1. The stillness and silence grieved her,
The meditations of her soul and its dreams.
١. أَلَمَّت خُناسُ وَإِلمامُها
أَحاديثُ نَفسٍ وَأِحلامَها
2. A Yemenite, from the tribe of Malik -
Her uncles were exalted in glory.
٢. يَمانِيَّةٌ مِن بَني مالِكٍ
تَطاوَلَ في المَجدِ أَعمامُها
3. Yet we have an origin, a noble root -
The days roll back according to its movements.
٣. وَإِنَّ لَنا أَصلَ جُرثومَةٍ
تَرُدُّ الحَوادِثَ أَيّامُها
4. It drives back the battalion in shackles
By it I overwhelm them and by it I hope.
٤. تَرُدُّ الكَتيبَةَ مَغلولَةً
بِها أَفنُها وَبِها آمُها