
The maiden of the East appeared, radiant from the tents

تبدت فتاة الشرق تجلى من الخدر

1. The maiden of the East appeared, radiant from the tents
As the full moon appears midway through the month

١. تبدَّت فتاةُ الشرق تُجلَى من الخِدرِ
كما يتَبدَّى البدر مُنتَصف الشهرِ

2. She came with good tidings, adorned in coats
That had never been worn, with a full moon never arranged on a chest

٢. وجآءَت بوشيٍ ما تحلَّت معاطفٌ
بهِ وبدّرٍ ما تنظَّم في نحرِ

3. Her pages were embroidered by the pens of generous authors
As the elegant garden was embroidered by the dew of rainfall

٣. تدبجّهُا أقلام أَكرم غادةٍ
كما دبَّج الروضَ الأنيق نَدَى القطر

4. A journal of virtue, encompassing every art form
As the sweetened, cooled wine mixes with liquor

٤. مجلَّة فضلٍ كلَّ فنٍّ تضمنَّت
كما امتزَجَ العذبُ المبرَّد بالخمرِ

5. She deserves credit for granting us her gifts
As we owe her deserved thanks

٥. لها الفضلُ فيما أَتحفَتنَا بهِ كَما
علينا لَها ما تستحقُّ من الشكرِ