
I learned melodies from the inspiration of leaves,

تعلمت الألحان من نوحي الورقا

1. I learned melodies from the inspiration of leaves,
And youth took from me passion and love.

١. تعلمت الألحان من نوحي الورقا
وقد أخذت عني الصبابة والعشقا

2. My companions found love in your affection,
So I became a slave to love for your sake.

٢. ورفقتي في الحب وجد هواكم
فأصبحت عبدا في الغرام لكم وفقا

3. Nothing remains for me but lovesickness for you.
So love what I have wasted, and leave my soul what remains.

٣. ولم يبق لي غير السقام هواكم
فتحب ما افنى وللروح ما ابقى

4. My life is in you - were I to die from passion!
And in you is my bliss in love, though I suffer.

٤. حياتي بكم اني اموت صبابة
وفيكم نعيمي في الغرام بان اشقى

5. Whoever does not find his soul obedient to your command
And seeks a life that neither lives nor remains,

٥. ومن لم يجد بالروح طوعا لامركم
ورام حياة لا يعيش ولا يبقى

6. O my loved ones! If only what is between us is effort,
And whoever casts false words meets what he has cast.

٦. أأحبابنا ليت الذي بيننا سعى
والقى حديث الزور يلقى الذي القى

7. I clung to you as a child, and were it not for your love
I would not know what passion and love are.

٧. علقت بكم طفلا ولولا هواكم
لما كنت أدري ما الغرام وما العشقا

8. My youth reminds me of the wilderness and plains
When I sing your name upon the leaves.

٨. بذكرني التشبيب بالبان والنقا
اذا غردت بالايك في الورق الورقا

9. And I ask the breeze about your sweet scattering,
And when lost, I inhale your traces from the roads.

٩. واسأل عرف الريح عن طيب نشركم
وعنكم اذا ما ضاع استنشق الطرقا

10. And if the Yemeni lightning flickers at night,
My heart increases in its fervent beating.

١٠. وان خفق البرق اليماني عشية
فيزداد قلبي من تلهفه خفقا

11. And why do not my tears flow like pouring rain
When I smell your land from afar?

١١. ومالي لا تنهل سحب مدامعي
اذا شمت من تلقاء ارضكم برقا

12. And if this tear continues flowing, o youth,
I fear the drowned will become many.

١٢. وان دام هذا الدمع يجري صبابة
فاني اخشى منه ان يكثر الغرقى

13. And I weep not but for the blaze in my ribs -
Perhaps it may extinguish my burnt pinions.

١٣. واني لابكي من لهيب بأضلعي
لعلّ به تطفى جوانحي الحرقى

14. What good can amulets and incantations do
When I have a tear that does not dry?

١٤. وماذا عسى تغني التمائم والرقى
اذا كان لي دمع من العين لا يرفا

15. So gently, O kind one, gently with a passionate lover,
And be kind to one led by passion to kindness.

١٥. فعطفا عريب الحي عطفا لمغرم
ورفقا بمن اودى الغرام به رفقا

16. With you I have an ancient covenant and pact,
For the Messenger of Allah is my firm pact.

١٦. فلي عندكم عهدٌ قديم وموثقٌ
لأن رسول الله عروتي الوثقى

17. A prophet whom Allah chose for Himself,
A beloved, and were it not for him existence would not have been created.

١٧. نبي له الله اصطفاء لنفسه
حبيبا ولولاه لما اوجد الخلقا

18. A prophet who came from the noblest of lineages,
Ask his clan and it will tell you the truth.

١٨. نبيّ اتى من اشرف الناس عنصرا
سلوا البيت عنه فهو يخبركم صدقا

19. A prophet who came with the truth as a mercy to creation,
So joy to one who followed and embraced the truth.

١٩. نبي اتى بالحق للخلق رحمة
فيافوز من والاه واتبع الحقا

20. A prophet by whom the Merciful swore an oath, and his name
Is derived from praise and the Quran, and was thus coined.

