
They turn me away from Salim and I turn them

يديرونني عن سالم وأديرهم

1. They turn me away from Salim and I turn them,
While between the eye and the nose is unblemished Salim.

١. يُديرونَني عَن سالِمٍ وَأُديرُهُم
وَجِلدَةُ بَينَ العَينِ وَالأَنفِ سالِمُ

2. If what I own were to appear, I would spend the night curled up.
Nabhan is heedless of the dormant longing within me.

٢. وَلَو بانَ مِن مُلكي لَبِتُّ مُسَهَّداً
وَنَبهانُ عَمّابي مِن الشَجوِ نائِمُ

3. O Abu Thabit, you have endowed your family with resolve,
So your view is praiseworthy and your era everlasting.

٣. أَبا ثابِتٍ ساهَمتَ في الحَزمِ أَهلَهُ
فَرأيُكَ مَحمودٌ وَعَهدُكَ دائِمُ