
The garden of blushing cheeks emerged like roses

اطلع روض الخدود وردا

1. The garden of blushing cheeks emerged like roses
Increasing my passion and ardour

١. اطلع روض الخدود وردا
فزادني في الغرام وجدا

2. And the night passed while infatuation held him
Offering me the sweetness of his saliva

٢. وبات والسكر قد ثناه
يعلّني من لماه شهدا

3. I sipped from it though my throat was parched
And plucked both fresh and withered cheeks

٣. ألثم منه فما وجيدا
وأجتلي سالفا وخدّا

4. A gazelle with the full moon's perfection
Captivating with beauty when it shows itself

٤. ظبي من الترك بدر تم
يسبيك حسنا اذا تبدي

5. The Pleiades yearn for its graceful neck
If only it could be a necklace for them

٥. تود في افقها الثريا
لجيده لو تكون عقدا

6. As the crescent wishes if only it
Could be a girdle for it and ornament

٦. كما يود الهلال ان لو
كان نطاقا له وبندا

7. You have attained the essence of beauty but
When you turn your back you seem alone

٧. قد حاز جمع البهاء لكن
اذا تثنى تراه فردا

8. You became the king of all lovely ones
Your every glance becoming an army for you

٨. مليك اهل الجمال اضحت
له جميع الملاح جندا

9. O instant, treat the lover gently
You have exceeded all bounds with him

٩. يا لحظه بالمحب رفقا
بالغت بالحد فيه حدا

10. Never did the nights of union come
Nor did the mornings of love last

١٠. وةما تحرى السلو يوما
وما تصدى ومات صدا

11. O the most graceful passion
Surpassing the branches of gardens in swaying

١١. يا للهوى من هوى رشيق
يفوق غصن الرياض قدا

12. You have excelled in praising him
To Abul Khair who guides

١٢. احسنت بالوصف فيه مدحا
إلى ابي الخير فهو يهدى

13. My Master, his gifts cannot be counted
In generosity, the day he fulfils promises

١٣. مولى عطاياه ليس تحصى
في البذل يوم النوال عدا

14. His pools of bounty overflow
And provide sustenance to those who seek it

١٤. له ابادٍ تفيض جودا
وتمنح الطالبين رفدا

15. He embodied the finest traits
And built glory and presided over praise

١٥. وقد حوى احسن السجايا
وشاد مجدا وساد حمدا

16. If I said he is like the sea, yet he is more generous
Or said like rain, yet he is more plentiful

١٦. ان قلت كالبحر فهو اسخى
او قلت كالغيث فهو اندى

17. If you count his receptions and loyalty
He is the most faithful fulfiller of promises

١٧. وان يعد تلقه وفيا
اوفى الورى نائلا ووعدا

18. My Master, she has come to you like a shy bride
Seeking your valuable company

١٨. مولاي خذها عروس خدر
اليك جاءت تروم نقدا

19. And prosper in your presence, striving
Every year with renewed desire

١٩. وانعم بعيد إتاك يسعى
في كل عام يضوع ندا

20. You give life to the likes of him and remain
A comforter of the soul and its ransom

٢٠. تحيى لامثاله وتبقى
ممتعا بالهنا مفدى

21. You continue to ascend the heights of grandeur
As glory adorns itself with your glory

٢١. لا زلت ترقى سما المعالي
ويكتسي المجد منك مجدا

22. You have always been patron to the times
Remaining both servant and minister

٢٢. ولم تزل للزمان مولى
ولم يزل خادما وعبدا