
The worries have vanished, joy has appeared

تبدى الهنا والهم أضحى مبددا

1. The worries have vanished, joy has appeared
And birds have chirped in the branches, singing

١. تبدَّى الهنا والهمُّ أضحى مُبَدَّدا
وقد صاحَ في الأَغصانِ طيرٌ وغرَّدا

2. The moon of the horizon has risen after its setting
So grief has departed from hearts where it burned

٢. واشرقَ بدرُ الأفقِ بعد افولهِ
فزالَ عن الأكبادِ ما كانَ اكمدا

3. From the West it has come to illuminate our land
Has any previous moon from the West shone?

٣. من الغربِ قد وافَى يضيءُ بأرضنا
وهل قبلهُ بدرٌ من الغربِ قد بدا

4. Eyes were delighted the day they saw him
As a day that was pitch-black turned white

٤. لقد قرَّتِ الأبصارُ يومَ لقآئِه
كما ابيضَّ يومٌ كانَ بالبين اسودا

5. He is the unique scholar, the like of whom is rare
A gentleman cloaked in the robe of perfection

٥. هو العالمُ الفردُ الذي عزَّ مثلُهُ
أديبٌ بجلبابِ الكمالِ قَدِ ارتَدَى

6. Beyond any second, and no wonder, for who
Has seen other than the full moon traversing the sky?

٦. تنزَّهَ عن ثانٍ ولا عَجَبٌ فَمن
رأَى غيرَ بدرٍ في السمآءِ تردَّدا

7. He arose as a shepherd in the heart of the church
And for it he was a pillar of glory erected

٧. لقد قامَ في صدرِ الكنيسةِ راعياً
فكانَ لها ركناً من المجدِ شُيّدا

8. In him gathered the finest attributes until
They stood as his servants when he stood as their lord

٨. بهِ اجتمعت أَبهى المناقبِ فاستَوَت
عبيداً لهُ إذ قامَ فيهنَّ سيّدا

9. Refined was his nature, as refined was his affection
And good was his character, as good was his birth

٩. لقد رقَّ طبعاً مثلماراقَ ودُّهُ
وقد طابَ خُلقاً مثلما طابَ مولدا

10. A quarter shone when he settled there, so if he walked
He would have strode barefoot to the encounter

١٠. تهلَّلَ ربِعٌ حلَّ فيهِ فلو مَشَى
لكانَ سَعَى نحو اللقآءِ مجرَّدا

11. So he remains at the peak of glory, high as
His name, and in the world safe from decay

١١. فلا زال في أوجِ العُلَى عالياً كما
يُسَمَّى وفي الدنيا سليماً من الردى