
I wish you sincere affection without flattery

ودي لكم صدق بغير تملق

1. I wish you sincere affection without flattery
And equal in his claim, not doubting

١. ودي لكم صدق بغير تملق
وسوايَ في دعواه غير مصدق

2. O you whose beauty invites the gaze
Kindly, I ransom you, with the passionate heart

٢. يا من محاسنه تشوق لناظري
رفقا فديتك بالفؤاد الشيق

3. And look at my swollen eyelids and my tears
Maybe you will have mercy on my falling tears

٣. وانظر إلى جفني القريح وعبرتي
فعسى ترق لدمعي المترقرق

4. Spare a body that melted in you as a youth
It is enough for you what the heart finds and what it found

٤. واستبق جسما ذاب فيك صبابة
يكفيك ما يلقى الفؤاد وما لقي

5. No harm in my love if it remains for
My last breath, and you were content with what remains

٥. ما ضر من اهواه لو يبقى على
رمقي وكنت قنعت منه بما بقي

6. Who can I complain to that he rang
And of beauty he came in brigades

٦. من لي به شاكي السلاح لقد رنا
ومن المحاسن قد اتى في فيلق

7. Nobility is demolished and the harsh eyebrows
And the gaze between extended and lifted

٧. فالنبل هدب والقسيّ حواجب
والطرف بين مسدد ومفوق

8. If the freshness of his languid smile fades
I have no strength for the blue enemy

٨. انا ان سطا بسنان ذابل طرفه
لا طاقة لي بالعدو الازرق

9. Tell the one who reproaches for love of the cheeks
You must tread a narrow path

٩. قل للعذول على هوى الحاظه
حتام تسلك في طريق ضيق

10. I cannot bear the blame in him so let me
From saying uff or idle talk

١٠. انا لا اطيق العذل فيه فخلني
من قول واش او حديث متمق

11. O wilderness, what a rich navigation
Beautiful, belted and dotted

١١. يا للبرية من غنى ملاحة
زاهي الجمال ممنطق ومقرطق

12. I complain to the glory of his beauty, hopefully
Bringing him closer to me, mercifully giving

١٢. اشكو لعزّ جماله ذلي عسى
تدنيه مني رحمة المتصدق

13. By God, the night he visited me covertly
Fearing the observer and the foolish reproacher

١٣. للّه ليلة زارني متكتماً
حذر المراقب والعذول الاحمق

14. So he left and his belts slept on him
I wondered how can one who hasn't spoken sleep

١٤. فغدا وقد نمن مناطقه به
فعجبت كيف ينم من لم ينطق

15. The wine of coquetry intoxicates me
The water of life in his dewy cheek

١٥. نشوان من خمر الدلال يروقني
ماء الحياة بخده المترقرق

16. As if his cheeks and the down of his chin
Were marked with traits of an appended line

١٦. فكأن وجنته ونبت عذاره
طرس به آثار سطر ملحق

17. And his love, I remained captive of his fetters
And enough is my covenant in love and my pledge

١٧. وهواه لم ابرح اسير وثاقه
وكفاك عهدي في الغرام وموثقي

18. I spent my life in his love, if only
In love I had given the reward of the spender

١٨. انفقت عمري في هواه وليتني
في الحب لو اعطيت اجر المنفق

19. And donated my soul as the dew is donated
By the Judge of judges, Muhammad ibn Muzallaq

١٩. ووهبته روحي كما يهب الندى
قاضي القضاة محمد ابن مزلق

20. My Master, whenever I begged the clouds of his favor
Pouring the generous overflowing rain

٢٠. مولى متى استجديت سحب نواله
مستمطرا منها المكرم تغرق

21. It is as if his hands were created of generosity
And were created for nothing but giving

٢١. فكأنما خلقت يداه من السخا
وكأنما لسوى العطا لم تخلق

22. O Jalal who fulfilled wishes, so enjoy
Happily the days of loyalty and ascend

٢٢. يا جلّقا وافى الهنا فتمتعي
فرحا بايام الوفا وتحلق

23. For the Umayyad Mosque began to flourish
And from the beauty upon it came great splendor

٢٣. فالجامع الاموي اصبح يزدهي
ومن الجمال عليه عظم رونق

24. To God when he climbed it lamenting
In an outfit it flourishes and absolute beauty

٢٤. لله حين رقى عليه ساجعا
في حلة يزهو وحسن مطلق

25. With lamentation reminding us of the gardens and their promises
Moist where every pilgrim circles

٢٥. بالسجع يذكرنا الرياض وعوده
رطب يهيج عليه كل مطوّق

26. To your door service and loyalty I turned
That is enough for me, a trick for the seeker

٢٦. ذها لبابك خدمة وفت على
حسبي وذلك حيلة لمسترزق

27. A maiden the time hasn't seen her like
And to the meanings of her beauty I did not precede

٢٧. عذراء لم يأت الزمان بمثلها
وإلى معاني حسنها لم اسبق

28. Sorry for my delay with her, for you
I haven't fully praised and haven't fully covered

٢٨. عذرا لتأخيري بها ذفيك لم
استوف امداحي ولم استغرق

29. So enjoy her, for she is the one
Besides you the hopes did not hang

٢٩. فانعم بها متمتعا فهي التي
بسواك حيل رجائها لم يعلق

30. Your star is still rising with good fortune
And the group is gathered without separation

٣٠. لا زال نجمك بالسعادة طالعاً
والشمل مجتمع بغير تفرق

31. The morning hasn't stopped displaying its smile from the dew's mustache
It brought out his teeth, and the shining face of day appeared

٣١. ما افترّ ثغر الصبح عن شنب الندى
وبدا سنا وجه النهار المشرق