1. Sleeplessness troubled me, and pressing cares possessed my thoughts,
A young man's concerns march on, both early and late.
١. أَرِقتُ وَهاجَتني الهُمومُ الحَواضِرُ
وَهَمُُّ الفَتّى سارٍ عَليهِ وَباكِر
2. I have a friend who wronged me, or I did him wrong,
Thus disputants, neither innocent nor guilty.
٢. وَلي صاحِبٌ قَد رابَني أَو ظَلَمتُهُ
كَذَلِكَ ما الخَصمانِ بَرٌّ وَفاجِر
3. He pleads and makes excuses for himself,
But God upholds the wronged and brings them victory.
٣. إِذا قالَ يَلحاني وَيعذُرُ نَفسَهُ
وَفي اللَهِ لِلمَظلومِ عِزٌّ وناصِرُ
4. And I'm a man who says openly and intentionally
I will do as men do, discreetly and openly.
٤. وَإِنّي امرؤٌ عِندي وَعمداً أَقولُهُ
لآتي الَّذي يَأتي امرؤٌ وَهوَ خابِرُ
5. Two tongues visit me, one slick with deceit,
The other rough and harsh in what it utters.
٥. لِسانانِ مَعسولٌ عَليهِ غَراوَةٌ
وَآخَرُ مَذروبٌ عَليهِ الشَراشِرُ
6. They stay the night with me, then leave at dawn,
Saying all the eloquent things people say.
٦. يَبيتانِ عِندي ثُمَّ كُلٌّ إِذا غَدا
بِكُلِّ كَلامٍ قالَهُ الناسُ ماهِرُ
7. And whichever met mishap from them
On roads the holy pilgrims' steps once traced,
٧. وَكانَ الَّذي يَلقى الوُعوثَةَ مِنهُما
عَلى سُبُلٍ قَد أنهَجَتهَا العَيائِرُ
8. I offered him sincere advice, withholding nothing,
Though to the heedless man no counsel comes, however wise.
٨. فَقُلتُ وَلَم أَبخَل عَلَيهِ نَصيحَتي
وَلِلمَرءِ ناهٍ لا يَراهُ وَزاجِرٌ
9. When you seek to prove innocence, then shun
Any excuse till proofs on every side appear.
٩. إِذا أَنتَ حاولتَ البَراءَةَ فاجتَنِب
حَرا كُلِّ أَمرٍ تَعتَريهِ المَعاذِرُ
10. Excuses may surrender the excused to ruin,
And calumny destroy the truly innocent.
١٠. فَقَد تُسلِمُ المَرءَ المَعاذيرُ لِلرَدى
فَيردى وَقَد تُردي البَريءَ الجَرائِرُ
11. A poet, thinking himself exalted, his high-flown words
Lavished on him, "You are most eloquent!"
١١. وَشاعِرِ سَوءٍ غَرَّهُ أَن تَرادَفَت
لَهُ المُفخِمونَ القَولَ إِنَّكَ شاعِرُ
12. I indulged him once, then left him be,
Since he was pleased before with less, though paltry.
١٢. عَطَفتُ عَليهِ مَرَّةً فَتَرَكتُهُ
لِما كانَ يَرضى قَبلَها وَهوَ حاقِرُ
13. Rhyming in facile, slack, and easy measures,
No crafted verse, but rambling prose in rhyme.
١٣. بِقافِيَةٍ حَذّاءَ سَهلٍ رَوِيُّها
كَسَردِ الصَناعِ لَيسَ فيهِ تَواتُرُ
14. I spoke in verse, and his rhyme could not defeat me,
For speech has doors both wide and narrow ways.
١٤. نَطَقتُ وَلَم يَعجِز عَليَّ رَوِيُّها
وَلِلقَولِ أَبوابٌ تُرى وَمَخاصِرُ
15. He counts the stars' slow journey, and he sleeps,
When midnight rests the anxious traveller.
١٥. يُعَدّي الكَرى عَن عَينِهِ وَهوَ ناعِسٌ
إِذا اِنتَصَفَ اللَيلَ المُكِلُّ المُسافِرُ
16. When it is done, he takes the road again, as if
Drunk with delight, or bent on dissipation.
١٦. إِذا ما قَضاها عادَ فيها كَأَنَّهُ
لِلَذَّتِهِ سَكرانُ أَو مُتَساكِرُ