1. A glance that captivates you, imitating it
Or a sheathed sword, its hilt shaking
١. لحظ يسبيك مقلده
ام سيف شاقك مغمده
2. With a moderate, slim build
Swaying with it or extending
٢. وقوام زاه معتدل
يهتز به ام املده
3. A crescent moon in its lineage
Its hair frizzes and becomes curly
٣. رشأ لهلال نسبته
يجلو بالشعر تجعده
4. My husband's hair is a gazelle walking
My glance following him longingly
٤. زوجي الشعر غزال خطا
تركي اللحظ منهده
5. A lone branch bending
Free in the present, detached in the past
٥. فرد يتثنى عامله
ماض في الحال مجرده
6. Beware of his dark stature
And be cautious, he looks at you frowning
٦. اياك واسمر قامته
واحذر يرنو لك اسوده
7. One whose outstanding branch prevails
His darkened entirety manifests itself
٧. ذو فرع ساد كتون دجا
يتجلى جل مسوده
8. The freshness of pearls flows from his mouth
Nothing distorted comes from him
٨. عن فيه صحاح الدر روت
ما صح عنه مبرده
9. You see him with shoulders
That hurt his sitting from their width
٩. يمشي فيريك له كفلا
منه يتألم مقعده
10. And if he tries to stand up hastily
You see him sit back down
١٠. ويكاد اذا ما رام على
عجل ليقوم فيقعده
11. And if he tightens his belt
You see its softness become hard
١١. واذا ما شد مناطقه
فيريك اللين تشدده
12. Harshly estranged, bored with intimacy
Passion drives him away
١٢. قاس بالوصل به ملل
بدنيه الصب فيبعده
13. Is it fair that I spend the night awake with him
Yet he sleeps through the night?
١٣. امن الانصاف ابيت به
سهران الليل ويرقده
14. My heart melts with agony over him
Yet patience is his armor against me
١٤. فالقلب يذوب عليه اسى
والصبر عصاه تجلده
15. If I complain to a boulder about what I suffer from him
Its frozenness would melt
١٥. لو اشكي ما بي منه إلى
صخر لتفتت جلمده
16. Or if I vent to a mountain about his threat of abandonment
It would collapse in yearning for him
١٦. او هام به جبل لهوى
مما بالهجر يهدده
17. My father, I would sacrifice myself for an aloof gazelle
Oh, how gazelles wander
١٧. بابي افديه غزال خبا
يا للغزلان تشرده
18. Wondrous is his crescent-shaped charm
As gracious as a gazelle hunted by a lion
١٨. عجبا في الحسن له رشأ
غنج والاسد تصيده
19. And strange is how his crescent pounced
But stranger still is how it became a lion
١٩. وعجيب كيف بصول رشا
بل اعجب منه تاسده
20. He is the full moon of life, a straight branch
The gazelle of the herd and their chief
٢٠. هو بدر الحي وغصن نقا
وغزال السرب وأغيده
21. Why then does he rebuke me
When he is the one who turned away from me?
٢١. فعلام عليه يعنفني
من عني راح يفنده
22. Shame on the aloofness that made him tyrannical
With aloofness, increasing his rebellion
٢٢. تبّا لعذول فيه طغى
بالعذل وزاد تمرده
23. Does he think I fear him? My guardian
Is a comet I watch in the horizon
٢٣. ايظن بان اخشاه ولي
في الافق شهاب يرصده
24. My master’s brilliance will be the full moon tomorrow
Jealous and envious of its darkness
٢٤. مولى لعلاه البدر غدا
في التم يغار ويحسده
25. Poets flock to him like ants to a cave
A group seeking him, aiming for him
٢٥. كهف تسعى الشعراء له
زمرا كالنمل وتقصده
26. The tales of his benevolence have become
Generosity that narrates and supports him
٢٦. فحديث نداه يداه غدت
لعطا ترويه وتسنده
27. He is an ocean except that his sweetness
Is a description for one who drinks from its springs
٢٧. هو بحرٌ الا ان حلا
وصفا للشارب مورده
28. I am one who draws from its waves
I admit, I do not deny it
٢٨. انا مغترف من نائله
انا معترف لا اجحده
29. So to you are poems since I composed
The dancing of rubies inlaid
٢٩. فاليك قواف مذ نظمت
رقص الياقوت منضده
30. You have from me the most beautiful praises
And they have from your generosity greater generosity
٣٠. لك من اوصا في احسنها
ولها من جودك اجوده
31. May your happiness remain complete
And increase from your most plentiful life
٣١. لا زال سرورك مكتملا
وصفا من عيشك ارغده
32. One who does not cease to chirp in joy and pleasure
And melody in the meadow singing
٣٢. ما صاح هزار ربا طربا
وحلا في الروض تغرده