
O you who concealed your love fearing its loss

يا من كتمت هواه خوف فراقه

1. O you who concealed your love fearing its loss
My body was made ill by its loss

١. يا من كتمت هواه خوف فراقه
جسمي به أودى السقام فراقه

2. Have mercy on a lover consumed with passion for you
Whom the hands of yearning have pulled from his chains

٢. وارحم محبا في الغرام إليك قد
جذبته أيدي الشوق من أطواقه

3. He communicates his state through his tears
And the home he never found due to his longings

٣. عن حاله أضحى يترجم دمعه
وبيت ما بلقاه من أشواقه

4. I swear by it I'll never tire of it
And if I'm silent it's not due to my lack of passion

٤. قسما به لا ملت عنه سلوة
ولئن لسوت فلست من عشّاقه

5. Who will be my night companion with roving glances
A celestial pouring magic from his eyes

٥. من لي به ساجي اللحاظ مهفهف
هاروت يروي السحر عن أحداقه

6. I've not forgotten a specter who visited me though
Darkness had cast its shadow down his corridor

٦. لم انس طيفا زارني منه وقد
مد الظلام عليه ظل رواقه

7. And in the morning he offers me a cup of his talk
Frothy from his sweet embrace

٧. وغدا يعاطيني كؤس حديثه
ممووجة منه بطيب عناقه

8. Then I awoke with traces of the scent of comfort
Still on my mouth from his retreat

٨. ثم انتبهت وفي فمي من ثغره
آثار طعم الراح من ارايقه

9. And his traits point to him as surely as
His beauty points to his morals

٩. وعليه قد دلت شمائله كما
دلت محاسنه على اخلاقه