
Perhaps I see you on the horizon of perfection rising,

لعلياك في أفق الكمال مطالع

1. Perhaps I see you on the horizon of perfection rising,
And your fortune with favor and glory ascending,

١. لعلياك في أفق الكمال مطالع
وسعدك بالإقبال والعز طالع

2. And the branch of glories with delight has become fruitful,
And the garden of meanings has blossomed beautifully.

٢. وغصن المعالي بالهنا عاد مثمرا
وروض المعاني قد زها وهو يانع

3. The leaves of care for you have chirped with good news,
And sung to the twigs while they are ardent lovers.

٣. وورق الحمى في الايك بالبشر غردّت
وغنت على العيدان وهي سواجع

4. The breeze of nearness blew, its diffusion is fragrant,
And the custom we lost has come back to us.

٤. وهب نسيم القرب يعبق نشره
ووافى لنا العرف الذي منه ضائع

5. The days have returned to you, glowing as they began,
Bringing back to them the trusts out of joy.

٥. وعادت بك الايام تزهو كما بدت
سرورا وقد ردت اليها الودائع

6. The days shone beautifully and elatedly,
Flooded with the light of justice emanating.

٦. واشرقت الايام حسنا وبهجة
وقد عمها نور من العدل ساطع

7. An Umar-like conduct has spread among us,
Splitting the tyrants, and justice splits loudly.

٧. وقد سرت فينا سيرة عمرية
صدعت بها الباغين والحق صادع

8. Your determination has become like your past command,
And you are equal to your ancestors in generous deeds.

٨. وعزمك اضحى مثل امرك ماضيا
ومالك في افعال جود مضارع

9. The King has a polished Indian sword,
Polished for him by the Most Merciful with glory.

٩. وللملك سيفا قد جليت مهنداً
صقيلا له الرحمن بالمجد طابع

10. So good news, O ambitious of the life of munificence!
May this plentiful rain make you delighted and bountiful.

١٠. فيا شائما برق الحيا من نواله
ليهنك هذا الغيث هام وهامع

11. This is the sea whose palms
Gesture to us with fingers of generosity.

١١. وهذا هو البحر الذي من اكفه
تشير الينا بالاكف الاصابع

12. This contains the sublime wishes and the request
Which no reluctance in generosity has hindered.

١٢. وهذا حوى العلياء والمطلب الذي
عن البذل لم يحجبه في الجود مانع

13. This buys praise at the highest price,
When it stands in the market of eulogies as a seller.

١٣. وهذا باعلى قيمة يشتري الثنا
اذا قام في سوق المدائح بائع

14. This, by my life, is the destination of generosity and freshness,
And nothing but a collector of praises.

١٤. وهذا لعمري قبلة الجود والندى
وما هو الا للمحامد جامع

15. This is the shining full moon, and after it rose,
The full moons became envious of its rising.

١٥. وهذا هو البدر المنير ومن غدت
لطلعته تعنو البدور الطوالع

16. Time is nothing but its slave and servant,
Responding when it calls, hearing and obeying.

١٦. وما الدهر الا عبده وغلامه
يجيب لما يدعو سميع وطائع

17. Destiny has determined decisively that the den of its glory,
When it fights the enemies, victory will return to it.

١٧. قضى السعد جزما ان رابة مجده
اذا جالد الاعدا لها النصر راجع

18. A brother whose deeds cannot be resisted,
And who can defend against firmly rooted mountains?

١٨. اخو فعلات لا يطاق دفاعها
ومن للجبال الراسيات يدافع

19. The whiteness of blades has not distracted him from striking in battle,
When their redness dyes the fighting places.

١٩. ولم تلهه بيض عن البيض في الوغى
اذا صبغت من حمرهنّ المدارع

20. The blackness of dark nights is more beloved to him than blackness,
When the events whiten the blackness of dawns.

٢٠. وسمر القنا اشهى من السمر عنده
اذا بيّضت سود التواصي الوقائع

21. In his peace, there is a copious sea of generosity,
And in his war, a lethal poison for the enemy.

٢١. وفي سلمه بحر من الجود وافرٌ
