
A man has spoken a decisive word about truth

وإن امرء قد قال في الحق خطة

1. A man has spoken a decisive word about truth
Seeking its verification through its clarity

١. وَإِنَّ امرَءً قَد قالَ في الحَقِّ خُطَّةً
لَمُلتَمِسٌ تَصديقَها بِبيانِها

2. Leave wine for the reckless to drink, as for me
I have seen its consequence equal its vanity

٢. دَعِ الخَمرَ يَشرَبها الغُواةُ فَإِنَّني
رَأَيتُ أَخاها مُجزياً لِمَكانِها

3. For if it does no harm or it does, verily
It is a brother its mother nursed with her milk

٣. فَإِن لا يَكُنها أَو تَكُنهُ فَإِنَّهُ
أَخٌ أَرضَعَتهُ أُمُّها بِلِبانِها