
My grief is enough that separation has harmed me,

كفاني حزنا أن أضر بي الهجر

1. My grief is enough that separation has harmed me,
And I could no longer live or have any patience.

١. كفاني حزنا أن أضرّ بي الهجرُ
ولم يحل لي عيش ولم يبق لي صبر

2. I did not know before, between them when
I had reaped the fire of companionship, that the intention was bitter.

٢. وما كنت ادري قبل بينهم وقد
جنيت نار الوصل ان النوى مر

3. And I thought time was heedless of us,
If only it had been more vigilant between us!

٣. وكنت أظن الدهر قد كان غافلا
فليت بنا لا كان قد فطن الدهر

4. The nights before this day were not sweeter
For us with the bliss of life passing by.

٤. فما كان قبل اليوم أحلى لياليا
لنا بلذيذ العيش مرت وما مروا

5. Except that days only betray their people,
And if one day is safe, its nature is betrayal.

٥. الا انما الايام غدر بأهلها
وان سالمت يوما فمن شأنها الغدر

6. Nothing stays the same, and what the fates
Ordained for it - increase for my life or Amr’s!

٦. وليس على حال تدوم وما قضى
بها موطرا زيد لعمري ولا عمرو

7. So do not seek loyalty from it - it is
Full of deceit, and loyalty in it is little.

٧. فلا تطلبن منها وفاء فانها
كثيرة مطل والوفاء بها نزر

8. Oh sons of hopes - the darkness has grown dim
And the full moon has been eclipsed from the heaven.

٨. الا يا بني الآمال قد اظلم الدجى
ومن فلك العلياء قد خسف البدر

9. Lightning laments it and clouds have numbered
The scowling face of the clouds when the rain wept.

٩. وناح عليها المرعد والسحب عددت
وعبس وجه الغيم حين بكى القطر

10. It was hard on the night - it tore its dress
In anger at it, split open and the dawn ripped.

١٠. وشق عليه الليل للذيل جيبه
وغيظا عليه انشق وانفلق الفجر

11. It woke up grieving, slapping the river’s cheek -
No moistened eye deserves excuse or pardon,

١١. وأصبح حزفا يلطم النهر خده
فليس لعين لم ترق دمعها عذر

12. Nor eyelid but rejoices in crying -
Its redness competing, outpacing the red camels.

١٢. ولا مقلة الا وفرحها البكا
تجارت وقد اضحت تسابقها الحمر

13. But the way of God - what the intention did
To our burning livers and what separation did!

١٣. الا في سبيل الله ما صنع النوى
باكبادنا الحرا وما فعل الهجر

14. The lion of the jungle disappeared, carried off by fate
And the days distinguished him from his cubs.

١٤. فقد غاب ليث الغاب واغتاله الردى
وافرده من بين اشباله الدهر

15. He passed the evening a stranger to the barren valley
And Egypt never stopped weeping over losing him.

١٥. امسى غريبا للصعيد مجاورا
وما برحت تبكي على فقده مصر

16. No wonder he disappeared into the soil
For he may hide in his lairs, the dust!

١٦. ولا عجب ان غاب في الترب شخصه
فقد يتوارى في معادنه التبر

17. He was unique, the axis of the circle of highness,
Lofty in honour, hidden to God in his glory.

١٧. لقد كان فردا قطب دائرة العلا
رفيع الذرى لله في مجده سر

18. He was righteous to us and a spring of generosity
And that was only because he was land and sea.

١٨. وكان بنا برا وللجود منهلا
وما ذاك الا انه البر والبحر

19. He was from a house whose layers were sublime
Sweet verse and prose adorned with him the world.

١٩. وقد كان من بيت تسامت طباقه
لنا في الورى يحلو به النظم والنثر

20. The imam of all kinds of praise, the gatherer
In the sanctuary of highness, dawn gleam and leaves.

٢٠. امام لانواع المحامد جامع
وفي حرم العليا وصبح الندى وتر

21. From his beneficence flows generosity he narrates
And from his openness, blessings he relates.

٢١. وفي الجود يروى عن سماحته عطا
وفي البذل يروي عن طلاقته بشر

22. How many hopes he realized, heights and joy
And a destiny - is this destiny not enough?

٢٢. وكم حاز راجيه علوا وسؤددا
وقدرا سما مجدا او يكفيك ذا القدر

23. His virtues cannot be counted by the mind
They have no limit and no number.

٢٣. مناقبه لم يحص في العقل عدها
ولس لها حد وليس لها حصر

24. I swear by the brilliant sun he has no equal
Nor can the age produce someone like him.

٢٤. واقسم بالشمس المنبرة ما له
نظير ولا يأتي بمثل له العصر

25. He did not care for the world - even if he wanted