وفي حربه سم من الموت نافع

22. His victory caused swords to befall the enemies,
And it had repercussions in the ears.

٢٢. ونصرته وقع السيوف على العدا
وللضرب في الاسماع منها مواقع

23. Its sharp swords landed in the brave ones,
And many bowed down prostrate amidst the ranks.

٢٣. صوارمه في الهام صلت وكم لها
هوى ساجد بين الصفوف وراكع

24. How many worn out armors it left above the ground,
With the eagle of death falling upon them.

٢٤. وكم غادرت فوق الثرى من معفر
طريح عليه طائر النسر واقع

25. It is no wonder that it spilled blood on the ground,
With its lightening flashes beaming.

٢٥. ولا بدع ان سحت دماء على الثرى
وقد سطعت منها البروق اللوامع

26. With its auspicious arrival our hearts were elated,
And our eyes envied our ears.

٢٦. بمقدمه الميمون سرت قلوبنا
وقد حسدتمنا العيون المسامع

27. My Master, whose might is watcher,
And in the orbit of sublime, his fortune is rising!

٢٧. اسيباي يا مولى له العز ناظر
وفي فلك العليا له السعد طالع

28. And O He whose pouring rain makes the clouds set out,
So unleash your munificence upon life successively!

٢٨. ويا بمن اذا ما السحب بالغيث اقلعت
فسيب نداه بالحيا متتابع

29. You have settled Damascus, so it is adorned with you,
Its prosperity is unified and unified it makes all.

٢٩. حللت دمشق الشام فانتظمت بها
عقود الهنا بالشمل والشمل جامع

30. Its days from the dawn of your justice have brightened,
And its pastures because of you have become lush.

٣٠. وأيامها عن صبح عدلك اسفرت
وقد اينعت بالبشر منها المراتع

31. You have spread justice in it after being folded,
And your mention because of justice is prevalent in all regions.

٣١. وفيها نشرت العدل من بعد طيه
وذكرك في الاقطار بالعدل شائع

32. Its full moons because of you have shone,
And its veils over its chambers have been lifted.

٣٢. وجبهتها اقمارها بك اشرقت
وعنها اميطت في الخدور البراقع

33. Its birds are thrilled by your rhythm beating,
And they sing your glory wistfully.

٣٣. وربوتها بالدف ينقر طيرها
وغنى على جنك لها وهو ساجع

34. The eyes that have long gushed with tears
Have settled, and their sorrowful flowing tears have stopped.

٣٤. وقرت عيون طالما قد تفجرت
وفاضت اسى بالحزن منها المدامع

35. Whoever felt distressed praises God,
For God’s grace is ample and expanding.

٣٥. وزال يحمد الله ما ضاق ذرعه
وذاك بفضل الله والفضل واسع

36. Thus, the times have been set right with you and moderated,
And days have eased up and hostility has ceased.

٣٦. فطابت بك الاوقات واعتدلت وقد
تنفست الايام والبين هاجع

37. From what time has harvested, it has repented
And come apologizing, and the apology intercedes.

٣٧. ومما جناه الدهر اصبح تائباً
ومعتذراً قد جاء والعذر شافع

38. So favor with it, my Master, whoever acted
To seek you, with no conflict in his quest.

٣٨. فاكرم به مولاي من عمل اتى
لنحوك يسعى ليس فيه تنازع

39. With might and invincible command,
And your action goes forth like your sword cutting.

٣٩. ودم وابق في عز وامرك نافذ
وفعلك ماضٍ مثل سيفك قاطع

40. A servant has brought you a humble service,
To it from you flows meaning beautifully portrayed.

٤٠. ودونكها من عبد بابك خدمة
لها منك معنى رائق الوصف رائع

41. Its houses have risen high with layers,
So all their meanings are original masterpieces.

٤١. تسامت علوّاً بالطباق بيوتها
فكل معانيها الحسان بدائع

42. It singles you out for the eulogy you deserve,
And praises the generosity which you have made.

٤٢. تخصك بالمدح الذي انت اهله
وتثني على الجود الذي انت صانع

43. So you have remained protected in prestige, supported,
With time for you a serving slave, obedient and humble.

٤٣. فلا زلت محروس الجناب مؤيدا
لك الدهر عبد خادم وهو خاضع