٢٠. نبيّ به الرحمن اقسم واسمه
من الحمد والفرقان قد جاء مشتقا

21. A prophet who tomorrow will lead in the race of merit,
So who can compete with him when he has won the race?

٢١. نبي غدا في حلبة الفضل سابقا
فمن ذا يجاريه وقد احرز السبقا

22. A prophet over whom a cloud provided shade
When traveling west at noon or east.

٢٢. نبي له كانت تظل غمامة
اذا سار غربا في الظهيرة او شرقا

23. A prophet for whom the sun was brought back as a sign,
And the moon at its zenith split open for him.

٢٣. نبيٌ له قد ردت الشمس آية
وبدر الدجى في النصف طوعا له انشاق

24. A prophet to whom gazelles hastened,
Then turned back with his light filling the horizon.

٢٤. نبي اتت تسعى الغزالة نحوه
وعادت ومنه نورها يملأ الافقا

25. A prophet who restored the lost eye,
And it gushed forth as a fountain from his fingers.

٢٥. نبيٌ اعاد العين بعد ذهابها
وفاضت معينا من اصابعه دفقا

26. A prophet who ascended by night to the Throne, and thus ascended
A lofty position none before him ever attained.

٢٦. نبي به اسري الى العرش فارتقى
مكانا عليا غيره الدهر لا يرقى

27. A prophet who prayed atop the seven heavens,
Truly attaining an abode and leading them in prayer.

٢٧. نبي على السبع الطباق لقد علا
مكانا وقد صلى وام بهم حقا

28. A prophet who came near, to two bow lengths’ distance,
And attained the ultimate limit, and truly saw the Truth.

٢٨. نبي دنا من قاب قوسين وانتهى
الى الغاية القصوى وحقا رأى الحقا

29. So describe and relate the loftiness of his rank,
For every lofty description of his praise is true.

٢٩. فيالغ وحدث عن علو مقامه
فكل علو جاء في مدحه طبقا

30. Leave off every other praise in existence but his praise,
For that is mistake, and does not distinguish the difference.

٣٠. ودع كل مدح في الورى غير مدحه
فذاك الذي اخطا ولم يشهد الفرقا

31. For him is the fragrant Garden of Beauty, a paradise,
Where whoever enters is never hungry or suffering.

٣١. له الروضة الفيحاء للحسن جنة
فمن حل فيها لا يجوع ولا يشقى

32. O excellence! Blessed are you for what you contain
Of the Most High's abode - for him is the ascent.

٣٢. فياطيبة طوبى لما قد حويت من
محل علا اعلى السماك له مرقى

33. Will I see my dusty life return verdant?
And the black pupil see again its blueness?

٣٣. ترى عيشيَ المغبر يرجع اخضرا
وبالمقلة السودا ارى عينها الزرقا

34. Will my blessed earth crack open, its perfume redolent,
Diffusing like musk, giving me relief?

٣٤. وانشق تربا طيب عرف عبيره
يضوع كنشر المسك ينعشني نشقا

35. And I sing facing his tomb - O Best of Creation!
A slave has come to your door seeking emancipation.

٣٥. واشدو تجاه القبر يا اشرف الورى
ببابك عبد اجاء يرجو بك العتقا

36. Ask that tear, weeping in humility,
Cast down in pleading - at dawn it was cast.

٣٦. وسائل ذاك الدمع ذلا لعزكم
ترامى وبالاعتاب صبا غدا ملقى

37. Far be it from you! One who seeks you will not return disappointed,
And your most loyal attainer has the safest place.

٣٧. وحاشاك من يرجوك يرجع خائبا
ونائلك الاوفى ومنزلك الاتقى

38. Perhaps a king's son will be cured by your glance,
And on the Day of Great Thirst drink from your overflowing pool.

٣٨. عسى ابن مليك منك يشفى بنظرة
ومن حوضك المورود يوم الظما يسقى

39. And through you achieve his aims in both abodes,
Easy for your towering glory.

٣٩. ويبلغ في الدارين منك مرامه
ومطلوبه سهل لدى مجدك الارقى

40. For in that Abode of Eternity he hopes for your generosity,
And with this, hopes for a good conclusion.

٤٠. ففي تلك دار الخلد يرجو تكرما
ويرجو بهذا حسن خاتمة يلقى

41. Upon you, blessings of God, then His peace,
Blessings forever enduring through all time.

٤١. عليك صلاة الله ثم سلامه
صلاة على طول المدى ابدا تبقى

42. And upon your family and companions whenever
Passionate yearning was stirred by nightingales among leaves.

٤٢. وآلك والاصحاب ما هيجت صبا
بلابل مشتاق وما سجعت ورقا