1. The sun of homes has illuminated with joy
And time has shown happiness and relief
١. شمس المنازل قد أنارت بالفرح
والدهر قد أبدى المسرة وانشرح
2. And through you, its days have been set right for us
After estrangement, and with time there was reconciliation
٢. وبكم قد اعتدلت لنا ايامه
بعد الجفا ومع الزمان قد اصطلح
3. And when you arrived in Damascus' plains
Joy came to it, and sadness departed
٣. ودمشق حين حللتمُ ساحاتها
وافى السرور بها وقد زال الترح
4. It rejoices happily in the orbit of its sky
And in it the morning of good news dawned and became clear
٤. وتهلك فرحا بدور سمائها
وبها صباح البشر اشرق واتضح
5. And its meadows prospered, its valley flourished
And it blossomed, and its birds sang with joy
٥. ورياضها بالحسن اينع دوحها
وزهت وبالافراح طائرها صدح
6. And the morning of congratulations illuminated
The splendor of its lights, and in it buds opened
٦. وأنار في صبح التهاني بهجة
نوارها وبها الاقاح قد انفتح
7. And it wore necklaces of its flowers
As the crown of glory adorns itself with honors
٧. وتقلدت درا ازاهرها كما
تاج العلا بالمكرمات قد اتشح
8. My Master, he spread gifts that mention him
Whose diffusion made fragrance blow and waft
٨. مولى لقد نشر العطا ذكرا له
من نشره فاح العبير وقد نفح
9. He is the generous, the precedence, the foremost
Who never deviated from the custom of connection, nor transgressed
٩. وهو الجواد المحرز السبق الذي
ما حاد عن عود الصلات ولا جمح
10. He ascended the summit, his status defined
And turn away from defects, and leave it if it barks
١٠. وعلى السماك سما محلّا قدره
واضرب عن العوا ودعه ان نبح
11. It suffices him pride in the heights that
He never sought a matter in the heights but excelled
١١. يكفيه فخرا في المعالي أنه
ما رام أمراً في العلا الانجح
12. And towards him who comes seeking
Except with abundant wealth he grants
١٢. ولنحوه ما جاء يسعى سائل
الا وبالمال الجزيل له منح
13. And fortune now looks to him
And to his heights the bird of heights has flapped
١٣. والسعد قد اضحى اليه ناظرا
والى علاه طائر العليا جنح
14. He bestows bounty generously without
Praise upon him, and the like of him is praised
١٤. يولى النوال تكرما من غير ما
مدح عليه ومثله من يمتدح
15. And the sea cannot tell of his gifts, and if
The serpents try to tell of his bounty, they will be exposed
١٥. والبحر لا يحكي عطاياه ولو
رام الحيا يحكي نداه لافتضح
16. And if weighed against Hatim in virtue
He would outweigh him at the greatest scale
١٦. وبحاتم في الفضل لو وازنته
يوما لكان عليه في العليا رجح
17. From his face flows glad tidings
And from his right hand stories of virtue are true
١٧. عن وجهه الضحاك يروى بشره
ويمينه عنها حديث الفضل صح
18. His attributes have taught me in the world
To string rhymes, rarities, and wit
١٨. اوصافه قد علمتني في الورى
نظم القوافي والنوادر والملح
19. A moon ascended, a meadow grew, a lion protected
A rain helped, a sea contained, a lightning bolt gushed
١٩. قمرٌ سما روضٌ نما ليثٌ حمى
غيثٌ همى بحر ضمى سيب طفح
20. I swear time will never bring his equal
No, nor before him one so generous and lenient
٢٠. اقسمت لا يأتي الزمان بمثله
كلا ولا من قبل جاد ولا سمح
21. My Master, O Lord of bounty, and who else
Can conclude praise with mention of him and thus begin?
٢١. مولاي يا رب النوال ومن اذا
ختم المديح بطيب ذكراه افتتح
22. Take it, an orphan with pearls, I have strung it
In stringing of necklaces and prayers
٢٢. خذها اليك يتيمة بالدر قد
نظمتهاه نظم القلائد والسبح
23. If it once appeared in the hearing of the beloved
Wine would dry up, and the cup would stop being offered
٢٣. في السمع يوما لو بدت لاخى الهوى
لجفا المدام وكان قد عاف القدح
24. So turn in affection, as poverty has been base before me
And my state has become clear, and betrayal exposed
٢٤. فاعطف وجد كرما فذل الفقر بي
اودى وحالي بان والغدر اتضح
25. And the cloud of your generosity's drizzle from its rain
Suffices me, and with it sorrow departs from my heart
٢٥. وسحاب جودك من نداه رشاشة
تكفي وعن قلبي يزول بها الترح
26. You are far above listening to an invalidator
Or a blamer - by my hands the blame, if sincere
٢٦. حاشاك ان تصغى لقول مفند
او عاذل بيدي الملام اذا اتصح
27. You are far above listening to an invalidator
Or a blamer - by my hands the blame, if honest
٢٧. حاشاك ان تصغى لقول مفند
او عاذل بيدي الملام اذا نصح
28. So live long, in every feast pleasing and lit
The robe of the valley did not sprinkle showers, nor
٢٨. فاسلم وعش عمرا طويلاً بالهنا
في كل مغنيق يروق ومصطبح
29. Did its sleeves drip the dew - from it burst forth
What overflowed and about my heart distress departed
٢٩. ما رش ثوب الدوح هطّال وما
اكمامه ندّ الندى منها رشح