
O hope, for what is not destined

أيها الآمل ما ليس له

1. O hope, for what is not destined
Perhaps it deceives a fool, his hope

١. أَيُها الآملُ ما لَيسَ لَهُ
رُبَّما غَرَّ سَفيهاً أَمَلُه

2. Many a one who spends the night wishing himself
His appointed term comes before his wish is fulfilled

٢. رُبَّ مَن باتَ يمنّي نَفسَهُ
حالَ مِن دونِ مُناهُ أَجَلُه

3. The scheming youth in what has afflicted him
His tricks may sometimes fail him

٣. وَالفَتى المُحتال فيما نابَهُ
رُبَما ضاقَت عَلَيهِ حِيَلُه

4. Say to him who moralized in his verses
Man perishes but his moral remains

٤. قُل لِمَن مَثَّلَ في أَشعارِهِ
يَهلك المَرءُ وَيَبقى مَثَلُه

5. Compete with the virtuous in his virtue
His good work will suffice you as glory

٥. نافِسِ المُحسِنَ في إِحسانِهِ
فَسَيَكفيكَ سَناءً عَمَلُه