
The stillness and silence grieved her,

ألمت خناس وإلمامها

1. The stillness and silence grieved her,
The meditations of her soul and its dreams.

١. أَلَمَّت خُناسُ وَإِلمامُها
أَحاديثُ نَفسٍ وَأِحلامَها

2. A Yemenite, from the tribe of Malik -
Her uncles were exalted in glory.

٢. يَمانِيَّةٌ مِن بَني مالِكٍ
تَطاوَلَ في المَجدِ أَعمامُها

3. Yet we have an origin, a noble root -
The days roll back according to its movements.

٣. وَإِنَّ لَنا أَصلَ جُرثومَةٍ
تَرُدُّ الحَوادِثَ أَيّامُها

4. It drives back the battalion in shackles
By it I overwhelm them and by it I hope.

٤. تَرُدُّ الكَتيبَةَ مَغلولَةً
بِها أَفنُها وَبِها آمُها