
The beloved visited, so my eyelids were visited by sorrow

زار الحبيب فزار أجفاني الكرى

1. The beloved visited, so my eyelids were visited by sorrow
And joy approached, it had strayed from my heart

١. زارَ الحبيبُ فزارَ أَجفاني الكَرَى
ودَنا سرورٌ كان عن قلبي سَرَى

2. Do not deny that he was absent from us once
It is the nature of stars to set and then rise

٢. لا تنكروا أن غابَ عنا مرَّةً
شِيَمُ الكواكب أَن تغيبَ فتظهرا

3. The full moon returned after its setting
Shining upon the eyes after the darkness

٣. وافى كبدر الأفق بعدَ غروبهِ
فجلا عن العين الظلام الأَغبَرا

4. Welcome is he who took hearts as a trust
And brought them back with him to cross the seas

٤. أهلاً بمَن أخَذ القلوب وديعةً
وأَعادها معهُ تخوض الأَبحرُا

5. I thought meeting him was an illusion
As if he still appeared before my eyes

٥. إني ظننت لقاهُ وهماً كاذباً
إذ كان في عيني يظلُّ مصوَّرا

6. How many nights did I stay up watching stars
Only to miss the phantom that came with glad tidings

٦. كم بتُّ في سهرٍ أراعي أَنجُماً
فحُرِمتُ طيفاً جآءَ منهُ مُبَشِّرا

7. I gifted him the pearls of my words, rhymed
Scattered by the pearls of my tears

٧. أهديتهُ دُرَّ الكلام منظَّماً
يبدو لَدَى دُرّ الدموع منثَّرا

8. No longer can days of intimacy be restored after the meeting
Just as days of meeting cannot be restored after intimacy

٨. لا ردَّ أيَّام السُّرَى بعد اللقا
مَن ردَّ أيَّام اللقا بعد السُّرَى