ribs
Be kind to my heart for it is my remainder among you

٧. الا يا اهيل المنحنى من اضالعي
بقلبي رفقا فهو منكم بقيتي

8. And if in love you make me suffer, let it be
Through my sickness reaching you, not through separation

٨. وفي الحب ان عذبتموني فليكن
بتوصول سقمي لا بمر القطيعة

9. For I have wasted away all of me in your love
And nothing remains except preserving affection

٩. فمني قد ابلى جميعي هواكم
ولم يبق مني غير حفظ المودة

10. My heart would not forget your affection
Nor would my heart turn aside except to your slopes

١٠. عدمت فؤادي ان تناسى ودادكم
ولا كان قلبي ان نحا غير نحلتي

11. Upon my departure you cast the rope of your separation
And my steed of endurance stumbled in hardship

١١. على غاربي ألقيتم حبل هجركم
وخيل اصطباري في الاعنة عنت

12. You weakened my body through disfavor
Yet your disfavor satisfies me, and my tenderness

١٢. ومني قد رققتم الجسم بالجفا
واني ليرضيني جفاكم ورقتي

13. And to live your love, even if it drained my soul
I would not turn from you in passion without tranquility

١٣. وعيش هواكم لو سلا مهجتي القلا
لما فيت عنكم في الغرام بسلوة

14. Unlawful upon my eye is its hatred and purity
When it has seen a day and stopped in purity

١٤. حرام على عيني كراها وطيبه
لما قد جرى يوما وحل بطيبة

15. So do not deny in sorrow that I have become confused
Tearing open the pockets of patience from the greatness of my grief

