1. If his saliva were not as sweet as wine,
His cheek would not resemble an apple.
١. لو لم يناسب ريق فيه الراح
ما كان شاكل خده التفاح
2. He came at night to complete nights of intimacy,
His saliva is wine, his separation, a lamp.
٢. ساق به كملت ليالي الأنس فال
ريق المدام وفرقه المصباح
3. On his face is the garden of beauty, his cheek
A rose, and his mouth, pomegranate seeds.
٣. في وجهه روض الجمال فخده
ورد وذاك الثغر منه اقاح
4. Our ears incline towards his sweet talk,
And our hearts find peace in his beauty.
٤. تصى لطيب حديثه اسماعنا
وقلوبنا بجماله ترتاح
5. The breeze plays with him, it is no wonder
If spirits become enamored with him.
٥. تتنشق النسمات رباه ولا
عجب اذا هامت به الأرواح
6. I opposed my friends because of him,
And disobeyed the advice of counselors.
٦. خالفت عذالي عليه لجلهم
وعصيت ما قد قاله النصاح
7. With union, he was not kind, nor
Did he profit me, yet gentleness is most fruitful.
٧. ما باله بالوصل لم يسمح ولم
يربح ثوابي والسماح رباح
8. He was coy with me when I admired him, though
I had no relief from passion in love for him.
٨. رشأ تبرج بي لواحظه وما
لي عن هواه في الغرام براح
9. How much I have to tell about my love for him,
My tears recount it while the slanderers watch.
٩. كم لي حديث في هواه مسلسل
عني رواه مدمعي الفضاح
10. Wondrous is he in love, he was not just,
His admirers were not spared, though they are chaste.
١٠. عجبا له في الحب لم يعدل ولم
تصفح لواحظه وهن صفاح
11. My innermost thoughts are filled with passion for him,
My limbs wounded with intense love for him.
١١. وجوانحي منه لقد ملئت جوى
وجوارحي منها بهن جراح
12. Oh, the days of youth! If only they
Could return and settle in the soul.
١٢. واها لايام الشباب لو انها
عادت وكان قرارها الارواح
13. God's will, I spent my youth,
A time of total joy.
١٣. للّه عصر شبيبة قضيّته
وزمان لهو كله افراح
14. When passion and union were at my command, and I
Had influence, no blame attached to me.
١٤. حيث الصبا والوصل طوع يدي ولي
حكم عليه ولا عليّ جناح