
What ails your dwellings, O Hama, that they are empty?

ما بال ربعك يا حماة لقد خلا

1. What ails your dwellings, O Hama, that they are empty?
They have changed to loneliness after company.

١. ما بال ربعك يا حماة لقد خلا
وبوحشة بعد الانيس تبدلا

2. Once they were dove nests of gentle rest,
And today ravens of separation croak in them.

٢. من قبل كان كناس آرام النقا
واليوم ينعب فيه غربان الفلا

3. My covenant with it and its present condition is loss.
Nothing went by quicker or failed more suddenly.

٣. عهدي به ولجيده الحالي ضيا
ما كان اسرع ما مضى وتعطلا

4. So I will neither weep over it with drawn out keening,
Nor show patience over it with neglect.

٤. فلا بكينّ عليه رسما معجماً
ولا فعلنّ الصبر عنه مهملا

5. Nor free because of it my tears' handmaidens,
Nor let tears flow from each eye in streams.

٥. ولا طلقنّ به جواري ادمعي
ولا جرين من كل عين جدولا

6. Yet how many a wretched man has misery afflicted!
And how many a man of purpose has affliction encompassed!

٦. ولكم فقير قد اضر به الشقا
ولكم معني قد أحاط به البلا

7. And how many a heart seeking glory and might
Has an eye that weeps with passion and acts!

٧. ولكم بها من رام وزنا قلبه
عينا تقطع في الهوى وتفعلا