
O rider of the coach, when you pass the deserted camp,

ألا بالحمى إن جزت يا راكب الوجنا

1. O rider of the coach, when you pass the deserted camp,
Remember Al-Aamiriyah in song,

١. ألا بالحمى إن جزت يا راكب الوجنا
فشبب بذكر العامرية في المغنى

2. And greet the dwellers of the quarter and convey my regards,
Saying I left them lovesick and distressed,

٢. وحي عريب الحي واحمل تحيتي
وقل مغرما غادرته وبكم مضنى

3. If after my request they allow me to meet them,
What a delightful life! And O heart, be content!

٣. فإن سمحوا بعد القلا لي باللقا
فيا عيش ما احلى ويا قلب ما اهنا

4. From them my soul bought a glance,
So my heart by love's decree they took hostage.

٤. عريب بروحي منهم ابتعت نظرة
فقلبي على حكم الهوى اتخذوا رهنا

5. A human whose image my eyes portray,
And though they are absent, my heart feels their presence.

٥. يمثلهم انسان عيني صورة
وقلبي وان بانوا يشاهدهم معنى

6. O driver of the groans, hurry your pace
Enchanted, hail those who dwell in it,

٦. فيا سائق الاظعان عج بطويلع
سحيرا وحي الفازلين بها عنا

7. Sing of my beloved and reminisce of him,
And try when you return to convey the tune,

٧. وغن بمن اهوى وشبب بذكره
وحاول اذا رجعت ان تعرب اللحنا

8. Stop at the solitary hill east of Dharij,
And if you come to Sulayy take the right route.

٨. وقف بالكثيب الفرد شرقي ضارج
وان جئت سلعا والعقيق فخذ يمنا

9. And if the dwellers of the quarter appear from Mount Tayyibah
Unleash then the time of longing and harness the groan.

٩. وان بان بان الحي من نحو طيبة
فأطلق زمان الشوق واحبس به الظعنا

10. I love the lightning’s glow from the direction of Bariq
And recognize the morning breeze as it blows gently.

١٠. احب وميض البرق من نحو بارق
وعرف الصبا منه اذا ما سرى وهنا

11. And I long for the features of its dwellers
And the fragrant basil that grows in it.

١١. وأشتاق من نجد معالم ربعها
ومن نبتها زهر الربا العاطر المجنى

12. And if I did not shed my tears down its slope
May the Merciful never make me laugh after it again!

١٢. وان انا لم اسفح على السفح عبرتي
فلا اضحك الرحمن لي بعدها سنا

13. May Allah water your campsite plentifully
And scent the plain and valley from its outskirts,

١٣. سقى الله ذياك الحمى وابل الحيا
وعطر من ارجائه السهل والحزنا

14. For I have a moon in that horizon that did ascend
Surpassing all moons in its splendid light,

١٤. فلي قمر في ذلك الافق قد سما
يفوق على الاقمار بالواضح الاسنى

15. Of beautiful features, of glowing complexion, as white as a full moon,
Dazzling smile, most black-eyed and slender.

١٥. جميل المحيا ازهر اللون ابلج
بريق الثنايا اكحل ادعج اقنى

16. He is Mustafa from the honorable Hashimite clan
What bounty were his fathers! And what glory are his sons!

١٦. هو المصطفى من نسل اكرم والد
فيا كرم الآبا ويا شرف الابنا

17. The prophet of guidance who came to people as a mercy
To the wretched he brings gain, and to the fearful safety.

١٧. نبي الهدى قد جاء الخلق رحمة
فللبائس الجدوى وللخائف الامنا

18. He is the greatest of creation in rank and most generous
Sweetest of speech and most perfect of beauty.

١٨. اجل الورى قدرا واعظمهم يدا
واعذبهم نطقا واكملهم حسنا

19. From Al-Aqsa Mosque to the Throne he ascended
Until he was but two bow lengths or nearer,

١٩. من المسجد الاقصى الى العرش قد دنا
الى ان تراآى قاب قوسين او ادنى

20. And in the presence of proximity and intimacy with his Lord,
He was granted favor and life of goodness.

٢٠. وفي حضرة التقريب والانس ربه
حباه باحسان وحياه بالحسنى

21. That vision of him never wavered nor transgressed,
And he attained of the signs that which confused the mind.