١٥. فلا تنكروا بالحزن أن صرت حائرا
اشق جيوب الصبر من عظم حسرتي

16. Worthy are my eyes of tears when they weep
For a sanctuary that contained the noblest spot

١٦. جدير لعيني بالدموع اذا بكت
على حرم قد ضم اشرف بقعة

17. Struck at night as if by lightning
From the intensity of that horror as if struck by lightning

١٧. بصاعقة ليلا اصيب كأنما
لشدة ذاك الهول نودي بصعقة

18. And from it arrows of tribulation were released
Never have I seen the like of it in tribulation

١٨. وقد فوقت منها سهاما مصيبة
ولم ار يوما مثلها من مصيبة

19. And it did not cease to grow, and whenever
I would say perhaps it has ended, it would recur

١٩. وما برحت تزداد وفد وكلما
اقول عساها قد تولت تولت

20. And people rushed to it from every side
Each crying fire! in burning

٢٠. وعاج اليها الناس من كل جانب
وكل ينادي بالحريق بحرقة

21. And they were unable to extinguish any of its flames
For who can drive away tribulation?

٢١. ولم يستطيعوا بعض اطفاء وقدها
ومن ذا الذي يسطيع رد البلية

22. And a group of people died, burned in it
Increasing the ten belonging to the Chosen Clan

٢٢. ومات بها حرقا من الناس معشر
يزيدون عشرا بابن زين العشيرة

23. And birds came and drove the people away after
They had surrounded that chamber of the Prophet

٢٣. وجاءت طيور ردت الناس بعدما
احاطت بتلك الحجرة النبوية

24. And whoever was present witnessed those birds
Visible to the eyes without any doubt

٢٤. وشاهد ذاك الطير من كان حاضراً
من الناس مرأى العين من غير ريبة

25. And in this fire God had some purpose
Which is only due to esoteric knowledge

٢٥. ولله في هذا الحريق ارادة
وما ذاك الا عن علوم خفية

26. I wish I were there to sacrifice myself
And with my soul ransom it, and my innermost being

٢٦. فياليتني لو كنت يوما لها الفدا
وكنت بروحي افتديها ومهجتي

27. I implore you, O wall, that I see
The hands of tribulations seize you with defeat

٢٧. احاشيك يا هذا الجدار بان أرى
تمسك ايدي الحادثات بنكبة

28. Unless you inform the inhabitant of the grave
Indeed my greetings and most fragrant regards

٢٨. الا مبلغ عني لساكن تربة
اجل سلامي ثم ازكى تحيتي

29. My beloved, O Chosen One, treasure of my quest
And destination of my hopes and joy of my meadow

٢٩. حبيبي يا مختار يا كنز مقصدي
ومنهاج آمالي وبهجة روضتي

30. My sins and failings have grown in this moment
And you are the one hoped for in every monumental matter

٣٠. ذنوبي وزلاتي لحظي تعاظمت
وانت الذي ترجى لكل عظيمة

31. Through you today I hope for salvation, and tomorrow
Will be for the Day of Judgement the greatest connection

٣١. بك اليوم لي ارجو النجاة وفي غد
يكون ليوم الفصل أعظم وصلة

32. For were it not for you, Adam would not have been
Nor would Noah have survived in the ark

٣٢. فأنت الذي لولاه ما كان آدم
ولا كان نوح قد نجا في السفينة

33. Nor would Abraham, in his state, have found
The fire become cool in the pleasing land

٣٣. ولا كان ابراهيم في الحال ناره
عليه غدت بردا بارض اريضة

34. Nor would Ishmael, when he came
Obediently, have been saved in the moment from the blade of slaughter

٣٤. ولا كان اسماعيل للذبح مذ أتى
مطيعا نجا في الحال من حد مدبة

35. Nor would the forehead of him who was crushed
Have been ransomed with the greatest ransom

٣٥. ولا كان لما تله لجبينه
وقد سلما افدي باعظم فدية

36. Nor would Moses without him have found water of Median
Nor by night been guided toward the firebrand

٣٦. ولولاه موسى ماء مدين لم يرد
ولا كان ليلا يهتدي نحو جذوة

37. Nor would Jesus as a child in his cradle
Have prophesied to his people about prophethood

٣٧. ولا كان عيسى وهو طفل بمهده
ينبىء عنه قومه بالنبوة

38. Nor would Mary have carried him, nor would she
Have been told "Shake the trunk of a palm tree toward you"

٣٨. ولا مريمٌ كانت به حملت ولا
لها قيل هزّي في الندا جذع نخلة

39. And Enoch, were it not for him, would not have ascended
A lofty place below which is every rank

٣٩. وادريس لولاه لما كان قد علا
مكانا رفيعاً دونه كل رتبة

40. Nor would Job's harm have left him
Nor would he have been given patience during tribulation

٤٠. ولا كان عن ايوب قد زال ضره
ولا كان اعطى الصبر عند البلية

41. Yes, he is the best of all the prophets together
And his nation is counted the best nation

٤١. نعم فهو خير الانبياء جميعهم
وامته معدودة خير امة

42. For him are the dazzling miracles, and how many
Signs for us appeared, one after another

٤٢. له المعجزات الباهرات وكم لنا
بها ظهرت من آية بعد آية

43. For his loved ones the moon split obediently
And for him the sun returned at sunset

٤٣. فبدر السما قد شق طوعا لاحبته
وردت اليه الشمس عند عشية

44. And a camel came to complain to him, and it
Was noon, from the heat at midday

٤٤. وجاء له يشكو البعير ومنه قد
وهي الظهر وهنا من هجير الظهيرة

45. And in the horizon, that gazelle submitted
To him, and to the hunter returned and was faithful

٤٥. وفي الافق هاتيك الغزالة سلمت
عليه وللصياد عادت ووفت

46. And how many eyes has he healed and how much
His fingers overflowed, and for the army gushed forth

٤٦. وكم رد من عين وجاد بها وكم
اصابعه فاضت وللجيش روّت

47. And on the night of the Ascension, from God he drew near
And He addressed him in the Holy Presence

٤٧. وفي ليلة الاسرا من الله قد دنا
وخاطبه في الحضرة القدسيّة

48. And He clove the carpet out of honor
And who other than him attained this in the expanse?

٤٨. وداس بنعليه البساط تكرما
ومن نال هذا غيره في البسيطة

49. So if you say Badr, it is from some of his light
And if you say Sun, it derived from him

٤٩. فأن قلت بدر فهو من بعض نوره
وان قلت شمس فهي منه استمدت

50. And if the pens of the earth raced
To the sea, ink for describing him would run out

٥٠. ولو أن عثب الارض اقلام كاتب
لها البحر حبر عنه في الوصف كلت

51. So do not reckon what I have said is his rightful worth
Rather that is only according to my ability and power

٥١. فلا تحسبوا ما قلته حق قدره
وما ذاك إلّ حسب قدري وقدرتي

52. To you, O Messenger of God, I complain of grave sins
In hoping for great, encompassing mercy for my grave state

٥٢. اليك رسول الله اشكو كبائرا
على كبر وارحمتاه لكبرتي

53. And here I have come repenting
Perhaps through you my sins will be erased and my repentance accepted

٥٣. وها قد وهي ظهري وقد جئت تائبا
عسى بك ان تمحي وتقبل توبتي

54. O son of a generous father and son of a generous mother
Through you today I hope for relief from the harm of my generous lady

٥٤. ايا ابن كريم وابن خير كريمة
بك اليوم ارجو كشف ضر كريمتي

55. And I hope that on the Day of Resurrection you will help me cross
The crossing place safely as a reward for my praise of you

٥٥. وارجوك في الحشر الصراط تجيزني
جواز جزاء عن اجازة مدحتي

56. For if this is fulfilled for me, happiness is fulfilled for me
And I will attain bliss and return with blessing

٥٦. فان تم لي هذا فقد تم لي الهنا
وحزت نعيما وانقلبت بنعمة

57. So for you, O one of righteousness, are my praises
Perhaps the righteous one among them will be for my frailty

٥٧. فدونك ياذا البر مني مدائحا
لعل يكون البرء فيها لعلتي

58. Perhaps the son of a King will cure me with a glance
Protecting him from the faults of every eye and glance

٥٨. عسى ابن مليك منك يشفى بنظرة
تقيه العنا من كل عين ونظرة

59. Upon you, O God, then greetings and peace
Lasting for eternity, period after period

٥٩. عليك صلاة الله ثم سلامه
مدى الدهر يبقى مدة بعد مدة

60. And upon your family, and the companions whenever
The breeze blew and parted the locks of the dawn

٦٠. وآلك والاصحاب ما هبت الصبا
وما نشقت عرف الشذا حين هبت