1. God granted that I would meet Humaid bin Bahdal
In a position wherein halfway I found guidance
١. مَنا اللَهُ أَن أَلقى حُمَيدَ بنَ بَحدَلٍ
بِمَنزِلَةٍ فيها إِلى النِصفِ مُعلَما
2. So we may give him and test between us
A lantern that lights up confused understandings
٢. لَكيما نُعاطيهِ وَنَبلُوَ بَينَنا
سُريجِيَّةً يُعجِمنَ في الهامِ مُعجَما
3. Oh, would that my wish had met me
And I did not see the dead of the year, O mother of Islam
٣. أَلا لَيتَ أَنّي صادَفَتني مَنِيَّتي
وَلَم أَرَ قَتلى العامِ يا أُمَّ أَسلَما
4. And I did not see the dead that left me after them
Two hands, so I do not hope for a maimed life
٤. وَلَم أَرَ قَتلى لَم تَدَع لي بَعدَها
يَدَينِ فَما أَرجو مِنَ العَيشِ أَجذَما
5. And I swear, no coward with ankle chains
Is braver than Ja’ad, liberal and valiant
٥. وَأُقسِمُ ما لَيثٌ بِخُفّانَ خادِرٌ
بِاِشجَعَ مِن جَعدٍ جَناناً وَمُقدَما