
Living is worthless but for frugality;

العيش لا عيش إلا ما اقتصدت فإن

1. Living is worthless but for frugality;
If wasteful and prodigal, destitution and decay you shall surely meet.

١. العَيشُ لا عَيشَ إِلّا ما اِقتَصَدتَ فَإِن
تُسرِف وتبذر لَقيتَ الضُرَّ وَالعَطبا

2. Knowledge adorns and ennobles its bearer;
Seek the jewel of knowledge and literature as a gift.

٢. العِلمُ زَينٌ وَتَشريفٌ لِصاحِبِهِ
فاِطلُب هُديتَ فنونَ العِلمِ وَالأَدَبا

3. No good in him who lacks manners with ancestry;
Until he rises to the level his hump warrants.

٣. لا خَيرَ فيمَن لَهُ أَصلٌ بِلا أَدَبٍ
حَتّى يَكونَ عَلى ما زانَهُ حَدِبا

4. How many highborn of base stock and loudmouthed;
Their lineage among the throng exalted while being upstarts.

٤. كَم مِن حَسيبٍ أَخي عَيٍّ وَطَمطَمَةٍ
فَدمٍ لَدى القَومِ مَعروقٍ إِذا اِنتَسَبا

5. In an honored house their sires nobles;
Afterwards they became the tail what once was the head.

٥. في بَيتِ مَكرُمَةٍ آباؤهُ نُجُبٌ
كانوا رؤوساً فَأَمسى بَعدهُم ذَنَبا

6. One both heedless of forebears yet mannered;
Through manners and rank did attain heights.

٦. وَخامِلٍ مُقرِفِ الآباءِ ذي أَدَبٍ
نالَ المَعاليَ بِالآدابِ وَالرُتَبا

7. He became mighty, grand, renowned;
On his cheek a scar that long has hid.

٧. أَضحى عَزيزاً عَظيمَ الشأَنِ مُشتَهِراً
في خَدِّهِ صَعَرٌ قَد ظَلَّ مُحتَجِبا

8. Knowledge is a cache that shall never run out;
Fine companion it makes if accompanied.

٨. العِلمُ كَنزٌ وَذُخرٌ لا نَفادَ لَهُ
نِعمَ القَرينُ إِذا ما صاحَبَ صُحبا

9. A man gathers wealth only for it to be snatched;
In no time he meets subjugation and devastation.

٩. قَد يَجمَعُ المَرءُ مالاً ثُمَّ يُسلَبُهُ
عَمّا قَليلٍ فَيَلقى الذُلَّ وَالحَرَبا

10. The learned is blissful through it forever;
Neither loss nor dispossession need he fear.

١٠. وَجامِعُ العِلمِ مَغبوطٌ بِهِ أَبَداً
وَلا يُحاذِر مِنهُ الفَوتَ وَالسَلبا

11. O learned one, choice treasure you amass;
It matches not pearl nor gold in equivalence.

١١. يا جامِعَ العِلمِ نِعمَ الذخرُ تَجمَعُهُ
لا تَعدِلَنَّ بِهِ دُرّاً وَلا ذَهَبا