
My friend, keep away from the one whose home country I dwell in

يا صاحبي نأى من كان في وطني

1. My friend, keep away from the one whose home country I dwell in
Both in secret and openly I reside with him

١. يا صاحبي نأى من كان في وطني
إليه أسكن في سري وفي علني

2. If you both happen upon a land that harbors my yearning
I implore you by God, do not disturb my dwelling

٢. فإن تيممتما ارضا بها شجني
بالله ربكما عوجا على سكني

3. And reproach him, perhaps reproach may make him kind
And make him aware by concealing your love for me

٣. وعاتباه لعل العتب يعطفه
وعرفاه بتنكير الهوى بكما

4. And disclose to him my privations towards you both
If he feels sympathy for your state

٤. واظهراه على خافي نحولكما
فان تألم اشفاقا لجالكما

5. Then make excuses for me and say in your discussion
What ails your servant to be destroyed by estrangement?

٥. فعرّضا بي وقولا في حديثكما
ما بال عبدك بالهجران تتلفه

6. And inform him that I live in torment
And entreat him with words of affection

٦. وخبراه باني في مجاده
واستعطفاه بقول في مماجنة

7. And converse with him in playful banter
If he smiles, speak to him gently

٧. وحادثاه حديثا في ممازحة
فان تبسم قولا في ملاطفة

8. What harm if by his union you grant me relief?
And if he says, "This one has his dignity"

٨. ما ضرّ لو بوصال منك تسعفه
وان يقل فيكما هذا له حسب

9. Say "Yes, and we too have ties to him
If he is pleased by your words, he is most beloved to me

٩. قولا نعم ولنا ايضا به نسب
ان يرضه ما تقولا فهو لي ارب

10. And if anger shows on his face from you both
Then challenge him and say "You do not know him"

١٠. وان بدا لكما من وجهه غضب
فغالطاه وقولا ليس تعرفه