
Afatim, go slowly with some of my blame, for I

أفاطم مهلا بعض لومي فإنما

1. Afatim, go slowly with some of my blame, for I
Only amuse a soul that is impatient to depart.

١. أَفاطِمَ مَهلاً بَعضَ لَومي فَإِنّما
أُمَتِّعُ نَفساً قَد أُحِمَّ انطِلاقيا

2. You say, "You have carried debt in your eyes and pillars."
I hastened my money and recalled my opponents.

٢. تَقولُ حَمَلتَ الدينَ عَيناً وَعامِداً
تَعَجَّلتُ مالي وَادَّكَرتُ خِلافيا

3. If you wanted me to stay, then make it brief
Upon you, you who remain, what remains.

٣. فَإِن كُنتِ إِبقاءً أَرَدتِ فَأَقصِري
عَلَيكِ العَنا تَبقينَ ما كانَ باقيا

4. Afatim, what will you accomplish about what befalls me
When it ascends until it touches the highest?

٤. أَفاطِمَ ما تُغنينَ فيما يَنوبُني
إِذا صَعَّدَت حَتّى تَمَسَّ التَراقِيا

5. And they have sent their shroud-maker, so they took comfort
In a heart inclined not to stay long in Iraq.

٥. وَقَد أَرسَلوا فُرّاطَهُم فَتَأَثَّلوا
قَليباً نَزوعاً لا تَبُلُّ العَراقِيا

6. And the loved ones who used to love my company
Loved me and I did not sin against them by parting.

٦. وَأَمسى الأُلى كانوا يُحِبُّونَ صُحبَتي
أَحَبّوا وَلَم أُذنب إِلَيهِم فِراقيا