
Enough, your love has consumed my ribs,

كفى وهواك ما تحوى ضلوعي

1. Enough, your love has consumed my ribs,
And enough are the tears that have flowed from me.

١. كفى وهواك ما تحوى ضلوعي
ويكفي ما جرى لي من دموعي

2. My love, some of this is enough, and far be it
That your beauty would lean upon all of me.

٢. حبيبي بعض ذا يكفي وحاشا
جمالك ان يميل على جميعي

3. With some of your love, you have torn my palm,
And it's no wonder that you would tear all of me.

٣. ببعض هواك قد مزقت كفي
ولا عجب لتمزيق الجميع

4. By the right of your love, return and turn back,
For I have no return from your union.

٤. بحق هواك عود وانعطاف
فما لي عن وصالك من رجوع

5. My being aloof in love for you has humbled me
By the right of his high, lofty stature.

٥. عذولي في هواه عليك خفض
بحق جنابه العالي الرفيع

6. Do I hear the word of an accursed devil
Who blames - I take refuge in God, the All-Hearing?

٦. أاسمع قول شيطان رجيم
يلوم اعوذ بالله السميع

7. With your life, intoxicate me, oh companion of inebriation,
For the one I love has become my laying down.

٧. بعيشك عاطني يا صاح سكرا
فمن اهواه قد امسى ضجيعي

8. Inspire with the sun of your cheek, the full moon of your face,
And join with his brilliance, the pleasant breeze.

٨. وحي بشمس راحك وجه بدر
وصل بسناءه الراح القطيعي

9. Leave off the words of the defamer, and give me to drink
Glistening for me, the light of candles.

٩. ودع قول المفند واسقنيها
مشعشعة لى ضوء الشموع

10. I cried, and in the inclination of yearning
Over it, I spent the age of shields.

١٠. بكيت وفي ميلات التصابي
عليها اسبغت عمر الدروع

11. The swords of water had assailed it -
Don't you see how they flowed like lamentation?

١١. نصال الماء قد صالت عليها
الم تر كيف سالت كالنجيع

12. She saw ruin and returned while still pure,
Teaching Hatem excellence in doing good.

١٢. رأت عادا وعادت وهي بكر
تعلم حاتما حسن الصنيع

13. For her in her past time there is ancient discourse,
Great in eloquence, unique in counsel.

١٣. لها في عصرها الماضي حديث
قديم جل من واش بديع