٢١. وما زاغ ذاك الطرف منه وما طغى
ونال من الآيات ما حير الذهنا

22. In the decisive revelation his praise is most apt,
And He praised him in the Book as was his due.

٢٢. وفي محكم التنزيل احكم مدحه
واثني عليه في الكتاب بما اثنى

23. His companions in every field of excellence
Whose speech makes time run out but itself does not expire.

٢٣. واصحابه بالفضل في كل مشهد
حديثهم يفني الزمان ولا يفنى

24. Dark-complexioned, formidable in war against the polished swords,
Tall, long-armed, grappling opponents in combat.

٢٤. اسود اسود الحرب من كل ابلج
طويل نجاد السيف معتقل لدنا

25. When drowsiness covers the people, they are seen
Awake, neither slumbering nor napping,

٢٥. اذا غشي القوم النعاس تراهم
على يقظة ليسوا قياما ولا وسنا

26. When they shine in war they become piercing swords,
When they thunder, lions, when they rain, hailstones.

٢٦. اذا ابرقوا في الحرب صاروا صوارما
وان رعدوا اسدا وان مطروا مزنا

27. They charge furiously with penetrating glances,
Well-honed blades that have not adopted sheaths.

٢٧. يصولون في الهيجا باللحاظ مرهف
صقيل لغير الهام لم يتخذ جفنا

28. On the supple bending spear shaft their swords sing,
Making music to the rhythm as they unsheathe the stab.

٢٨. على حسن جس العود غنت سيوفهم
على الضرب بالايقاع اذ جردوا الطعنا

29. With them the night battle is as surging seas,
And if they make peace, humans, and if they war, jinn.

٢٩. بها ليل في الهيجا اماجيد في اللقا
اذا سالموا انسا وان حاربوا جنا

30. They sold themselves to the rule of jihad,
Finding therein no loss or cheating.

٣٠. وباعوا على حكم الجهاد نفوسهم
ولم يجدوا في ذاك حيفا ولا غبنا

31. The Messenger of Allah was their pillar,
By whom they avoid calamity - most honored pillar.

٣١. وكان رسول الله ركنهم الذي
به يتقون البأس اكرم به ركنا

32. Congratulations to them for the excellence of their beginning,
While we by excellent following indeed succeeded.

٣٢. هنيئا لهم فازوا بحسن ابتدائهم
ونحن بحسن الاتباع لقد فزنا

33. So O refuge, when I find no refuge for myself,
And sturdy fortress where I have made no fortress,

٣٣. فيا ملجأ اذ لم اجد لي ملجأ
وحصنا منيعا حيث لم اتخذ حصنا

34. Sins have heavily burdened my back with their weight,
While few are the good deeds I forwarded and their weight light.

٣٤. لقد اثقلت ظهري الذنوب بحملها
وقد خف ما قدمت من صالح وزنا

35. Perhaps a glance of yours will cure me
And through you my soul will attain the sublime goal.

٣٥. عسى ان مليك منك يشفى بنظرة
ومنك تفوز النفس بالمقصد الاسنى

36. And I will be saved from the day of severe punishment
When the towering camels, bowed low, are led to pasture.

٣٦. وانجو من اليوم الشديد عقابه
اذا ما الجيال الشامخات غدت عهنا

37. And my record will be given in my right hand while I bend down
Having attained my fortune through you, not through my right hand.

٣٧. واعطي كتابي باليمين وانثني
وقد نلت من سعدي بك لا من واليمنا

38. For in God I am confident of favorable thoughts,
And none who thought good of God was ever disappointed.

٣٨. لاني بحسن الظن بالله واثق
وما خاب من بالله قد احسن الظنا

39. So O Lord, by the one sent from Hashim and Adnan’s line
Make my dwelling place tomorrow a Paradise.

٣٩. فيا رب بالمبعوث من نسل هاشم
وعدنان فاجعل مسكني في غد عدنا

40. And bestow blessings on the Chosen One, and on his family perpetually,
In your meadow which is lush and green.

٤٠. وصل على المختار والآل ما شدا
على لايك قمريّ وفي روضة غني

41. And double my prayers with peace and pleasure
Upon his companions and followers, and be pleased with them.

٤١. وضاعف صلاتي بالسلام وبالرضى
على الصحب والاتباع وارض بهم عنا