Abundant money he could have had it in excess.

٢٥. وما كان للدنيا مريدا ولو بها
اراد جزيل المال كان له وفر

26. And if he is gone and his days folded away
His help is known through praise spread about him.

٢٦. وان يك قد ولى وايامه انطوت
فعرف نداه بالثناء له نشر

27. I did not know before when he was in the soil
Held captive that dust inhabits roses.

٢٧. وما كنت ادري قبل ان صار في الثرى
رهينا بان الترب يسكنه الدر

28. Nor did I say that the earth when it hid him
Eclipsed the shining sun and full moon within it.

٢٨. ولا قلت ان الارض حين ثوى بها
تغيب بها الشمس المنيرة والبدر

29. Nor that the sea carried him travelling
On the surface of a plank or enclosed him in a grave.

٢٩. ولا قلت ان البحر يحمل سائرا
لى ظهر لوح او يحيط به قبر

30. Alas - the full moon of its heavens has disappeared
He is gone and the land left desolate and barren.

٣٠. فو اسفا قد غاب بدر سمائها
وولى ومنه الارض مظلمة قفر

31. After him who is left for juristic opinions and questions
And who can clarify the meaning when the matter is unclear?

٣١. فمن للفتاوي والمسائل بعده
ومن يوضح المعنى اذا اشكل الامر

32. And who can grant those hoping from his overflowing generosity
When the time of generosity has left it barren?

٣٢. ومن يمنح الراجين من فيض جوده
اذا ما زمان الجود اجدبه الفقر

33. As if there is no longer a path for seekers
And nothing he established with his thoughts helps them.

٣٣. كأن لم يكن للطالبين مسلكا
ولم يسد مما حاكه لهم الفكر

34. Nor was he a sea of knowledge, an abundant source
Facilitating with his mirror-like wisdom and broadening of chests.

٣٤. ولا كان حبرا في العلوم مصدرا
يسر بمرآه وينشرح الصدر

35. Nor was he whose difficulty,when asked for help,
Enriched and accustomed ease to the one he favoured.

٣٥. ولا كان ذو عسر اله اذا أتى
فيثرى ومن يمناه يعتاده اليسر

36. Nor were his hands generous with loyalty
As if an ocean did not flow from them.

٣٦. ولا كان قد جادت اياديه بالوفا
ولا كان منها ابحر قد جرت عشر

37. Oh, his children - what God decreed is done
And one who died with virtues - his memory remains.

٣٧. الا يا بنيه ما قضى الله قد مضى
وما مات من بالمكرمات له ذكر

38. And if ar-Rumayli is gone from you
His generosity granting wishes is not gone from you.

٣٨. وان يكن العمري قد غاب عنكم
فما غاب عنكم جود نائله الغمر

39. And if the high star - its comet has disappeared
With God's praise you are its remaining blossoms.

٣٩. وان كانت العلياء غاب شهابها
فانتم بحمد الله انجمها الزهر

40. So may God magnify in him the reward for you
And inspire you with patience - greatly increasing rewards.

٤٠. فعظم فيه الله ربي اجوركم
والهمكم صبرا به يعظم الاجر

41. You will not taste harm or evil after him
Nor any plot or deception reach you.

٤١. ولا ذقتم رزا مدى الدهر بعدها
ولا نالكم سوء ولا نالكم مكر

42. We grieve to console you about him
But it is only the Sunnah including acceptance.

٤٢. يعز علينا ان نعزيكم به
وما هي إلا سنة ضمنها الصبر

43. May God water the soil covering him
And rain upon us from its clouds favor.

٤٣. سقى الله تربا ضمه وابل الحيا
وجاد علينا من سحائبه القطر

44. And replace for him this abode with a Garden
With mansions erected for him from every pearl.

٤٤. وعوضه عن هذه الدار جنة
يقوم له عن كل در بها قصر

45. Everlasting in the gardens of bliss
Interceding for all - a treasure for those without treasure.

٤٥. ولا زال في درا النعيم مجاورا
شفيع البرايا ذخر من لا له ذخر

46. A lofty spirit - without him there would be
No heaven or earth - and this is pride.

٤٦. نبيق سما فخرا ولولاه لم تكن
سماء ولا أرض وهذا هو الفخر

47. And how many signs appeared in his cradle
Signs, the house and stones bear witness for him.

٤٧. وكم آية في المهد قد ظهرت له
بها تشهد الآيات والبيت والحجر

48. Upon you, God's prayers and peace
Prayers by which we are saved when included in the Resurrection.

٤٨. عليك صلاة الله ثم سلامه
صلاة بها ننجو إذا ضمنا الحشر

49. And his family and companions whenever dawn appears
And the sun rises and the dawn breaks.

٤٩. وآل وصحب كلما لاح بارقٌ
وما أشرقت شمس وما طلع الفجر