
I once said to she who blamed me

أقول لعاذلتي مرة

1. I once said to she who blamed me
While she was set firmly against our love:

١. أَقولُ لِعاذِلَتي مَرَّةً
وَكانَت عَلى وِدِّنا قائِمَه

2. "If you do not see what I see,
Then make clear between us what has you so strict.

٢. إِذا أَنتِ لَم تُبصِري ما أَرى
فَبيني وَأَنتَ لَنا صارِمَه

3. Do you not see the clan of Hashim
Whom an unjust faction has destroyed?

٣. أَلَستِ تَرَينَ بَني هاشِمٍ
قَدَ اَفنَتهُمُ الفِئَةُ الظالِمَه

4. While you adorn them with guidance
And the children of Fatima wander aimlessly.

٤. وَأَنتِ تُزَنِّينَهُم بِالهُدى
وَبِالطَّفِّ هامُ بَني فاطِمَه

5. Had you been firmly rooted in the Scripture
And well informed about 'The Confederates'

٥. فَلَو كُنتِ راسِخَةً في الكِتابِ
بِالَاحزابِ خابِرَةً عالمَه

6. You would know them to be a group
Upon whom an eternal curse is set.

٦. عَلِمتِ بِأَنَّهُمُ مَعشَرٌ
لَهُم سَبَقَت لَعنَةٌ حاتِمَه

7. I will make myself a shield for them,
So do not blame me too much.

٧. سَأَجعَلُ نَفسي لَهُم جُنَّةً
فَلا تُكثِري بي مِنَ اللائمَه

8. I hope by that for the Basin of the Messenger,
For the triumph and eternal blessing.

٨. أُرَجّي بِذَلِكَ حَوضَ الرَسو
وَالفَوزَ وَالنِعمَةَ الدائِمَه

9. My soul will perish if Barra perishes,
And will escape if she who won the camel escapes."

٩. لَتَهلَكَ إِن هَلَكَت بَرَّةً
وَتَخلُصَ إِن خَلَصَت غانَمَه